ConsoleKeyInfo.KeyChar Vlastnost
Některé informace platí pro předběžně vydaný produkt, který se může zásadně změnit, než ho výrobce nebo autor vydá. Microsoft neposkytuje žádné záruky, výslovné ani předpokládané, týkající se zde uváděných informací.
Získá znak Unicode reprezentovaný aktuálním ConsoleKeyInfo objektem.
property char KeyChar { char get(); };
public char KeyChar { get; }
member this.KeyChar : char
Public ReadOnly Property KeyChar As Char
Hodnota vlastnosti
Objekt, který odpovídá klíči konzoly reprezentované aktuálním ConsoleKeyInfo objektem.
Následující příklad používá KeyChar vlastnost k přidání znaků vstup uživatele do řetězce. Příklad ignoruje jiné speciální klíče než ENTER, ESC a BACKSPACE.
using System;
public class Example
public static void Main()
// Configure console.
Console.BufferWidth = 80;
Console.WindowWidth = Console.BufferWidth;
Console.TreatControlCAsInput = true;
string inputString = String.Empty;
ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo;
Console.WriteLine("Enter a string. Press <Enter> or Esc to exit.");
do {
keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(true);
// Ignore if Alt or Ctrl is pressed.
if ((keyInfo.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Alt) == ConsoleModifiers.Alt)
if ((keyInfo.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Control) == ConsoleModifiers.Control)
// Ignore if KeyChar value is \u0000.
if (keyInfo.KeyChar == '\u0000') continue;
// Ignore tab key.
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Tab) continue;
// Handle backspace.
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace) {
// Are there any characters to erase?
if (inputString.Length >= 1) {
// Determine where we are in the console buffer.
int cursorCol = Console.CursorLeft - 1;
int oldLength = inputString.Length;
int extraRows = oldLength / 80;
inputString = inputString.Substring(0, oldLength - 1);
Console.CursorLeft = 0;
Console.CursorTop = Console.CursorTop - extraRows;
Console.Write(inputString + new String(' ', oldLength - inputString.Length));
Console.CursorLeft = cursorCol;
// Handle Escape key.
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) break;
// Handle key by adding it to input string.
inputString += keyInfo.KeyChar;
} while (keyInfo.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter);
Console.WriteLine("\n\nYou entered:\n {0}",
String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputString) ? "<nothing>" : inputString);
open System
// Configure console.
Console.TreatControlCAsInput <- true
printfn "Enter a string. Press <Enter> or Esc to exit."
let mutable inputString = String.Empty
let mutable keyInfo = Unchecked.defaultof<ConsoleKeyInfo>
while keyInfo.Key <> ConsoleKey.Enter && keyInfo.Key <> ConsoleKey.Escape do
keyInfo <- Console.ReadKey true
// Ignore if Alt or Ctrl is pressed.
if keyInfo.Modifiers &&& ConsoleModifiers.Alt <> ConsoleModifiers.Alt &&
keyInfo.Modifiers &&& ConsoleModifiers.Control <> ConsoleModifiers.Control &&
// Ignore if KeyChar value is \u0000.
keyInfo.KeyChar <> '\u0000' &&
// Ignore tab key.
keyInfo.Key <> ConsoleKey.Tab then
// Handle backspace.
if keyInfo.Key = ConsoleKey.Backspace then
// Are there any characters to erase?
if inputString.Length >= 1 then
// Determine where we are in the console buffer.
let cursorCol = Console.CursorLeft - 1
let oldLength = inputString.Length
let extraRows = oldLength / 80
inputString <- inputString.Substring(0, oldLength - 1)
Console.CursorLeft <- 0
Console.CursorTop <- Console.CursorTop - extraRows
printf $"{inputString + String(' ', oldLength - inputString.Length)}"
Console.CursorLeft <- cursorCol
// Handle key by adding it to input string.
printf $"{keyInfo.KeyChar}"
inputString <- inputString + string keyInfo.KeyChar
printfn $"""
You entered:
{if String.IsNullOrEmpty inputString then "<nothing>" else inputString}"""
Module Example
Public Sub Main()
' Configure console.
Console.BufferWidth = 80
Console.WindowWidth = Console.BufferWidth
Console.TreatControlCAsInput = True
Dim inputString As String = String.Empty
Dim keyInfo As ConsoleKeyInfo
Console.WriteLine("Enter a string. Press <Enter> or Esc to exit.")
keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(True)
' Ignore if Alt or Ctrl is pressed.
If (keyInfo.Modifiers And ConsoleModifiers.Alt) = ConsoleModifiers.Alt _
Then Continue Do
If (keyInfo.Modifiers And ConsoleModifiers.Control) = ConsoleModifiers.Control _
Then Continue Do
' Ignore if KeyChar value is \u0000.
If keyInfo.KeyChar = ChrW(0) Then Continue Do
' Ignore tab, clear key.
If keyInfo.Key = ConsoleKey.Tab Then Continue Do
' Handle backspace.
If keyInfo.Key = ConsoleKey.Backspace Then
' Are there any characters to erase?
If inputString.Length >= 1 Then
' Determine where we are in the console buffer.
Dim cursorCol As Integer = Console.CursorLeft - 1
Dim oldLength As Integer = inputString.Length
Dim extraRows As Integer = oldLength \ 80
inputString = inputString.Substring(0, oldLength - 1)
Console.CursorLeft = 0
Console.CursorTop = Console.CursorTop - extraRows
Console.Write(inputString + New String(" "c, oldLength - inputString.Length))
Console.CursorLeft = cursorCol
End If
Continue Do
End If
' Handle Escape key.
If keyInfo.Key = ConsoleKey.Escape Then Exit Do
' Handle key by adding it to input string.
inputString += keyInfo.KeyChar
Loop While keyInfo.Key <> ConsoleKey.Enter
Console.WriteLine("{0}{0}You entered:{0} {1}", vbCrLf, _
IIf(String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputString), "<nothing>", inputString))
End Sub
End Module
Pokud stisknutá klávesa nenamapuje na znak Unicode (například pokud uživatel stiskne klávesu F1 nebo domovskou klávesu), hodnota KeyChar vlastnosti je \U0000.