Sdílet prostřednictvím

IsolatedStorageFileStream.IsAsync Vlastnost


Získá logickou hodnotu označující, zda IsolatedStorageFileStream byl objekt otevřen asynchronně nebo synchronně.

 virtual property bool IsAsync { bool get(); };
public override bool IsAsync { get; }
member this.IsAsync : bool
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsAsync As Boolean

Hodnota vlastnosti

true IsolatedStorageFileStream pokud objekt podporuje asynchronní přístup, falsev opačném případě .


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje, jak můžete použít IsAsync vlastnost k ověření, že IsolatedStorageFileStream je synchronní. Úplný kontext tohoto příkladu najdete v přehledu IsolatedStorageFileStream .

double SetNewPrefsForUser()
      Byte inputChar;
      IsolatedStorageFile^ isoFile = IsolatedStorageFile::GetStore( static_cast<IsolatedStorageScope>(IsolatedStorageScope::User | IsolatedStorageScope::Assembly | IsolatedStorageScope::Domain), System::Security::Policy::Url::typeid, System::Security::Policy::Url::typeid );
      // If this is not a new user, archive the old preferences and 
      // overwrite them using the new preferences.
      if (  !this->NewPrefs )
         if ( isoFile->GetDirectoryNames( "Archive" )->Length == 0 )
                     isoFile->CreateDirectory( "Archive" );
            // This is the stream to which data will be written.
            IsolatedStorageFileStream^ source = gcnew IsolatedStorageFileStream( this->userName,FileMode::OpenOrCreate,isoFile );
            // This is the stream from which data will be read.
            Console::WriteLine( "Is the source file readable?  {0}", (source->CanRead ? (String^)"true" : "false") );
            Console::WriteLine( "Creating new IsolatedStorageFileStream for Archive." );
            // Open or create a writable file.
            IsolatedStorageFileStream^ target = gcnew IsolatedStorageFileStream( String::Concat("Archive\\",this->userName),FileMode::OpenOrCreate,FileAccess::Write,FileShare::Write,isoFile );
            Console::WriteLine( "Is the target file writable? {0}", (target->CanWrite ? (String^)"true" : "false") );
            // Stream the old file to a new file in the Archive directory.
            if ( source->IsAsync && target->IsAsync )
               // IsolatedStorageFileStreams cannot be asynchronous.  However, you
               // can use the asynchronous BeginRead and BeginWrite functions
               // with some possible performance penalty.
               Console::WriteLine( "IsolatedStorageFileStreams cannot be asynchronous." );
               Console::WriteLine( "Writing data to the new file." );
               while ( source->Position < source->Length )
                  inputChar = (Byte)source->ReadByte();
                  target->WriteByte( (Byte)source->ReadByte() );
               // Determine the size of the IsolatedStorageFileStream
               // by checking its Length property.
               Console::WriteLine( "Total Bytes Read: {0}", source->Length.ToString() );
            // After you have read and written to the streams, close them.
      // Open or create a writable file, no larger than 10k
      IsolatedStorageFileStream^ isoStream = gcnew IsolatedStorageFileStream( this->userName,FileMode::OpenOrCreate,FileAccess::Write,FileShare::Write,10240,isoFile );
      isoStream->Position = 0; // Position to overwrite the old data.
public double SetNewPrefsForUser()
        byte inputChar;
        IsolatedStorageFile isoFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User |
            IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly |

        // If this is not a new user, archive the old preferences and
        // overwrite them using the new preferences.
        if (!this.myNewPrefs)
            if (isoFile.GetDirectoryNames("Archive").Length == 0)

                IsolatedStorageFileStream source =
                    new IsolatedStorageFileStream(this.userName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
                // This is the stream from which data will be read.
                Console.WriteLine("Is the source file readable? " + (source.CanRead ? "true" : "false"));
                Console.WriteLine("Creating new IsolatedStorageFileStream for Archive.");

                // Open or create a writable file.
                IsolatedStorageFileStream target =
                    new IsolatedStorageFileStream("Archive\\ " + this.userName,
                Console.WriteLine("Is the target file writable? " + (target.CanWrite ? "true" : "false"));
                // Stream the old file to a new file in the Archive directory.
                if (source.IsAsync && target.IsAsync)
                    // IsolatedStorageFileStreams cannot be asynchronous.  However, you
                    // can use the asynchronous BeginRead and BeginWrite functions
                    // with some possible performance penalty.

                    Console.WriteLine("IsolatedStorageFileStreams cannot be asynchronous.");

                    Console.WriteLine("Writing data to the new file.");
                    while (source.Position < source.Length)
                        inputChar = (byte)source.ReadByte();

                    // Determine the size of the IsolatedStorageFileStream
                    // by checking its Length property.
                    Console.WriteLine("Total Bytes Read: " + source.Length);

                // After you have read and written to the streams, close them.

        // Open or create a writable file with a maximum size of 10K.
        IsolatedStorageFileStream isoStream =
            new IsolatedStorageFileStream(this.userName,
        isoStream.Position = 0;  // Position to overwrite the old data.
Public Function SetNewPrefsForUser() As Double
        Dim inputChar As Byte
        Dim isoFile As IsolatedStorageFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User Or _
            IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly Or IsolatedStorageScope.Domain, _
            GetType(System.Security.Policy.Url), GetType(System.Security.Policy.Url))

        ' If this is not a new user, archive the old preferences and 
        ' overwrite them using the new preferences.
        If Not Me.myNewPrefs Then
            If isoFile.GetDirectoryNames("Archive").Length = 0 Then

                Dim source As New IsolatedStorageFileStream(Me.userName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, isoFile)
                Dim canWrite, canRead As Boolean
                ' This is the stream from which data will be read.
                If source.CanRead Then canRead = True Else canRead = False
                Console.WriteLine("Is the source file readable? " & canRead)
                Console.WriteLine("Creating new IsolatedStorageFileStream for Archive.")
                ' Open or create a writable file.
                Dim target As New IsolatedStorageFileStream("Archive\ " & Me.userName, _
                     FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write, isoFile)
                ' This is the stream to which data will be written.
                If target.CanWrite Then canWrite = True Else canWrite = False
                Console.WriteLine("Is the target file writable? " & canWrite)
                target.SetLength(0)  'rewind the target file

                ' Stream the old file to a new file in the Archive directory.
                If source.IsAsync And target.IsAsync Then
                    ' IsolatedStorageFileStreams cannot be asynchronous.  However, you
                    ' can use the asynchronous BeginRead and BeginWrite functions
                    ' with some possible performance penalty.
                    Console.WriteLine("IsolatedStorageFileStreams cannot be asynchronous.")
                    Console.WriteLine("Writing data to the new file.")
                    While source.Position < source.Length
                        inputChar = CByte(source.ReadByte())
                    End While

                    ' Determine the size of the IsolatedStorageFileStream
                    ' by checking its Length property.
                    Console.WriteLine(("Total Bytes Read: " & source.Length))
                End If

                ' After you have read and written to the streams, close them.	
            End If
        End If
        ' Open or create a writable file with a maximum size of 10K.
        Dim isoStream As New IsolatedStorageFileStream(Me.userName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, _
            FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write, 10240, isoFile)
        isoStream.SetLength(0) 'Position to overwrite the old data.


Asynchronní IsolatedStorageFileStream objekty nelze vytvořit, na rozdíl od FileStream. BeginWriteMetody , BeginRead, EndWritea EndRead jsou však podporovány v synchronních instancích s některými sankcemi za výkon.

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