Sdílet prostřednictvím

Lazy<T> Konstruktory


Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy.



Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy. Při opožděné inicializaci se použije konstruktor bez parametrů cílového typu.


Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy. Při opožděné inicializaci se použije konstruktor bez parametrů cílového typu a zadaný režim inicializace.


Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy. Pokud dojde k opožděné inicializaci, použije se zadaná inicializační funkce.


Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy, která používá konstruktor T bez parametrů a zadaný režim zabezpečení vláken.


Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy, která používá předinicializovanou zadanou hodnotu.

Lazy<T>(Func<T>, Boolean)

Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy. Pokud dojde k opožděné inicializaci, použije se zadaná inicializační funkce a režim inicializace.

Lazy<T>(Func<T>, LazyThreadSafetyMode)

Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy, která používá zadanou inicializační funkci a režim zabezpečení vlákna.



Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy. Při opožděné inicializaci se použije konstruktor bez parametrů cílového typu.

public Lazy ();
Public Sub New ()


Následující příklad ukazuje použití tohoto konstruktoru. Znázorňuje také použití konstruktoru Lazy<T>(Boolean) (určujícího true pro isThreadSafe) a konstruktoru Lazy<T>(LazyThreadSafetyMode) (určení LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication pro mode). Pokud chcete přepnout na jiný konstruktor, stačí změnit, které konstruktory se zakomentují.

Příklad definuje LargeObject třídu, která bude líně inicializována jedním z několika vláken. Dva klíčové řádky kódu v tomto příkladu jsou vytvoření inicializátoru a skutečná inicializace. Na začátku Main metody příklad vytvoří lazy inicializátor pro LargeObject:

lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>();

// The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
// same result as the previous line:
//lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(true);
//lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>()

// The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
// same result as the previous line:
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(true)
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)
lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)()

' The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
' same result as the previous line: 
'lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(True)
'lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)

Příklad vytvoří a spustí tři vlákna, která blokují ManualResetEvent objekt, takže příklad může uvolnit všechna vlákna najednou. Metoda ThreadProc , kterou používají všechna tři vlákna, volá Value vlastnost pro získání LargeObject instance:

LargeObject large = lazyLargeObject.Value;
let large = lazyLargeObject.Value
Dim large As LargeObject = lazyLargeObject.Value

Třída Lazy<T> poskytuje uzamčení, takže pouze jedno vlákno je povoleno vytvořit LargeObject instanci. Příklad ukazuje, že všechna ostatní vlákna získají stejnou instanci.


Pro zjednodušení tento příklad používá globální instanci Lazy<T>a všechny metody jsou static (Shared v jazyce Visual Basic). Toto nejsou požadavky pro použití opožděné inicializace.

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    static Lazy<LargeObject> lazyLargeObject = null;

    static void Main()
        // The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
        // ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>();

        // The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
        // same result as the previous line:
        //lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(true);
        //lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);

            "\r\nLargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy" +
            "\r\ninitializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.");

        // Create and start 3 threads, passing the same blocking event to all of them.
        ManualResetEvent startingGate = new ManualResetEvent(false);
        Thread[] threads = { new Thread(ThreadProc), new Thread(ThreadProc), new Thread(ThreadProc) };
        foreach (Thread t in threads)

        // Give all 3 threads time to start and wait, then release them all at once.

        // Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
        foreach (Thread t in threads)

        Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress Enter to end the program");

    static void ThreadProc(object state)
        // Wait for the signal.
        ManualResetEvent waitForStart = (ManualResetEvent) state;

        LargeObject large = lazyLargeObject.Value;

        // The following line introduces an artificial delay to exaggerate the race condition.

        // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
        //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
        //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
            large.Data[0] = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
            Console.WriteLine("Initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.",
                large.InitializedBy, large.Data[0]);

class LargeObject
    int initBy = 0;
    public int InitializedBy { get { return initBy; } }

    public LargeObject()
        initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
        Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.", initBy);
    public long[] Data = new long[100000000];

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.

LargeObject was created on thread id 4.
Initialized by thread 4; last used by thread 3.
Initialized by thread 4; last used by thread 4.
Initialized by thread 4; last used by thread 5.

Press Enter to end the program
open System
open System.Threading

type LargeObject() =
    let initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        printfn $"LargeObject was created on thread id {initBy}."

    member val Data = Array.zeroCreate<int64> 100000000 with get
    member _.InitializedBy = initBy

// The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
// ThreadProc method executes.
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>()

// The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
// same result as the previous line:
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(true)
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)

let threadProc (state: obj) =
    // Wait for the signal.
    let waitForStart = state :?> ManualResetEvent
    waitForStart.WaitOne() |> ignore

    let large = lazyLargeObject.Value

    // The following line introduces an artificial delay to exaggerate the race condition.
    Thread.Sleep 5

    // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
    //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
    //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
    lock large (fun () -> 
        large.Data[0] <- Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        printfn $"Initialized by thread {large.InitializedBy} last used by thread {large.Data[0]}." )

printfn """
LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject."""
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

// Create and start 3 threads, passing the same blocking event to all of them.
let startingGate = new ManualResetEvent false
let threads = [| Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc); Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc); Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc) |]
for t in threads do
    t.Start startingGate

// Give all 3 threads time to start and wait, then release them all at once.
Thread.Sleep 100
startingGate.Set() |> ignore

// Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
for t in threads do

printfn "\nPress Enter to end the program"
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

// This example produces output similar to the following:
//     LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
//     initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.
//     LargeObject was created on thread id 4.
//     Initialized by thread 4 last used by thread 3.
//     Initialized by thread 4 last used by thread 4.
//     Initialized by thread 4 last used by thread 5.
//     Press Enter to end the program
Imports System.Threading

Class Program
    Private Shared lazyLargeObject As Lazy(Of LargeObject) = Nothing

    Shared Sub Main()
        ' The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the 
        ' ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)()

        ' The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
        ' same result as the previous line: 
        'lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(True)
        'lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)

        Console.WriteLine( _
            vbCrLf & "LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy" _
            & vbCrLf & "initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.")

        ' Create and start 3 threads, passing the same blocking event to all of them.
        Dim startingGate As New ManualResetEvent(False)
        Dim threads() As Thread = { New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc), 
            New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc), New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc) }
        For Each t As Thread In threads
        Next t

        ' Give all 3 threads time to start and wait, then release them all at once.

        ' Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
        For Each t As Thread In threads
        Next t

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Press Enter to end the program")
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub ThreadProc(ByVal state As Object)
        ' Wait for the signal.
        Dim waitForStart As ManualResetEvent = CType(state, ManualResetEvent)

        Dim large As LargeObject = lazyLargeObject.Value

        ' The following line introduces an artificial delay to exaggerate the race condition.

        ' IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the  
        '            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
        '            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
        SyncLock large
            large.Data(0) = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
            Console.WriteLine("Initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.", _
                large.InitializedBy, large.Data(0))
        End SyncLock
    End Sub
End Class

Class LargeObject
    Private initBy As Integer = 0
    Public ReadOnly Property InitializedBy() As Integer
            Return initBy
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New()
        initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.", initBy)
    End Sub
    Public Data(100000000) As Long
End Class

' This example produces output similar to the following:
'LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
'initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.
'LargeObject was created on thread id 3.
'Initialized by thread 3; last used by thread 5.
'Initialized by thread 3; last used by thread 4.
'Initialized by thread 3; last used by thread 3.
'Press Enter to end the program


Instance, která je vytvořena pomocí tohoto konstruktoru může být použita současně z více vláken.

Režim Lazy<T> zabezpečení vlákna instance, která je inicializována pomocí tohoto konstruktoru, je LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication. Režim zabezpečení vlákna popisuje chování při pokusu více vláken o inicializaci Lazy<T> instance.

Instance Lazy<T> , která je vytvořena pomocí tohoto konstruktoru, neukládá výjimky do mezipaměti. Další informace najdete ve Lazy<T> třídě nebo výčtu System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode .

Viz také

Platí pro



Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy. Při opožděné inicializaci se použije konstruktor bez parametrů cílového typu a zadaný režim inicializace.

 Lazy(bool isThreadSafe);
public Lazy (bool isThreadSafe);
new Lazy<'T> : bool -> Lazy<'T>
Public Sub New (isThreadSafe As Boolean)



true aby byla tato instance použitelná současně více vlákny; false aby byla instance použitelná jenom v jednom vlákně.


Následující příklad ukazuje použití tohoto konstruktoru k vytvoření opožděného inicializátoru, který není bezpečný pro vlákna, pro scénáře, kde veškerý přístup k líně inicializované objektu probíhá ve stejném vlákně. Ukazuje také použití konstruktoru Lazy<T>(LazyThreadSafetyMode) (zadání LazyThreadSafetyMode.None pro mode. Pokud chcete přepnout na jiný konstruktor, stačí změnit, který konstruktor je zakomentovaný.


Kód, který ukazuje použití tohoto konstruktoru ve scénářích s více vlákny (určení true pro isThreadSafe), najdete v příkladu konstruktoru Lazy<T>() .

Příklad definuje LargeObject třídu, která bude líně inicializována. Main V metodě příklad vytvoří Lazy<T> instanci a pak se pozastaví. Když stisknete klávesu Enter , příklad se dostane k Value vlastnosti Lazy<T> instance, což způsobí, že dojde k inicializaci. Konstruktor LargeObject třídy zobrazí zprávu konzoly.


Pro zjednodušení tento příklad používá globální instanci Lazy<T>a všechny metody jsou static (Shared v jazyce Visual Basic). Toto nejsou požadavky pro použití opožděné inicializace.

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    static Lazy<LargeObject> lazyLargeObject = null;

    static void Main()
        // The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
        // ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(false);

        // The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
        // same result as the previous line:
        //lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(LazyThreadSafetyMode.None);

            "\r\nLargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy" +
            "\r\ninitializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.");

        LargeObject large = lazyLargeObject.Value;

        large.Data[11] = 89;

        Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress Enter to end the program");

class LargeObject
    public LargeObject()
        Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.",
    public long[] Data = new long[100000000];

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.

LargeObject was created on thread id 1.

Press Enter to end the program
open System
open System.Threading

type LargeObject () =
        printfn $"LargeObject was created on thread id {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}."

    member val Data = Array.zeroCreate<int64> 100000000 with get

// The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
// ThreadProc method executes.
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject> false
// The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
// same result as the previous line:
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(LazyThreadSafetyMode.None)

printfn """
LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject."""
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

let large = lazyLargeObject.Value

large.Data[11] <- 89

printfn "\nPress Enter to end the program"
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

// This example produces output similar to the following:
//     LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
//     initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.
//     LargeObject was created on thread id 1.
//     Press Enter to end the program
Imports System.Threading

Friend Class Program
    Private Shared lazyLargeObject As Lazy(Of LargeObject) = Nothing

    Shared Sub Main()
        ' The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the 
        ' ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(False)

        ' The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
        ' same result as the previous line: 
        'lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(LazyThreadSafetyMode.None);

        Console.WriteLine( _
            vbCrLf & "LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy" _
            & vbCrLf & "initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.")

        Dim large As LargeObject = lazyLargeObject.Value

        large.Data(11) = 89

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Press Enter to end the program")
    End Sub
End Class

Friend Class LargeObject
    Public Sub New()
        Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.", _
    End Sub
    Public Data(100000000) As Long
End Class

' This example produces output similar to the following:
'LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
'initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.
'LargeObject was created on thread id 1.
'Press Enter to end the program


Režim Lazy<T> zabezpečení vlákna instance, která je inicializována pomocí tohoto konstruktoru, je LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication , pokud isThreadSafe je true; v opačném případě je LazyThreadSafetyMode.Nonerežim . Režim zabezpečení vlákna popisuje chování při pokusu více vláken o inicializaci Lazy<T> instance. Chcete-li určit LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly režim, použijte Lazy<T>(Func<T>, LazyThreadSafetyMode) konstruktor nebo Lazy<T>(LazyThreadSafetyMode) .

Instance Lazy<T> , která je vytvořena pomocí tohoto konstruktoru, neukládá výjimky do mezipaměti. Další informace najdete ve Lazy<T> třídě nebo výčtu System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode .

Viz také

Platí pro



Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy. Pokud dojde k opožděné inicializaci, použije se zadaná inicializační funkce.

 Lazy(Func<T> ^ valueFactory);
public Lazy (Func<T> valueFactory);
new Lazy<'T> : Func<'T> -> Lazy<'T>
Public Sub New (valueFactory As Func(Of T))



Delegát, který je vyvolán k vytvoření líně inicializované hodnoty v případě potřeby.


valueFactory je null.


Následující příklad ukazuje použití tohoto konstruktoru k poskytnutí opožděné inicializace s ukládáním výjimek do mezipaměti. Demonstruje také použití konstruktoru Lazy<T>(Func<T>, Boolean) (určení true pro isThreadSafe) a konstruktoru Lazy<T>(Func<T>, LazyThreadSafetyMode) (určení LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication pro mode). Pokud chcete přepnout na jiný konstruktor, stačí změnit, které konstruktory se zakomentují.

Příklad definuje LargeObject třídu, která bude líně inicializována jedním z několika vláken. Tři klíčové části kódu znázorňují vytvoření inicializátoru, skutečnou inicializaci a konstruktor LargeObject třídy, který demonstruje ukládání výjimek do mezipaměti. Na začátku Main metody příklad vytvoří lazy inicializátor pro LargeObject:

lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject);

// The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
// same result as the previous line:
//lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject, true);
//lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject> initLargeObject

// The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
// same result as the previous line:
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(initLargeObject, true)
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(initLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)
lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject)

' The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
' same result as the previous line: 
'lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject, True)
'lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)

Příklad vytvoří a spustí tři vlákna. Metoda ThreadProc , kterou používají všechna tři vlákna, volá Value vlastnost pro získání LargeObject instance:

    LargeObject large = lazyLargeObject.Value;

    // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
    //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
    //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
        large.Data[0] = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
        Console.WriteLine("Initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.",
            large.InitializedBy, large.Data[0]);
catch (ApplicationException aex)
    Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", aex.Message);
    let large = lazyLargeObject.Value

    // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
    //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
    //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
    lock large (fun () -> 
        large.Data[0] <- Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        printfn $"Initialized by thread {large.InitializedBy} last used by thread {large.Data[0]}.")
with :? ApplicationException as aex ->
    printfn $"Exception: {aex.Message}"
    Dim large As LargeObject = lazyLargeObject.Value

    ' IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the  
    '            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
    '            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
    SyncLock large
        large.Data(0) = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        Console.WriteLine("Initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.", _
            large.InitializedBy, large.Data(0))
    End SyncLock
Catch aex As ApplicationException
    Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", aex.Message)
End Try

V konstruktoru LargeObject třídy vyvolá třetí část kódu výjimku při LargeObject prvním vytvoření instance, ale potom umožní vytvoření instance:

static int instanceCount = 0;
public LargeObject()
    if (1 == Interlocked.Increment(ref instanceCount))
        throw new ApplicationException("Throw only ONCE.");

    initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
    Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.", initBy);
type LargeObject() =
    static let mutable instanceCount = 0
    let initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        if 1 = Interlocked.Increment &instanceCount then
            raise (ApplicationException "Throw only ONCE.")
        printfn $"LargeObject was created on thread id {initBy}."
Private Shared instanceCount As Integer = 0
Public Sub New()
    If 1 = Interlocked.Increment(instanceCount) Then
        Throw New ApplicationException("Throw only ONCE.")
    End If

    initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
    Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.", initBy)
End Sub

Při spuštění příkladu první vlákno, které se pokusí vytvořit instanci LargeObject , selže a výjimka je zachycena. Můžete očekávat, že další vlákno úspěšně vytvoří instanci, ale Lazy<T> objekt má výjimku uloženou v mezipaměti. Z tohoto důvodu všechna tři vlákna vyvolají výjimku.


Pro zjednodušení tento příklad používá globální instanci Lazy<T>a všechny metody jsou static (Shared v jazyce Visual Basic). Toto nejsou požadavky pro použití opožděné inicializace.

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    static Lazy<LargeObject> lazyLargeObject = null;

    static LargeObject InitLargeObject()
        return new LargeObject();

    static void Main()
        // The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
        // ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject);

        // The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
        // same result as the previous line:
        //lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject, true);
        //lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);

            "\r\nLargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy" +
            "\r\ninitializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.");

        // Create and start 3 threads, each of which tries to use LargeObject.
        Thread[] threads = { new Thread(ThreadProc), new Thread(ThreadProc), new Thread(ThreadProc) };
        foreach (Thread t in threads)

        // Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
        foreach (Thread t in threads)

        Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress Enter to end the program");

    static void ThreadProc(object state)
            LargeObject large = lazyLargeObject.Value;

            // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
            //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
            //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
                large.Data[0] = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
                Console.WriteLine("Initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.",
                    large.InitializedBy, large.Data[0]);
        catch (ApplicationException aex)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", aex.Message);

class LargeObject
    int initBy = 0;
    public int InitializedBy { get { return initBy; } }

    static int instanceCount = 0;
    public LargeObject()
        if (1 == Interlocked.Increment(ref instanceCount))
            throw new ApplicationException("Throw only ONCE.");

        initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
        Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.", initBy);
    public long[] Data = new long[100000000];

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.

Exception: Throw only ONCE.
Exception: Throw only ONCE.
Exception: Throw only ONCE.

Press Enter to end the program
open System
open System.Threading

type LargeObject() =
    static let mutable instanceCount = 0
    let initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        if 1 = Interlocked.Increment &instanceCount then
            raise (ApplicationException "Throw only ONCE.")
        printfn $"LargeObject was created on thread id {initBy}."
    member _.InitializedBy = initBy
    member val Data = Array.zeroCreate<int64> 100000000

let initLargeObject () =

// The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
// ThreadProc method executes.
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject> initLargeObject

// The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
// same result as the previous line:
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(initLargeObject, true)
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(initLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)

let threadProc _ =
        let large = lazyLargeObject.Value

        // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
        //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
        //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
        lock large (fun () -> 
            large.Data[0] <- Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
            printfn $"Initialized by thread {large.InitializedBy} last used by thread {large.Data[0]}.")
    with :? ApplicationException as aex ->
        printfn $"Exception: {aex.Message}"

printfn """
LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject."""
stdin.ReadLine () |> ignore

// Create and start 3 threads, each of which tries to use LargeObject.
let threads = 
    [| Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc); Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc); Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc) |]
for t in threads do

// Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
for t in threads do

printfn "\nPress Enter to end the program"
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

// This example produces output similar to the following:
//     LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
//     initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.
//     Exception: Throw only ONCE.
//     Exception: Throw only ONCE.
//     Exception: Throw only ONCE.
//     Press Enter to end the program
Imports System.Threading

Friend Class Program
    Private Shared lazyLargeObject As Lazy(Of LargeObject) = Nothing

    Private Shared Function InitLargeObject() As LargeObject
        Return New LargeObject()
    End Function

    Shared Sub Main()
        ' The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the 
        ' ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject)

        ' The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
        ' same result as the previous line: 
        'lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject, True)
        'lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf _
            & "LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy" _
            & vbCrLf & "initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.")

        ' Create and start 3 threads, each of which tries to use LargeObject.
        Dim threads() As Thread = { New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc), _
            New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc), New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc) }
        For Each t As Thread In threads
        Next t

        ' Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
        For Each t As Thread In threads
        Next t

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Press Enter to end the program")
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub ThreadProc(ByVal state As Object)
            Dim large As LargeObject = lazyLargeObject.Value

            ' IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the  
            '            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
            '            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
            SyncLock large
                large.Data(0) = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
                Console.WriteLine("Initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.", _
                    large.InitializedBy, large.Data(0))
            End SyncLock
        Catch aex As ApplicationException
            Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", aex.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

Friend Class LargeObject
    Private initBy As Integer = 0
    Public ReadOnly Property InitializedBy() As Integer
            Return initBy
        End Get
    End Property

    Private Shared instanceCount As Integer = 0
    Public Sub New()
        If 1 = Interlocked.Increment(instanceCount) Then
            Throw New ApplicationException("Throw only ONCE.")
        End If

        initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.", initBy)
    End Sub
    Public Data(99999999) As Long
End Class

' This example produces output similar to the following:
'LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
'initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject.
'Exception: Throw only ONCE.
'Exception: Throw only ONCE.
'Exception: Throw only ONCE.
'Press Enter to end the program


Instance, která je vytvořena pomocí tohoto konstruktoru může být použita současně z více vláken.

Režim Lazy<T> zabezpečení vlákna instance, která je inicializována pomocí tohoto konstruktoru, je LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication. Režim zabezpečení vlákna popisuje chování při pokusu více vláken o inicializaci Lazy<T> instance.

Výjimky, které vyvolá, valueFactory se ukládají do mezipaměti. Další informace najdete ve Lazy<T> třídě nebo výčtu System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode .

Viz také

Platí pro



Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy, která používá konstruktor T bez parametrů a zadaný režim zabezpečení vláken.

 Lazy(System::Threading::LazyThreadSafetyMode mode);
public Lazy (System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode mode);
new Lazy<'T> : System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode -> Lazy<'T>
Public Sub New (mode As LazyThreadSafetyMode)



Jedna z hodnot výčtu, která určuje režim zabezpečení vlákna.


mode obsahuje neplatnou hodnotu.


Následující příklad ukazuje použití tohoto konstruktoru k vytvoření opožděného inicializátoru, který umožňuje více vláken závodit a vytvořit objekt líně. Více vláken může úspěšně vytvořit instance, ale všechna vlákna používají instanci, která byla vytvořena jako první.


Příklad, který ukazuje použití tohoto konstruktoru ve scénářích s jedním vláknem (určení LazyThreadSafetyMode.None pro mode), najdete v konstruktoru Lazy<T>(Boolean) . Příklad, který ukazuje, jak použít tento konstruktor k zajištění zamykání místo podmínek časování ve scénářích s více vlákny (určení LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication pro mode), najdete v konstruktoru Lazy<T>() .

Příklad definuje LargeObject třídu, která bude líně inicializována některým z několika vláken. Tři klíčové části kódu znázorňují vytvoření inicializátoru, skutečnou inicializaci a konstruktor a finalizátor LargeObject třídy. Na začátku Main metody příklad vytvoří Lazy<T> objekt, který provádí opožděnou inicializaci objektu LargeObject:

lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject> LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly
lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly)

Příklad vytvoří a spustí tři vlákna, která blokují ManualResetEvent objekt, takže příklad může uvolnit všechna vlákna najednou. ThreadProc V metodě, kterou používají všechna tři vlákna, vytvoří LargeObject volání Value vlastnosti instanci:

LargeObject large = lazyLargeObject.Value;
let large = lazyLargeObject.Value
Dim large As LargeObject = lazyLargeObject.Value

Vzhledem k tomu, že konstruktor pro zadanou Lazy<T>LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnlyinstanci , všechna tři vlákna mohou vytvářet LargeObject instance. Příklad to ukazuje zobrazením zpráv konzoly v konstruktoru a finalizátoru LargeObject třídy:

public LargeObject()
    initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
    Console.WriteLine("Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {0}", initBy);

    Console.WriteLine("Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {0}", initBy);
type LargeObject() =
    let initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        printfn $"Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {initBy}"

    override _.Finalize() =
        printfn $"Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {initBy}"
Public Sub New()
    initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
    Console.WriteLine("Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {0}", initBy)
End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
    Console.WriteLine("Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {0}", initBy)
End Sub

Objekt však zajišťuje, Lazy<T> že všechna vlákna používají pouze jednu instanci. Výstup z příkladu ukazuje, že všechna tři vlákna používají stejnou instanci, a také ukazuje, že ostatní dvě instance mohou být uvolněny uvolňováním paměti.


Pro zjednodušení tento příklad používá globální instanci Lazy<T>a všechny metody jsou static (Shared v jazyce Visual Basic). Toto nejsou požadavky pro použití opožděné inicializace.

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    static Lazy<LargeObject> lazyLargeObject = null;

    static void Main()
        // The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
        // ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);

        // Create and start 3 threads, passing the same blocking event to all of them.
        ManualResetEvent startingGate = new ManualResetEvent(false);
        Thread[] threads = { new Thread(ThreadProc), new Thread(ThreadProc), new Thread(ThreadProc) };
        foreach (Thread t in threads)

        // Give all 3 threads time to start and wait, then release them all at once.

        // Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
        foreach (Thread t in threads)

            "\r\nThreads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim the extra instances.");


        // Allow time for garbage collection, which happens asynchronously.

            "\r\nNote that all three threads used the instance that was not collected.");
        Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to end the program");

    static void ThreadProc(object state)
        // Wait for the signal.
        ManualResetEvent waitForStart = (ManualResetEvent) state;

        LargeObject large = lazyLargeObject.Value;

        // The following line introduces an artificial delay, to exaggerate the race
        // condition.

        // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
        //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
        //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
            large.Data[0] = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
            Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.",
                large.InitializedBy, large.Data[0]);

class LargeObject
    int initBy = -1;
    public int InitializedBy { get { return initBy; } }

    public LargeObject()
        initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
        Console.WriteLine("Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {0}", initBy);

        Console.WriteLine("Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {0}", initBy);

    public long[] Data = new long[100000000];

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 4
Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 3
Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 5
LargeObject was initialized by thread 4; last used by thread 4.
LargeObject was initialized by thread 4; last used by thread 5.
LargeObject was initialized by thread 4; last used by thread 3.

Threads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim the extra instances.
Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 3
Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 5

Note that all three threads used the instance that was not collected.
Press Enter to end the program

Instance finalizing; initialized on 4
open System
open System.Threading

type LargeObject() =
    let initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        printfn $"Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {initBy}"

    override _.Finalize() =
        printfn $"Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {initBy}"

    member _.InitializedBy = initBy
    member val Data = Array.zeroCreate<int64> 100000000

// The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
// ThreadProc method executes.
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject> LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly

let threadProc (state: obj) =
    // Wait for the signal.
    let waitForStart = state :?> ManualResetEvent
    waitForStart.WaitOne() |> ignore

    let large = lazyLargeObject.Value

    // The following line introduces an artificial delay, to exaggerate the race
    // condition.
    Thread.Sleep 5

    // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
    //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
    //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
    lock large (fun () -> 
        large.Data[0] <- Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        printfn $"LargeObject was initialized by thread {large.InitializedBy} last used by thread {large.Data[0]}.")

// Create and start 3 threads, passing the same blocking event to all of them.
let startingGate = new ManualResetEvent false
let threads = 
    [| Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc); Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc); Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc) |]
for t in threads do
    t.Start startingGate

// Give all 3 threads time to start and wait, then release them all at once.
Thread.Sleep 50
startingGate.Set() |> ignore

// Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
for t in threads do

printfn "\nThreads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim the extra instances."


// Allow time for garbage collection, which happens asynchronously.
Thread.Sleep 100

printfn "\nNote that all three threads used the instance that was not collected."
printfn "Press Enter to end the program"
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

// This example produces output similar to the following:
//     Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 4
//     Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 3
//     Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 5
//     LargeObject was initialized by thread 4 last used by thread 4.
//     LargeObject was initialized by thread 4 last used by thread 5.
//     LargeObject was initialized by thread 4 last used by thread 3.
//     Threads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim the extra instances.
//     Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 3
//     Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 5
//     Note that all three threads used the instance that was not collected.
//     Press Enter to end the program
//     Instance finalizing initialized on 4
Imports System.Threading

Friend Class Program
    Private Shared lazyLargeObject As Lazy(Of LargeObject) = Nothing

    Shared Sub Main()
        ' The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the 
        ' ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly)

        ' Create and start 3 threads, passing the same blocking event to all of them.
        Dim startingGate As New ManualResetEvent(False)
        Dim threads() As Thread = { _
            New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc), _
            New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc), _
            New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc) _
        For Each t As Thread In threads
        Next t

        ' Give all 3 threads time to start and wait, then release them all at once.

        ' Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
        For Each t As Thread In threads
        Next t

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
            "Threads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim the extra instances.")


        ' Allow time for garbage collection, which happens asynchronously.

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
            "Note that all three threads used the instance that was not collected.")
        Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to end the program")

    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub ThreadProc(ByVal state As Object)
        ' Wait for the signal.
        Dim waitForStart As ManualResetEvent = CType(state, ManualResetEvent)

        Dim large As LargeObject = lazyLargeObject.Value

        ' The following line introduces an artificial delay to exaggerate the race condition.

        ' IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the  
        '            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
        '            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
        SyncLock large
            large.Data(0) = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
            Console.WriteLine( _
                "LargeObject was initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.", _
                large.InitializedBy, large.Data(0))
        End SyncLock
    End Sub
End Class

Friend Class LargeObject
    Private initBy As Integer = -1
    Public ReadOnly Property InitializedBy() As Integer
            Return initBy
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New()
        initBy = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        Console.WriteLine("Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {0}", initBy)
    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
        Console.WriteLine("Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {0}", initBy)
    End Sub

    Public Data(100000000) As Long
End Class

' This example produces output similar to the following:
'Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 3
'Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 5
'Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 4
'LargeObject was initialized by thread 3; last used by thread 4.
'LargeObject was initialized by thread 3; last used by thread 3.
'LargeObject was initialized by thread 3; last used by thread 5.
'Threads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim the extra instances.
'Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 5
'Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 4
'Note that all three threads used the instance that was not collected.
'Press Enter to end the program
'Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 3


Režim Lazy<T> zabezpečení vlákna instance popisuje chování, když se více vláken pokusí inicializovat Lazy<T> instanci.

Instance Lazy<T> , která je vytvořena pomocí tohoto konstruktoru, neukládá výjimky do mezipaměti. Další informace najdete ve Lazy<T> třídě nebo výčtu System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode .

Viz také

Platí pro



Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy, která používá předinicializovanou zadanou hodnotu.

 Lazy(T value);
public Lazy (T value);
new Lazy<'T> : 'T -> Lazy<'T>
Public Sub New (value As T)



Předinicializovaná hodnota, která se má použít.


Instance vytvořená pomocí tohoto konstruktoru je použitelná více vlákny současně.

Platí pro

Lazy<T>(Func<T>, Boolean)


Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy. Pokud dojde k opožděné inicializaci, použije se zadaná inicializační funkce a režim inicializace.

 Lazy(Func<T> ^ valueFactory, bool isThreadSafe);
public Lazy (Func<T> valueFactory, bool isThreadSafe);
new Lazy<'T> : Func<'T> * bool -> Lazy<'T>
Public Sub New (valueFactory As Func(Of T), isThreadSafe As Boolean)



Delegát, který je vyvolán k vytvoření líně inicializované hodnoty v případě potřeby.


true aby byla tato instance použitelná současně více vlákny; false aby byla tato instance použitelná pouze pro jedno vlákno najednou.


valueFactory je null.


Následující příklad ukazuje použití tohoto konstruktoru k poskytnutí opožděné inicializace s ukládáním výjimek do mezipaměti ve scénáři s jedním vláknem. Demonstruje také použití konstruktoru Lazy<T> (určuje LazyThreadSafetyMode.None pro mode). Pokud chcete přepnout na tento konstruktor, stačí změnit, který konstruktor je zakomentovaný.


Kód, který ukazuje použití tohoto konstruktoru ve scénářích s více vlákny (určení true pro isThreadSafe), najdete v příkladu konstruktoru Lazy<T>(Func<T>) .

Příklad definuje LargeObject třídu, která bude líně inicializována jedním z několika vláken. Tři klíčové části kódu znázorňují vytvoření inicializátoru, skutečnou inicializaci a konstruktor LargeObject třídy, který demonstruje ukládání výjimek do mezipaměti. Na začátku Main metody příklad vytvoří lazy inicializátor pro LargeObject:

lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject, false);

// The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
// same result as the previous line:
//lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.None);
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(initLargeObject, false)

// The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
// same result as the previous line:
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(initLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.None)
lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject, False)

' The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
' same result as the previous line: 
'lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.None)

Ve volání konstruktoru isThreadSafe je falseparametr , takže není bezpečný z Lazy<T> více vláken. Vzhledem k tomu, že není bezpečný z více vláken, volá Value příklad vlastnost třikrát ve stejném vlákně:

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        LargeObject large = lazyLargeObject.Value;
        large.Data[11] = 89;
    catch (ApplicationException aex)
        Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", aex.Message);
for _ = 0 to 2 do
        let large = lazyLargeObject.Value
        large.Data[11] <- 89
    with :? ApplicationException as aex ->
        printfn $"Exception: {aex.Message}"
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
        Dim large As LargeObject = lazyLargeObject.Value
        large.Data(11) = 89
    Catch aex As ApplicationException
        Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", aex.Message)
    End Try
Next i

V konstruktoru LargeObject třídy vyvolá třetí část kódu výjimku při LargeObject prvním vytvoření instance, ale potom umožní vytvoření instance:

static bool pleaseThrow = true;
public LargeObject()
    if (pleaseThrow)
        pleaseThrow = false;
        throw new ApplicationException("Throw only ONCE.");

    Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.",
type LargeObject() =
    static let mutable pleaseThrow = true
        if pleaseThrow then
            pleaseThrow <- false
            raise (ApplicationException "Throw only ONCE.")
        printfn $"LargeObject was created on thread id {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}."
Private Shared pleaseThrow As Boolean = True
Public Sub New()
    If pleaseThrow Then
        pleaseThrow = False
        Throw New ApplicationException("Throw only ONCE.")
    End If

    Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.", _
End Sub

Při spuštění příkladu se první pokus o vytvoření instance LargeObject nezdaří a výjimka se zachytí. Můžete očekávat, že další pokus bude úspěšný, ale Lazy<T> objekt má výjimku uloženou v mezipaměti. Z tohoto důvodu všechny tři pokusy vyvolají výjimku.


Pro zjednodušení tento příklad používá globální instanci Lazy<T>a všechny metody jsou static (Shared v jazyce Visual Basic). Toto nejsou požadavky pro použití opožděné inicializace.

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    static Lazy<LargeObject> lazyLargeObject = null;

    static LargeObject InitLargeObject()
        return new LargeObject();

    static void Main()
        // The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
        // ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject, false);

        // The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
        // same result as the previous line:
        //lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.None);

            "\r\nLargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy" +
            "\r\ninitializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject (three tries).");

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                LargeObject large = lazyLargeObject.Value;
                large.Data[11] = 89;
            catch (ApplicationException aex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", aex.Message);

        Console.WriteLine("\r\nPress Enter to end the program");

class LargeObject
    static bool pleaseThrow = true;
    public LargeObject()
        if (pleaseThrow)
            pleaseThrow = false;
            throw new ApplicationException("Throw only ONCE.");

        Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.",
    public long[] Data = new long[100000000];

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject (three tries).

Exception: Throw only ONCE.
Exception: Throw only ONCE.
Exception: Throw only ONCE.

Press Enter to end the program
open System
open System.Threading

type LargeObject() =
    static let mutable pleaseThrow = true
        if pleaseThrow then
            pleaseThrow <- false
            raise (ApplicationException "Throw only ONCE.")
        printfn $"LargeObject was created on thread id {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}."
    member val Data = Array.zeroCreate<int64> 100000000

let initLargeObject () =

// The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
// ThreadProc method executes.
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(initLargeObject, false)

// The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
// same result as the previous line:
//     let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(initLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.None)

printfn """
LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject (three tries)."""
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

for _ = 0 to 2 do
        let large = lazyLargeObject.Value
        large.Data[11] <- 89
    with :? ApplicationException as aex ->
        printfn $"Exception: {aex.Message}"

printfn "\nPress Enter to end the program"
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

// This example produces output similar to the following:
//     LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
//     initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject (three tries).
//     Exception: Throw only ONCE.
//     Exception: Throw only ONCE.
//     Exception: Throw only ONCE.
//     Press Enter to end the program
Imports System.Threading

Friend Class Program
    Private Shared lazyLargeObject As Lazy(Of LargeObject) = Nothing

    Private Shared Function InitLargeObject() As LargeObject
        Return New LargeObject()
    End Function

    Shared Sub Main()
        ' The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the 
        ' ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject, False)

        ' The following lines show how to use other constructors to achieve exactly the
        ' same result as the previous line: 
        'lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.None)

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf _
            & "LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy" _
            & vbCrLf & "initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject (three tries).")

        For i As Integer = 0 To 2
                Dim large As LargeObject = lazyLargeObject.Value
                large.Data(11) = 89
            Catch aex As ApplicationException
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", aex.Message)
            End Try
        Next i

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Press Enter to end the program")
    End Sub
End Class

Friend Class LargeObject
    Private Shared pleaseThrow As Boolean = True
    Public Sub New()
        If pleaseThrow Then
            pleaseThrow = False
            Throw New ApplicationException("Throw only ONCE.")
        End If

        Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was created on thread id {0}.", _
    End Sub
    Public Data(100000000) As Long
End Class

' This example produces output similar to the following:
'LargeObject is not created until you access the Value property of the lazy
'initializer. Press Enter to create LargeObject (three tries).
'Exception: Throw only ONCE.
'Exception: Throw only ONCE.
'Exception: Throw only ONCE.
'Press Enter to end the program


Režim Lazy<T> zabezpečení vlákna instance, která je inicializována pomocí tohoto konstruktoru, je LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication , pokud isThreadSafe je true; v opačném případě je LazyThreadSafetyMode.Nonerežim . Režim zabezpečení vlákna popisuje chování při pokusu více vláken o inicializaci Lazy<T> instance.

Chcete-li určit LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly režim, použijte Lazy<T>(Func<T>, LazyThreadSafetyMode) konstruktor nebo Lazy<T>(LazyThreadSafetyMode) .

Výjimky, které vyvolá, valueFactory se ukládají do mezipaměti. Další informace najdete ve Lazy<T> třídě nebo výčtu System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode .

Viz také

Platí pro

Lazy<T>(Func<T>, LazyThreadSafetyMode)


Inicializuje novou instanci Lazy<T> třídy, která používá zadanou inicializační funkci a režim zabezpečení vlákna.

 Lazy(Func<T> ^ valueFactory, System::Threading::LazyThreadSafetyMode mode);
public Lazy (Func<T> valueFactory, System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode mode);
new Lazy<'T> : Func<'T> * System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode -> Lazy<'T>
Public Sub New (valueFactory As Func(Of T), mode As LazyThreadSafetyMode)



Delegát, který je vyvolán k vytvoření líně inicializované hodnoty v případě potřeby.


Jedna z hodnot výčtu, která určuje režim zabezpečení vlákna.


mode obsahuje neplatnou hodnotu.

valueFactory je null.


Následující příklad ukazuje použití tohoto konstruktoru k vytvoření opožděného inicializátoru, který umožňuje více vláken závodit a vytvořit objekt líně. Více vláken může úspěšně vytvořit instance, ale všechna vlákna používají instanci, která byla vytvořena jako první. Kromě toho příklad ukazuje, že výjimky nejsou nikdy uloženy do mezipaměti, když zadáte LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly, i když inicializaci provádí funkce místo konstruktoru bez parametru líně vytvořeného typu.


Příklad, který ukazuje použití tohoto konstruktoru ve scénářích s jedním vláknem (určení LazyThreadSafetyMode.None pro mode), najdete v konstruktoru Lazy<T>(Boolean) . Příklad, který ukazuje, jak použít tento konstruktor k zajištění zamykání místo podmínek časování ve scénářích s více vlákny (určení LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication pro mode), najdete v konstruktoru Lazy<T>() .

Příklad definuje LargeObject třídu, která bude líně inicializována některým z několika vláken. Čtyři klíčové části kódu znázorňují vytvoření inicializátoru, skutečné inicializace, inicializační funkce a konstruktoru a finalizátor třídy LargeObject . Na začátku Main metody příklad vytvoří Lazy<T> objekt, který provádí opožděnou inicializaci objektu LargeObject:

lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject,
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(initLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly)
lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject, _

Opožděný inicializátor používá k provedení inicializace funkci. V tomto případě je funkce vyžadována, protože pro LargeObject třídu neexistuje žádný konstruktor bez parametrů.

Příklad vytvoří a spustí tři vlákna, která blokují ManualResetEvent objekt, takže příklad může uvolnit všechna vlákna najednou. ThreadProc V metodě, kterou používají všechna tři vlákna, vytvoří LargeObject volání Value vlastnosti instanci:

LargeObject large = null;
    large = lazyLargeObject.Value;

    // The following line introduces an artificial delay to exaggerate the race condition.

    // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
    //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
    //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
        large.Data[0] = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
        Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.",
            large.InitializedBy, large.Data[0]);
catch (ApplicationException ex)
    Console.WriteLine("ApplicationException: {0}", ex.Message);
    let large = lazyLargeObject.Value

    // The following line introduces an artificial delay to exaggerate the race condition.
    Thread.Sleep 5

    // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
    //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
    //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
    lock large (fun () -> 
        large.Data[0] <- Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        printfn $"LargeObject was initialized by thread {large.InitializedBy} last used by thread {large.Data[0]}.")
with :? ApplicationException as ex ->
    printfn $"ApplicationException: {ex.Message}"
Dim large As LargeObject = Nothing
    large = lazyLargeObject.Value

    ' The following line introduces an artificial delay to exaggerate the race condition.

    ' IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the  
    '            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
    '            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
    SyncLock large
        large.Data(0) = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "LargeObject was initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.", _
            large.InitializedBy, large.Data(0))
    End SyncLock
Catch ex As ApplicationException
    Console.WriteLine("ApplicationException: {0}", ex.Message)
End Try

Ve třetí klíčové části kódu je volána opožděná inicializační funkce, která vytvoří LargeObject instanci. Funkce vyvolá výjimku při prvním zavolání:

static int instanceCount = 0;
static LargeObject InitLargeObject()
    if (1 == Interlocked.Increment(ref instanceCount))
        throw new ApplicationException(
            String.Format("Lazy initialization function failed on thread {0}.",
    return new LargeObject(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
let mutable instanceCount = 0
let initLargeObject () =
    if 1 = Interlocked.Increment &instanceCount then
        raise (ApplicationException $"Lazy initialization function failed on thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}.")
    LargeObject Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
Private Shared instanceCount As Integer = 0
Private Shared Function InitLargeObject() As LargeObject
    If 1 = Interlocked.Increment(instanceCount) Then
        Throw New ApplicationException( _
            "Lazy initialization function failed on thread " & _
            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId & ".")
    End If
    Return New LargeObject(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)
End Function

Při jakémkoli jiném LazyThreadSafetyMode nastavení by se neošetřená výjimka ve funkci inicializace ukládala do mezipaměti. LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly Potlačí však ukládání výjimek do mezipaměti. Výstup z příkladu ukazuje, že následný pokus o inicializaci objektu je úspěšný.


Zpráva o výjimce se obvykle zobrazí po zprávách, které označují, že objekt úspěšně inicializovala jiná vlákna. Důvodem je zpoždění způsobené vyvoláním a zachycením výjimky.

Vzhledem k tomu, že konstruktor pro zadanou Lazy<T>LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnlyinstanci , všechna tři vlákna mohou vytvářet LargeObject instance. Příklad to ukazuje zobrazením zpráv konzoly v konstruktoru a finalizátoru LargeObject třídy:

public LargeObject(int initializedBy)
    initBy = initializedBy;
    Console.WriteLine("Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {0}", initBy);

    Console.WriteLine("Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {0}", initBy);
type LargeObject(initBy) =
        printfn $"Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {initBy}"

    override _.Finalize() =
        printfn $"Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {initBy}"
Public Sub New(ByVal initializedBy As Integer)
    initBy = initializedBy
    Console.WriteLine("Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {0}", initBy)
End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
    Console.WriteLine("Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {0}", initBy)
End Sub

Objekt Lazy<T> zajišťuje, že všechna vlákna používají pouze jednu instanci (s výjimkou vlákna, kde inicializační funkce vyvolá výjimku). Ukazuje to výstup z příkladu.


Pro zjednodušení tento příklad používá globální instanci Lazy<T>a všechny metody jsou static (Shared v jazyce Visual Basic). Toto nejsou požadavky pro použití opožděné inicializace.

using System;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    static Lazy<LargeObject> lazyLargeObject = null;

    // Factory function for lazy initialization.
    static int instanceCount = 0;
    static LargeObject InitLargeObject()
        if (1 == Interlocked.Increment(ref instanceCount))
            throw new ApplicationException(
                String.Format("Lazy initialization function failed on thread {0}.",
        return new LargeObject(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

    static void Main()
        // The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
        // ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = new Lazy<LargeObject>(InitLargeObject,

        // Create and start 3 threads, passing the same blocking event to all of them.
        ManualResetEvent startingGate = new ManualResetEvent(false);
        Thread[] threads = { new Thread(ThreadProc), new Thread(ThreadProc), new Thread(ThreadProc) };
        foreach (Thread t in threads)

        // Give all 3 threads time to start and wait, then release them all at once.

        // Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
        foreach (Thread t in threads)

            "\r\nThreads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim extra instances.");


        // Allow time for garbage collection, which happens asynchronously.

        Console.WriteLine("\r\nNote that only one instance of LargeObject was used.");
        Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to end the program");

    static void ThreadProc(object state)
        // Wait for the signal.
        ManualResetEvent waitForStart = (ManualResetEvent) state;

        LargeObject large = null;
            large = lazyLargeObject.Value;

            // The following line introduces an artificial delay to exaggerate the race condition.

            // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
            //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
            //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
                large.Data[0] = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
                Console.WriteLine("LargeObject was initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.",
                    large.InitializedBy, large.Data[0]);
        catch (ApplicationException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("ApplicationException: {0}", ex.Message);

class LargeObject
    int initBy = -1;
    public int InitializedBy { get { return initBy; } }

    public LargeObject(int initializedBy)
        initBy = initializedBy;
        Console.WriteLine("Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {0}", initBy);

        Console.WriteLine("Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {0}", initBy);

    public long[] Data = new long[100000000];

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 5
Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 4
ApplicationException: Lazy initialization function failed on thread 3.
LargeObject was initialized by thread 5; last used by thread 5.
LargeObject was initialized by thread 5; last used by thread 4.

Threads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim extra instances.
Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 4

Note that only one instance of LargeObject was used.
Press Enter to end the program

Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 5
open System
open System.Threading

type LargeObject(initBy) =
        printfn $"Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {initBy}"

    override _.Finalize() =
        printfn $"Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {initBy}"
    member _.InitializedBy = initBy
    member val Data = Array.zeroCreate<int64> 100000000 with get

// Factory function for lazy initialization.
let mutable instanceCount = 0
let initLargeObject () =
    if 1 = Interlocked.Increment &instanceCount then
        raise (ApplicationException $"Lazy initialization function failed on thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}.")
    LargeObject Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId

// The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the
// ThreadProc method executes.
let lazyLargeObject = Lazy<LargeObject>(initLargeObject, LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly)

let threadProc (state: obj) =
    // Wait for the signal.
    let waitForStart = state :?> ManualResetEvent
    waitForStart.WaitOne() |> ignore

        let large = lazyLargeObject.Value

        // The following line introduces an artificial delay to exaggerate the race condition.
        Thread.Sleep 5

        // IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the
        //            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
        //            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
        lock large (fun () -> 
            large.Data[0] <- Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
            printfn $"LargeObject was initialized by thread {large.InitializedBy} last used by thread {large.Data[0]}.")
    with :? ApplicationException as ex ->
        printfn $"ApplicationException: {ex.Message}"

// Create and start 3 threads, passing the same blocking event to all of them.
let startingGate = new ManualResetEvent false
let threads = 
    [| Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc); Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc); Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart threadProc) |]
for t in threads do
    t.Start startingGate

// Give all 3 threads time to start and wait, then release them all at once.
Thread.Sleep 50
startingGate.Set() |> ignore

// Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
for t in threads do

printfn "\nThreads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim extra instances."


// Allow time for garbage collection, which happens asynchronously.
Thread.Sleep 100

printfn "\nNote that only one instance of LargeObject was used."
printfn "Press Enter to end the program"
stdin.ReadLine() |> ignore

// This example produces output similar to the following:
//     Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 5
//     Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 4
//     ApplicationException: Lazy initialization function failed on thread 3.
//     LargeObject was initialized by thread 5 last used by thread 5.
//     LargeObject was initialized by thread 5 last used by thread 4.
//     Threads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim extra instances.
//     Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 4
//     Note that only one instance of LargeObject was used.
//     Press Enter to end the program
//     Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 5
Imports System.Threading

Friend Class Program
    Private Shared lazyLargeObject As Lazy(Of LargeObject) = Nothing

    ' Factory function for lazy initialization.
    Private Shared instanceCount As Integer = 0
    Private Shared Function InitLargeObject() As LargeObject
        If 1 = Interlocked.Increment(instanceCount) Then
            Throw New ApplicationException( _
                "Lazy initialization function failed on thread " & _
                Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId & ".")
        End If
        Return New LargeObject(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)
    End Function

    Shared Sub Main()
        ' The lazy initializer is created here. LargeObject is not created until the 
        ' ThreadProc method executes.
        lazyLargeObject = New Lazy(Of LargeObject)(AddressOf InitLargeObject, _

        ' Create and start 3 threads, passing the same blocking event to all of them.
        Dim startingGate As New ManualResetEvent(False)
        Dim threads() As Thread = { _
            New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc), _
            New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc), _
            New Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc) _
        For Each t As Thread In threads
        Next t

        ' Give all 3 threads time to start and wait, then release them all at once.

        ' Wait for all 3 threads to finish. (The order doesn't matter.)
        For Each t As Thread In threads
        Next t

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
            "Threads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim extra instances.")


        ' Allow time for garbage collection, which happens asynchronously.

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Note that only one instance of LargeObject was used.")
        Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to end the program")
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub ThreadProc(ByVal state As Object)
        ' Wait for the signal.
        Dim waitForStart As ManualResetEvent = CType(state, ManualResetEvent)

        Dim large As LargeObject = Nothing
            large = lazyLargeObject.Value

            ' The following line introduces an artificial delay to exaggerate the race condition.

            ' IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the  
            '            object after creation. You must lock the object before accessing it,
            '            unless the type is thread safe. (LargeObject is not thread safe.)
            SyncLock large
                large.Data(0) = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
                Console.WriteLine( _
                    "LargeObject was initialized by thread {0}; last used by thread {1}.", _
                    large.InitializedBy, large.Data(0))
            End SyncLock
        Catch ex As ApplicationException
            Console.WriteLine("ApplicationException: {0}", ex.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

Friend Class LargeObject
    Private initBy As Integer = -1
    Public ReadOnly Property InitializedBy() As Integer
            Return initBy
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New(ByVal initializedBy As Integer)
        initBy = initializedBy
        Console.WriteLine("Constructor: Instance initializing on thread {0}", initBy)
    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
        Console.WriteLine("Finalizer: Instance was initialized on {0}", initBy)
    End Sub

    Public Data(99999999) As Long
End Class

' This example produces output similar to the following:
'Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 4
'ApplicationException: Lazy initialization function failed on thread 3.
'Constructor: Instance initializing on thread 5
'LargeObject was initialized by thread 4; last used by thread 4.
'LargeObject was initialized by thread 4; last used by thread 5.
'Threads are complete. Running GC.Collect() to reclaim extra instances.
'Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 5
'Note that only one instance of LargeObject was used.
'Press Enter to end the program
'Finalizer: Instance was initialized on 4


Režim Lazy<T> zabezpečení vlákna instance popisuje chování, když se více vláken pokusí inicializovat Lazy<T> instanci.

Výjimky, které jsou vyvolány nástrojem valueFactory , se ukládají do mezipaměti, pokud mode není LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly. Další informace najdete ve Lazy<T> třídě nebo výčtu System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode .

Viz také

Platí pro