Sdílet prostřednictvím

Uri.IsUnc Vlastnost


Získá hodnotu, která označuje, zda zadaný Uri je cesta UNC (Universal Naming Convention).

 property bool IsUnc { bool get(); };
public bool IsUnc { get; }
member this.IsUnc : bool
Public ReadOnly Property IsUnc As Boolean

Hodnota vlastnosti


trueUri pokud je cesta UNC; falsev opačném případě .


Tato instance představuje relativní identifikátor URI a tato vlastnost je platná pouze pro absolutní identifikátory URI.


Následující příklad vytvoří Uri instanci a určí, zda se jedná o cestu UNC.

Uri^ uriAddress2 = gcnew Uri( "file://server/filename.ext" );
Console::WriteLine( uriAddress2->LocalPath );
Console::WriteLine( "Uri {0} a UNC path", uriAddress2->IsUnc ? (String^)"is" : "is not" );
Console::WriteLine( "Uri {0} a local host", uriAddress2->IsLoopback ? (String^)"is" : "is not" );
Console::WriteLine( "Uri {0} a file", uriAddress2->IsFile ? (String^)"is" : "is not" );
// The example displays the following output:
//    \\server\filename.ext
//    Uri is a UNC path
//    Uri is not a local host
//    Uri is a file
Uri uriAddress2 =  new Uri("file://server/filename.ext");
Console.WriteLine("Uri {0} a UNC path", uriAddress2.IsUnc ? "is" : "is not");
Console.WriteLine("Uri {0} a local host", uriAddress2.IsLoopback ? "is" : "is not");
Console.WriteLine("Uri {0} a file", uriAddress2.IsFile ? "is" : "is not");
// The example displays the following output:
//    \\server\filename.ext
//    Uri is a UNC path
//    Uri is not a local host
//    Uri is a file
let uriAddress2 = Uri "file://server/filename.ext"
printfn $"{uriAddress2.LocalPath}"
printfn $"""Uri {if uriAddress2.IsUnc then "is" else "is not"} a UNC path"""
printfn $"""Uri {if uriAddress2.IsLoopback then "is" else "is not"} a local host"""
printfn $"""Uri {if uriAddress2.IsFile then "is" else "is not"} a file"""
// The example displays the following output:
//    \\server\filename.ext
//    Uri is a UNC path
//    Uri is not a local host
//    Uri is a file
Dim uriAddress2 As New Uri("file://server/filename.ext")
Console.WriteLine("Uri {0} a UNC path", IIf(uriAddress2.IsUnc, "is", "is not")) 'TODO: For performance reasons this should be changed to nested IF statements
Console.WriteLine("Uri {0} a local host", IIf(uriAddress2.IsLoopback, "is", "is not")) 'TODO: For performance reasons this should be changed to nested IF statements
Console.WriteLine("Uri {0} a file", IIf(uriAddress2.IsFile, "is", "is not")) 'TODO: For performance reasons this should be changed to nested IF statements
' The example displays the following output:
'    \\server\filename.ext
'    Uri is a UNC path
'    Uri is not a local host
'    Uri is a file


Vlastnost IsUnc je true v případě, že zadaná Uri instance je cesta UNC (například \\server\folder, //server nebo file://server/folder). Tato vlastnost se vždy vrátí true , pokud má identifikátor URI schéma file:// a určuje komponentu hostitele.

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