Sdílet prostřednictvím

HtmlTextWriter.GetStyleKey(String) Metoda


Získá hodnotu výčtu HtmlTextWriterStyle pro zadaný styl.

 System::Web::UI::HtmlTextWriterStyle GetStyleKey(System::String ^ styleName);
protected System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriterStyle GetStyleKey (string styleName);
member this.GetStyleKey : string -> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriterStyle
Protected Function GetStyleKey (styleName As String) As HtmlTextWriterStyle



Atribut stylu, pro který se má získat HtmlTextWriterStyle.



Hodnota HtmlTextWriterStyle výčtu odpovídající styleName.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje, jak přepsat metodu RenderBeginTag ve třídě odvozené z HtmlTextWriter třídy. Přepsání RenderBeginTag určuje, jestli <label> se bude vykreslovat revize, a pokud ano, zkontroluje prvek atributu Color . Color Pokud atribut nebyl definován, GetStyleKey metoda se použije jako první parametr v volání AddStyleAttribute metody přidat Color atribut do <label> prvku revize a nastavit Color atribut na red.

// Override the RenderBeginTag method to check whether
// the tagKey parameter is set to a <label> element
// or a <font> element.   
virtual void RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey ) override
   // If the tagKey parameter is set to a <label> element
   // but a color attribute is not defined on the element,
   // the AddStyleAttribute method adds a color attribute
   // and sets it to red.
   if ( tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag::Label )
      if (  !IsStyleAttributeDefined( HtmlTextWriterStyle::Color ) )
         AddStyleAttribute( GetStyleKey( "color" ), "red" );

   // If the tagKey parameter is set to a <font> element
   // but a size attribute is not defined on the element,
   // the AddStyleAttribute method adds a size attribute
   // and sets it to 30 point.
   if ( tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag::Font )
      if (  !IsAttributeDefined( HtmlTextWriterAttribute::Size ) )
         AddAttribute( GetAttributeKey( "size" ), "30pt" );

   // Call the base class's RenderBeginTag method
   // to ensure that calling this custom markup writer
   // includes functionality for all other elements.
   __super::RenderBeginTag( tagKey );
// Override the RenderBeginTag method to check whether
// the tagKey parameter is set to a <label> element
// or a <font> element.
public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey)

    // If the tagKey parameter is set to a <label> element
    // but a color attribute is not defined on the element,
    // the AddStyleAttribute method adds a color attribute
    // and sets it to red.
    if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Label)
        if (!IsStyleAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Color))
            AddStyleAttribute(GetStyleKey("color"), "red");
    // If the tagKey parameter is set to a <font> element
    // but a size attribute is not defined on the element,
    // the AddStyleAttribute method adds a size attribute
    // and sets it to 30 point. 
    if (tagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Font)
        if (!IsAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Size))
            AddAttribute(GetAttributeKey("size"), "30pt");
    // Call the base class's RenderBeginTag method
    // to ensure that this custom MarkupTextWriter
    // includes functionality for all other markup elements.
' Override the RenderBeginTag method to check whether
' the tagKey parameter is set to a <label> element
' or a <font> element.   
Public Overloads Overrides Sub RenderBeginTag(ByVal tagKey As HtmlTextWriterTag)
    ' If the tagKey parameter is set to a <label> element
    ' but a color attribute is not defined on the element,
    ' the AddStyleAttribute method adds a color attribute
    ' and sets it to red.
    If tagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Label Then
        If Not IsStyleAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Color) Then
            AddStyleAttribute(GetStyleKey("color"), "red")
        End If
    End If

    ' If the tagKey parameter is set to a <font> element
    ' but a size attribute is not defined on the element,
    ' the AddStyleAttribute method adds a size attribute
    ' and sets it to 30 point. 
    If tagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Font Then
        If Not IsAttributeDefined(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Size) Then
            AddAttribute(GetAttributeKey("size"), "30pt")
        End If
    End If

    ' Call the base class's RenderBeginTag method
    ' to ensure that this custom MarkupTextWriter
    ' includes functionality for all other markup elements.
End Sub


Metoda GetStyleKey vrátí hodnotu -1 zadaná jako HtmlTextWriterStyle hodnotu, pokud styleName neodpovídá žádné HtmlTextWriterStyle výčtové hodnotě.

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