
Sdílet prostřednictvím

callTranscript resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents a transcript associated with an online meeting.


Method Return Type Description
List transcripts callTranscript collection Get the list of callTranscript objects associated with an onlineMeeting.
Get transcript callTranscript Get a callTranscript object associated with an onlineMeeting.


Property Type Description
content Stream The content of the transcript. Read-only.
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset Date and time at which the transcript was created. The DateTimeOffset type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z. Read-only.
id String The unique identifier for the transcript. Read-only.
meetingId String The unique identifier of the online meeting related to this transcript. Read-only.
metadataContent Stream The time-aligned metadata of the utterances in the transcript. Read-only.
transcriptContentUrl String The URL that can be used to access the content of the transcript. Read-only.
meetingOrganizer IdentitySet The identity information of the organizer of the onlineMeeting related to this transcript. Read-only.

JSON representation

The following JSON is the representation of the resource.

  "content": "Stream",
  "createdDateTime": "DateTimeOffset",  
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "meetingId": "String",
  "meetingOrganizer": "IdentitySet",
  "metadataContent": "Stream",
  "transcriptContentUrl": "String"