Join a teams meeting

Azure Communication Services SDKs can allow your users to join regular Microsoft Teams meetings. Here's how!


Install the SDK

Use the npm install command to install the Azure Communication Services Common and Calling SDK for JavaScript:

npm install @azure/communication-common --save
npm install @azure/communication-calling --save

Initialize required objects

A CallClient instance is required for most call operations. When you create a new CallClient instance, you can configure it with custom options like a Logger instance.

With the CallClient instance, you can create a CallAgent instance by calling the createCallAgent. This method asynchronously returns a CallAgent instance object.

The createCallAgent method uses CommunicationTokenCredential as an argument. It accepts a user access token.

You can use the getDeviceManager method on the CallClient instance to access deviceManager.

const { CallClient } = require('@azure/communication-calling');
const { AzureCommunicationTokenCredential} = require('@azure/communication-common');
const { AzureLogger, setLogLevel } = require("@azure/logger");

// Set the logger's log level

// Redirect log output to console, file, buffer, REST API, or whatever location you want
AzureLogger.log = (...args) => {
    console.log(...args); // Redirect log output to console

const userToken = '<USER_TOKEN>';
callClient = new CallClient(options);
const tokenCredential = new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential(userToken);
const callAgent = await callClient.createCallAgent(tokenCredential, {displayName: 'optional Azure Communication Services user name'});
const deviceManager = await callClient.getDeviceManager()

How to best manage SDK connectivity to Microsoft infrastructure

The Call Agent instance helps you manage calls (to join or start calls). In order to work your calling SDK needs to connect to Microsoft infrastructure to get notifications of incoming calls and coordinate other call details. Your Call Agent has two possible states:

Connected - A Call Agent connectionStatue value of Connected means the client SDK is connected and capable of receiving notifications from Microsoft infrastructure.

Disconnected - A Call Agent connectionStatue value of Disconnected states there's an issue that is preventing the SDK it from properly connecting. Call Agent should be re-created.

  • invalidToken: If a token is expired or is invalid Call Agent instance disconnects with this error.
  • connectionIssue: If there's an issue with the client connecting to Microsoft infrascture, after many retries Call Agent exposes the connectionIssue error.

You can check if your local Call Agent is connected to Microsoft infrastructure by inspecting the current value of connectionState property. During an active call you can listen to the connectionStateChanged event to determine if Call Agent changes from Connected to Disconnected state.

const connectionState = callAgentInstance.connectionState;
console.log(connectionState); // it may return either of 'Connected' | 'Disconnected'

const connectionStateCallback = (args) => {
    console.log(args); // it will return an object with oldState and newState, each of having a value of either of 'Connected' | 'Disconnected'
    // it will also return reason, either of 'invalidToken' | 'connectionIssue'
callAgentInstance.on('connectionStateChanged', connectionStateCallback);

Meeting join methods

To join a Teams meeting, use the join method and pass a meeting link or a meeting's coordinates.

Join by using a meeting link:

const locator = { meetingLink: '<MEETING_LINK>'}
const call = callAgent.join(locator);

Join by using meeting coordinates (this is currently in limited preview):

const locator = {
    threadId: <thread id>,
    organizerId: <organizer id>,
    tenantId: <tenant id>,
    messageId: <message id>
const call = callAgent.join(locator);

Set up your system

Create the Visual Studio project

For a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app, in Visual Studio 2022, create a new Blank App (Universal Windows) project. After you enter the project name, feel free to choose any Windows SDK later than 10.0.17763.0.

For a WinUI 3 app, create a new project with the Blank App, Packaged (WinUI 3 in Desktop) template to set up a single-page WinUI 3 app. Windows App SDK version 1.3 or later is required.

Install the package and dependencies by using NuGet Package Manager

The Calling SDK APIs and libraries are publicly available via a NuGet package.

The following steps exemplify how to find, download, and install the Calling SDK NuGet package:

  1. Open NuGet Package Manager by selecting Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.
  2. Select Browse, and then enter Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient in the search box.
  3. Make sure that the Include prerelease check box is selected.
  4. Select the Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient package, and then select Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient 1.4.0-beta.1 or a newer version.
  5. Select the checkbox that corresponds to the Communication Services project on the right-side tab.
  6. Select the Install button.

Meeting join methods

To join a Teams meeting, use the CallAgent.join method and pass application context, JoinMeetingLocator, and JoinCallOptions.

Meeting ID and passcode

The TeamsMeetingIdLocator locates a meeting using a meeting ID and passcode. These can be found under a Teams meeting's join info. A Teams meeting ID will be 12 characters long and will consist of numeric digits grouped in threes (i.e. 000 000 000 000). A passcode will consist of 6 alphabet characters (i.e. aBcDeF). The passcode is case sensitive.

String meetingId, passcode; 
TeamsMeetingIdLocator locator = new TeamsMeetingIdLocator(meetingId, passcode);

The TeamsMeetingLinkLocator locates a meeting using a link to a Teams meeting. This can found under a Teams meeting's join info.

String meetingLink; 
TeamsMeetingLinkLocator locator = new TeamsMeetingLinkLocator(meetingLink);

Meeting coordinates

The TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator locates meetings using an organizer ID, tenant ID, thread ID, and a message ID. This information can be found using Microsoft Graph.

Guid organizerId, tenantId;
String threadId, messageId;
TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator locator = new TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator(threadId, organizerId, tenantId, messageId);

Join meeting using locators

After creating these Teams meeting locators, you can use it to join a Teams meeting using CallAgent.join as shown below.

JoinCallOptions options = new JoinCallOptions();
call = agent.join(

Set up your system

Create the Visual Studio project

For a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app, in Visual Studio 2022, create a new Blank App (Universal Windows) project. After you enter the project name, feel free to choose any Windows SDK later than 10.0.17763.0.

For a WinUI 3 app, create a new project with the Blank App, Packaged (WinUI 3 in Desktop) template to set up a single-page WinUI 3 app. Windows App SDK version 1.3 or later is required.

Install the package and dependencies by using NuGet Package Manager

The Calling SDK APIs and libraries are publicly available via a NuGet package.

The following steps exemplify how to find, download, and install the Calling SDK NuGet package:

  1. Open NuGet Package Manager by selecting Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.
  2. Select Browse, and then enter Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient in the search box.
  3. Make sure that the Include prerelease check box is selected.
  4. Select the Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient package, and then select Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient 1.4.0-beta.1 or a newer version.
  5. Select the checkbox that corresponds to the Communication Services project on the right-side tab.
  6. Select the Install button.

Meeting join methods

To join a Teams meeting, use the CallAgent.join method and pass a JoinMeetingLocator and a JoinCallOptions.

Meeting ID and passcode

The TeamsMeetingIdLocator locates a meeting using a meeting ID and passcode. These can be found under a Teams meeting's join info. A Teams meeting ID will be 12 characters long and will consist of numeric digits grouped in threes (i.e. 000 000 000 000). A passcode will consist of 6 alphabet characters (i.e. aBcDeF). The passcode is case sensitive.

String meetingId, passcode
let locator = TeamsMeetingIdLocator(meetingId: meetingId, passcode: passcode)

The TeamsMeetingLinkLocator locates a meeting using a link to a Teams meeting. This can found under a Teams meeting's join info.

String meetingLink
let locator = TeamsMeetingLinkLocator(meetingLink: meetingLink)

Join meeting using locators

After creating these Teams meeting locators, you can use it to join a Teams meeting using CallAgent.join as shown below.

func joinTeamsMeeting() {
    // Ask permissions
    AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().requestRecordPermission { (granted) in
        if granted {
            let joinCallOptions = JoinCallOptions()
            // Insert meeting locator code for specific join methods here

            // for CallAgent callAgent
            self.callAgent?.join(with: teamsMeetingLinkLocator, joinCallOptions: joinCallOptions) 

Set up your system

Create the Visual Studio project

For a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app, in Visual Studio 2022, create a new Blank App (Universal Windows) project. After you enter the project name, feel free to choose any Windows SDK later than 10.0.17763.0.

For a WinUI 3 app, create a new project with the Blank App, Packaged (WinUI 3 in Desktop) template to set up a single-page WinUI 3 app. Windows App SDK version 1.3 or later is required.

Install the package and dependencies by using NuGet Package Manager

The Calling SDK APIs and libraries are publicly available via a NuGet package.

The following steps exemplify how to find, download, and install the Calling SDK NuGet package:

  1. Open NuGet Package Manager by selecting Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.
  2. Select Browse, and then enter Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient in the search box.
  3. Make sure that the Include prerelease check box is selected.
  4. Select the Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient package, and then select Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient 1.4.0-beta.1 or a newer version.
  5. Select the checkbox that corresponds to the Communication Services project on the right-side tab.
  6. Select the Install button.

Meeting join methods

To join a Teams meeting, use the CallAgent.JoinAsync method and pass a JoinMeetingLocator and a JoinCallOptions.

Meeting ID and passcode

The TeamsMeetingIdLocator locates a meeting using a meeting ID and passcode. These can be found under a Teams meeting's join info. A Teams meeting ID will be 12 characters long and will consist of numeric digits grouped in threes (i.e. 000 000 000 000). A passcode will consist of 6 alphabet characters (i.e. aBcDeF). The passcode is case sensitive.

string meetingId, passcode; 
TeamsMeetingIdLocator locator = new TeamsMeetingIdLocator(meetingId, passcode);

The TeamsMeetingLinkLocator locates a meeting using a link to a Teams meeting. This can found under a Teams meeting's join info.

string meetingLink; 
TeamsMeetingLinkLocator locator = new TeamsMeetingLinkLocator(meetingLink);

Meeting coordinates

The TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator locates meetings using an organizer ID, tenant ID, thread ID, and a message ID. This information can be found using Microsoft Graph.

Guid organizerId, tenantId;
string threadId, messageId;
TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator locator = new TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator(threadId, organizerId, tenantId, messageId);

Join meeting using locators

After creating these Teams meeting locators, you can use it to join a Teams meeting using CallAgent.JoinAsync as shown below.

var joinCallOptions = new JoinCallOptions() {
        OutgoingAudioOptions = new OutgoingAudioOptions() { IsMuted = true },
        OutgoingVideoOptions = new OutgoingVideoOptions() { Streams = new OutgoingVideoStream[] { cameraStream } }
var call = await callAgent.JoinAsync(locator, joinCallOptions);

Next steps