Teilen über

Geospatial Endpoint Service


Bing Maps for Enterprise service retirement

Bing Maps for Enterprise is deprecated and will be retired. Free (Basic) account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2025. Enterprise account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2028. To avoid service disruptions, all implementations using Bing Maps for Enterprise REST APIs and SDKs will need to be updated to use Azure Maps by the retirement date that applies to your Bing Maps for Enterprise account type.

Azure Maps is Microsoft's next-generation maps and geospatial services for developers. Azure Maps has many of the same features as Bing Maps for Enterprise, and more. To get started with Azure Maps, create a free Azure subscription and an Azure Maps account. For more information about azure Maps, see Azure Maps Documentation. For migration guidance, see Bing Maps Migration Overview.

The Geospatial Endpoint Service is a REST service that provides information about Geospatial Platform services for the language and geographical region you specify. The service information includes available service endpoints and language support for these endpoints. Disputed geographical areas and embargoed countries or regions that do not have any service support are also identified.

This documentation does not explain how to use the service endpoints returned in the response.

Request URLs

Use the following URLs to make a Geospatial Endpoint Service request. Options are provided for requests with and without specific geographical coordinates.

Get the service information for the language and region specified.


Get the service information for the language, region and location coordinates specified.

The latitude and longitude coordinates are reverse-geocoded to determine the location. If this location corresponds to a non-disputed country or region, then this location overrides the userRegion value in the request. However, if the coordinates are in a disputed country or region, then the userRegion in the request is used. For example, if the coordinates represent a disputed area along the border of India and China, and userRegion is set to IN (India) in the request and the language is set to hi-in (Hindi), then IN services for Hindi are returned. In the same example, if the userRegion is set to CN (China) and the language is set to zh-hans (Simplified Chinese), then CN services for Simplified Chinese are returned in the response.



Parameter Alias Description Values
language The preferred language. An IETF language code, that includes the language and region code subtags, such as en-us or zh-hans.

Example: en-us

This code represents English as it is spoken in the United States.

Example: zh-hans

This code represents Simplified Chinese.
userRegion A country or region. An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 region code, such as US, IN, and CN.

Example: US

This code represents the United States.
latitude, longitude A location on the Earth.

These coordinates are reverse-geocoded to determine the country or region. If this location is in a disputed area, then the userRegion parameter value is used to determine the corresponding region.
The latitude and longitude of the user’s location in degrees.

Example: 33.977531,75.726013
output o Optional. The output format for the response. One of the following values:

- json [default]
- xml

Example: o=xml
key Your Bing Maps Key. The GUID value that represents a Bing Maps Key.


The response returns the following information:

  • Whether this is a politically disputed area, such as an area claimed by more than one country/region.

  • Whether services are available in the user’s region.

  • A list of available geospatial services including endpoints and language support for each service.

Using the Endpoints with Parameters

It is important to note that the endpoints returned in the response are not typically URLs that you can execute. They give the base URL to which you can add parameters, such as a quad key for an image, route waypoints or an address to geocode. This documentation does not cover the parameters specific to each service.

For example, a common endpoint for geocoding is dev.virtualearth.net\REST\v1\Locations. However, this URL does not return any results without adding parameters. The following example shows how to geocode an address by providing address information and a Bing Maps Key.


Response Fields

The following example shows the general structure for the JSON response. You can also request an XML response. Example requests and JSON and XML responses are provided in the Examples section.

   "copyright":"Copyright © 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.",  

General Fields

JSON XML Type Description
isDisputedArea IsDisputedArea Boolean Specifies if this area in the request is claimed by more than one country/region. For example, many areas along the border of India and China are disputed areas. Even though an area is disputed area, it may still be supported by Geospatial Platform services.
isSupported IsSupported Boolean Specifies if Geospatial Platform services are available in the country or region. Microsoft does not support services in embargoed areas. For example, if you request Geospatial Platform Service information for Cuba (CU), isSupported is set to true, and no service information is returned.
ur (user region) UR (user region) string The country or region that was used to determine service support. If you specified a latitude and longitude in the request that is in a non-disputed country or region, this country or region is returned in the response.

Please see the section Region Localities below for more details on the User Region Codes and Culture Codes.
services Services array Information for each geospatial service that is available in the country or region and language specified in the request.

See the Service Fields table for the information provided for each service.

For a list of available services, see Supported Services.

Region Localities

In order to get this label to appear, the user region of the map has to be set to one of following User Region Codes.

User Region Code Official Short Form Culture Code
IL Israel He-il
KR Korea Ko-kr
PK Pakistan pa-pk
IN India En-in
CN China zh-cn
AR Argentina es-AR
BH Bahrain ar-BH
EG Egypt ar-EG
JO Jordon ar-JO
SA Saudi Arabia ar-SA
KW Kuwait ar-KW
OM Oman ar-OM
QA Qatar ar-QA
MA Morocco ar-MA

Service Fields

JSON XML Type Description
endpoint Endpoint URL The URL service endpoint to use in this region. Note that to use the service, you must typically add parameters specific to the service. These parameters are not described in this documentation.
languageSupported LanguageSupported Boolean Set to true if the service supports the language in the request for the region. If the language is supported, then the service endpoint will return responses using this language. If it is not supported, then the service will use the fallback language.
fallbackLanguage FallbackLanguage string Specifies the secondary or fallback language in this region or country. If the requested language is not supported and a fallback language is not available, United States English (en-us) is used.
serviceName ServiceName string An abbreviated name for the service. See Supported Services for a list of available services.

Response Container Fields

JSON XML Type Description
statusCode StatusCode integer The HTTP Status code for the request.
statusDescription StatusDescription string A description of the HTTP status code.
authenticationResultCode AuthenticationResultCode One of the following values:






A status code that offers additional information about authentication success or failure.
traceId TraceId string A unique identifier for the request.
copyright Copyright string A copyright notice.
brandLogoUri BrandLogoUri string A URL that references a brand image to support contractual branding requirements.
resourceSets ResourceSets collection A collection of ResourceSet objects. A ResourceSet is a container of Resources returned by the request. For more information, see the ResourceSet section below.
estimatedTotal EstimatedTotal long An estimate of the total number of resources in the ResourceSet.
resources Resources collection A collection of one or more resources. The resources that are returned depend on the request. Information about resources is provided in the API reference for each Bing Maps REST Services API.
errorDetails ErrorDetails string[] A collection of error descriptions. For example, ErrorDetails can identify parameter values that are not valid or missing.

Supported Services

The following table describes the services that are supported by the Geospatial Endpoint Service. Information about one or more of these services may be returned in the response.

Service Type Response Service Name Description
Map Imagery MapTiles Returns tiles from one of the following map tile services depending on the user region and language specified in the request.

- On Demand Tile Service: Returns map tiles that are created on the server. This service endpoint will be provided when the user is in a geopolitically sensitive area, such as a disputed area or a country associated with such an area.
- Pre-rendered Tile Service: Returns map tiles that have been pre-rendered during offline processing. This service endpoint will be provided when the user is not in a geopolitically sensitive area.
Map Imagery TrafficTiles Returns map tiles that show traffic flow overlays.
Map Imagery StaticMapsB2B Static Map API (Bing Maps REST Services): Returns static maps for the parameters that you specify. For parameter descriptions, see the documentation.

Note: You must replace the dev.virtualearth.net endpoint in the documentation with the endpoint provided in the response.
Map Metadata MetadataB2B Map Imagery Metadata API (Bing Maps REST Services): Returns map metadata for the parameters that you specify. For parameter descriptions, see the documentation.

Note: You must use the endpoint provided in the response to replace the public dev.virtualearth.net endpoint in the documentation.
Geocode Geocode Locations API (Bing Maps REST Services): Returns geocoded or reverse-geocoded location information for the parameters you specify. For parameter descriptions, see the documentation.

Note: You must replace the dev.virtualearth.net endpoint in the documentation with the endpoint provided in the response.
Route Route Routes API (Bing Maps REST Services): Returns route information for the parameters you specify. For parameter descriptions, see the documentation.

Note: You must use the endpoint provided in the response to replace the public dev.virtualearth.net endpoint in the documentation.
Image URL BingLogo Returns the attribution logo to display with Bing Maps tiles that do not include Nokia data.
Image URL CombinedLogo Returns the attribution logo to display with Bing Maps tiles that include Nokia data.


Typical Service support example

Language: fr-fr (French), userRegion: FR (France)

   "copyright":"Copyright © 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.",  

You would receive the following JSON response if the output=xml parameter was set in this example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<Response xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/search/local/ws/rest/v1">  
  <Copyright>Copyright © 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.</Copyright>  
        <Resource xsi:type="GeospatialEndpointResponse">  

No Service support example

Language: en-us (English), userRegion: CU (Cuba)

   "copyright":"Copyright © 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.",  

You would receive the following JSON response if the output=xml parameter was set in this example. Note that the Services array does not appear.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<Response xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/search/local/ws/rest/v1">  
  <Copyright>Copyright © 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.</Copyright>  
        <Resource xsi:type="GeospatialEndpointResponse">  

Disputed area example

Language: zh-hans (Simplified Chinese), userRegion: CN (China), Coordinates: Disputed Area between India and China


The response shows CN as the region because the latitude and longitude are in a disputed area.

   "copyright":"Copyright © 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.",  

You would receive the following JSON response if the output=xml parameter was set in this example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<Response xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/search/local/ws/rest/v1">  
  <Copyright>Copyright © 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.</Copyright>  
        <Resource xsi:type="GeospatialEndpointResponse">  

Language: hi-in (Hindi), userRegion: IN (India), Coordinates: Disputed Area between India and China


The response shows IN as the region because the latitude and longitude coordinates are in a disputed area.

   "copyright":"Copyright © 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.",  

You would receive the following JSON response if the output=xml parameter was set in this example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<Response xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/search/local/ws/rest/v1">  
  <Copyright>Copyright © 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.</Copyright>  
        <Resource xsi:type="GeospatialEndpointResponse">  