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GeoXml Module


Bing Maps Web Control SDK retirement

Bing Maps Web Control SDK is deprecated and will be retired. Free (Basic) account customers can continue to use Bing Maps Web Control SDK until June 30th, 2025. Enterprise account customers can continue to use Bing Maps Web Control SDK until June 30th, 2028. To avoid service disruptions, all implementations using Bing Maps Web Control SDK will need to be updated to use Azure Maps Web SDK by the retirement date that applies to your Bing Maps for Enterprise account type. For detailed migration guidance, see Migrate from Bing Maps Web Control SDK and Migrate Bing Maps Enterprise applications to Azure Maps with GitHub Copilot.

Azure Maps is Microsoft's next-generation maps and geospatial services for developers. Azure Maps has many of the same features as Bing Maps for Enterprise, and more. To get started with Azure Maps, create a free Azure subscription and an Azure Maps account. For more information about azure Maps, see Azure Maps Documentation. For migration guidance, see Bing Maps Migration Overview.

Module name: Microsoft.Maps.GeoXml

Namespace: Microsoft.Maps

The GeoXml module makes it easy to read and write common geospatial XML file formats such as KML (Keyhole Markup Language), KMZ (compressed KML), GeoRSS, GML (Geography Markup Language, exposed via GeoRSS), and GPX (GPS Exchange Format).

There are two ways to make use of this module. The first is to use the static methods in the GeoXml class to read/write the raw data. This gives you full control over the data and how it is rendered, if you choose to render it. The second option is to use the GeoXmlLayer which handles the importing of the XML data and generates a data layer which you can add to the map like any other layer. It handles all the rendering for you. This is a quick and easy way to get your geospatial XML data on the map with as little as 3 lines of code.


If GeoJSON data is passed into the GeoXmlLayer or the read functions of the GeoXml class, it will automatically load the GeoJSON module and read the data.

API Reference


Supported Namespaces

The GeoXml module supports XML tags from the following namespaces.

Namespace Prefix Namespace URI Notes
geo Read only support in GeoRSS files.
geourl Read only support in GeoRSS files.
gml GML is supported when included in GeoRSS documents.
mappoint Read only support in GeoRSS files.
rss Read only. GeoRSS writes using Atom format.
gpxx Read only support in GPX files. Parses and uses DisplayColor. All other properties added to shape metadata.
gpx_style Supported in GPX files. Uses line color.

Supported XML Elements

The GeoXml module supports the following XML elements. Any XML tags that are not supported will be converted into a JSON object and added to the metadata property of the parent shape or layer.

KML Elements

The GeoXml module supports the following KML elements.

Element Name Read Write Notes
address partial yes Object is parsed but is not used for positioning shape.
AddressDetails partial no Object is parsed but is not used for positioning shape.
atom:author yes yes
atom:link yes yes
atom:name yes yes
BalloonStyle partial yes Only supports text and textColor. Exposed through a balloonStyle and balloonDescription metadata property.
begin yes yes
color yes yes Includes #AABBGGRR and #BBGGRR
coordinates yes yes
Data yes yes
description yes yes
displayName yes yes
Document yes yes
east yes yes
end yes yes
ExtendedData yes yes Supports untyped Data, SimpleData or Schema, and entity replacements of the form $[dataName].
fill yes yes
Folder yes yes
GroundOverlay yes yes drawOrder not supported
heading no no
hotSpot no partial Only pixel units supported and is relative to the top left corner of the icon.
href yes yes
Icon partial partial Only href supported.
IconStyle partial partial No support for scale, heading, colorMode, or fractional hotspots.
innerBoundaryIs yes yes
kml yes yes
LabelStyle no no
LatLonBox yes yes
LinearRing yes yes
LineString yes yes
LineStyle yes yes colorMode not supported.
Link yes no Only the href property is supported for network links.
MultiGeometry yes yes
name yes yes
NetworkLink yes no Links need to be on same domain as the document.
NetworkLinkControl no no
north yes yes
open yes yes
outerBoundaryIs yes yes
outline yes yes
overlayXY yes no
Pair partial no Only the normal style in a StyleMap is supported.
phoneNumber yes yes
PhotoOverlay no no
Placemark yes yes
Point yes yes
Polygon yes yes
PolyStyle yes yes
Region partial partial Region LatLongBox only supported at document level.
rotation yes yes
rotationXY yes no
scale no no
Schema yes yes
SchemaData yes yes
schemaUrl partial yes Does not support loading styles from external documents that are not included inside of a KMZ.
ScreenOverlay yes no
screenXY yes no
SimpleData yes yes
SimpleField yes yes
size yes no
Snippet partial partial maxLines attribute ignored.
south yes yes
Style yes yes
StyleMap partial no Only the normal style in a StyleMap is supported.
styleUrl partial yes External style URLs not supported.
text yes yes Replacement of $[geDirections] is not supported
textColor yes yes
TimeSpan yes yes
TimeStamp yes yes
value yes yes
visibility yes yes
west yes yes
when yes yes
width yes yes

GeoRSS Elements

The GeoXml module supports the following GeoRSS elements.

Element Name Read Write Notes
atom:author yes yes
atom:category yes yes
atom:content yes yes
atom:contributor yes yes
atom:email yes yes
atom:entry yes yes
atom:feed yes yes
atom:generator yes no
atom:icon yes yes
atom:id yes yes
atom:link yes yes
atom:logo yes yes
atom:name yes yes
atom:published yes yes
atom:rights yes yes
atom:source yes yes
atom:subtitle yes yes
atom:summary yes yes
atom:title yes yes
atom:updated yes yes
atom:uri yes yes
geo:lat yes no Written as a georss:point.
geo:lon yes no Written as a georss:point.
geo:long yes no Written as a georss:point.
georss:box partial no When read, converted into a polygon.
georss:circle partial no When read, converted into a polygon.
georss:elev yes yes
georss:featurename yes yes
georss:featuretypetag yes yes
georss:floor yes yes
georss:line yes yes
georss:point yes yes
georss:polygon yes yes
georss:radius yes yes
georss:relationshiptag yes yes
georss:where yes yes
geourl:latitude yes no Written as a georss:point.
geourl:longitude yes no Written as a georss:point.
mappoint:icon yes no Written as an atom:icon.
position yes no Some XML feeds will wrap GML with a position tag instead of with a georss:where tag. Will read this, but will write using a georss:where tag.
rss yes no GeoRSS written in ATOM format.
rss:author yes partial Written as an atom:author.
rss:category yes partial Written as an atom:category.
rss:channel yes no
rss:cloud yes no
rss:comments yes no
rss:copyright yes partial Written as an atom:rights if shape doesn't have an rights metadata property already.
rss:description yes partial Written as an atom:content if shape doesn't have a content metadata property already.
rss:docs yes no
rss:enclosure yes no
rss:generator yes no
rss:guid yes partial Written as an atom:id if shape doesn't have an id metadata property already.
rss:image yes partial Written as an atom:logo if shape doesn't have a logo metadata property already.
rss:item yes partial Written as an atom:entry.
rss:language yes no
rss:lastBuildDate yes partial Written as an atom:updated if shape doesn't have an updated metadata property already.
rss:link yes partial Written as an atom:link.
rss:managingEditor yes partial Written as an atom:contributor.
rss:pubDate yes partial Written as an atom:published if shape doesn't have a published metadata property already.
rss:rating yes no
rss:skipDays yes no
rss:skipHours yes no
rss:source yes partial Written as an atom:source containing an atom:link.
rss:textInput yes no
rss:title yes partial Written as an atom:title.
rss:ttl yes no
rss:webMaster yes no

GML Elements

The GeoXml module supports the following GML elements. GML is supported when included in GeoRSS documents.

Element Name Read Write Notes
gml:coordinates yes no Written using gml:posList.
gml:exterior yes yes
gml:Feature yes no Written as a shape.
gml:FeatureCollection yes no Written as a geometry collection.
gml:featureMember yes no Written as a geometry collection.
gml:geometry yes no Written as a shape.
gml:geometryMember yes yes
gml:innerBoundaryIs yes no Written using gml.interior.
gml:interior yes yes
gml:LinearRing yes yes
gml:LineString yes yes
gml:lineStringMember yes yes
gml:MultiGeometry yes yes
gml:MultiLineString yes yes
gml:MultiPoint yes yes
gml:MultiPolygon yes yes
gml:outerBoundaryIs yes no Written using gml.exterior.
gml:Point yes yes
gml:pointMember yes yes
gml:Polygon yes yes
gml:polygonMember yes yes
gml:pos yes yes Reads coordinates that are in WGS84 decimal degrees format. Writes with dimension="2".
gml:posList yes yes Reads coordinates that are in WGS84 decimal degrees format. Writes with dimension="2".

GPX Elements

The GeoXml module supports the following GPX elements.

Element Name Read Write Notes
gpx:ageofdgpsdata yes yes
gpx:author yes yes
gpx:bounds yes yes Converted into a LocationRect when read.
gpx:cmt yes yes
gpx:copyright yes yes
gpx:desc yes yes Copied into a description property when read to align with other XML formats.
gpx:dgpsid yes yes
gpx:ele yes yes
gpx:extensions partial partial When read, style information extracted. All other extensions flattened into a simple JSON object. Only shape style information is written.
gpx:geoidheight yes yes
gpx:gpx yes yes
gpx:hdop yes yes
gpx:link yes yes
gpx:magvar yes yes
gpx:metadata yes yes
gpx:name yes yes
gpx:pdop yes yes
gpx:rte yes yes
gpx:rtept yes yes
gpx:sat yes yes
gpx:src yes yes
gpx:sym yes yes Value is captured, but is not used to alter the pushpin icon.
gpx:text yes yes
gpx:time yes yes
gpx:trk yes yes
gpx:trkpt yes yes
gpx:trkseg yes yes
gpx:type yes yes
gpx:vdop yes yes
gpx:wpt yes yes
gpx_style:color yes yes
gpx_style:line partial partial color, opacity and width supported.
gpx_style:opacity yes yes
gpx_style:width partial partial If value is less than or equal to 1, will be multiplied by 5 and rounded.
gpxx:DisplayColor yes no Used to specify the color of a shape. When writing, line color will be used instead.
gpxx:RouteExtension partial no All properties are read into metadata. Only DisplayColor is used.
gpxx:TrackExtension partial no All properties are read into metadata. Only DisplayColor is used.
gpxx:WaypointExtension partial no All properties are read into metadata. Only DisplayColor is used.
gpx:keywords yes yes
gpx:fix yes yes