
Provides management functionality for interacting with Game Chat 2.


class chat_manager  


Method Description
add_local_user Adds a local user to the local chat_manager instance.
add_remote_user Adds a remote user to the local chat_manager instance.
audio_encoding_bitrate Indicates the audio encoding bit rate for the chat instance.
audio_manipulation_mode Indicates the audio manipulation mode enabled for the chat instance.
cleanup Immediately reclaims all resources associated with the chat instance.
finish_processing_data_frames Indicates that the app has finished processing data frames, and that Game Chat 2 can release associated resources.
finish_processing_state_changes Returns an array of Game Chat state changes that were being processed.
finish_processing_stream_state_changes Returns an array of Game Chat stream state changes that were processed by the caller of chat_manager::start_processing_stream_state_changes.
get_chat_users Retrieves the collection of users that have been added to the chat instance.
get_memory_callbacks Retrieves the current memory allocation and freeing callbacks currently used by the Game Chat library.
get_post_decode_audio_sink_streams Gets the collection of post-decode audio sink streams.
get_post_decode_audio_source_streams Gets the collection of post-decode audio source streams.
get_pre_encode_audio_streams Gets the collection of pre-encode audio streams.
get_thread_affinity_mask Retrieves the current affinity mask representing the processor(s) on which internal Game Chat threads will run or are running.
get_thread_processor Retrieves the current processor on which internal Game Chat threads will run or are running.
initialize Initializes the object instance.
process_incoming_data Delivers data to Game Chat 2 that was received from a remote instance of Game Chat 2.
remove_user Removes a user, either local or remote, from the local chat_manager instance.
set_audio_encoding_bitrate Sets the audio encoding bit rate for the chat instance.
set_legacy_era_uwp_compat_mode_enabled Indicates whether the legacy ERA and Windows Platform (UWP) compatibility mode for Game Chat 2 should be enabled.
set_memory_callbacks Optionally configures the current memory allocation and freeing callbacks the Game Chat library should use.
set_thread_affinity_mask Optionally configures the processor on which internal Game Chat threads will run.
set_thread_processor Optionally configures the processor on which internal Game Chat threads will run.
singleton_instance Retrieves a reference to the Game Chat 2 singleton instance.
start_processing_data_frames Retrieves all data frames queued by Game Chat 2 to be delivered by the app's transport layer to the appropriate remote app instances.
start_processing_state_changes Retrieves an array of all Game Chat state changes to process since the last such call.
start_processing_stream_state_changes Retrieves an array of all Game Chat 2 audio stream state changes that occurred since the last call to this method.


The chat_manager class is the primary management class for interacting with Game Chat 2. With this class, you can:

  • Manage local and remote users
  • Process state changes, data frames, and incoming data
  • Configure audio settings for Game Chat 2

Only a single instance of the chat_manager class is permitted. Use the singleton_instance method to retrieve a reference to the Game Chat 2 singleton instance for this class.

For more information about interacting with Game Chat 2, see Using the Game Chat 2 C++ API.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

## See also [Intro to Game Chat 2](../../../../../chat/overviews/game-chat2/ [chat_user](../chat_user/ [GameChat2 members](../../