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Retrieves a handle to a user that XUserAddAsync creates.


HRESULT XUserAddResult(  
         XAsyncBlock* async,  
         XUserHandle* newUser  


async   _Inout_
Type: XAsyncBlock*

The async block sent to XUserAddAsync.

newUser   _Out_
Type: XUserHandle*

Contains a handle to the new user.

Return value


HRESULT success or error code.

Return Code Description
S_OK The operation succeeded.
E_GAMEUSER_NO_DEFAULT_USER A default user is not available. XUserAddAsync needs to be called without XUserAddOptions::AddDefaultUserSilently.
E_GAMEUSER_RESOLVE_USER_ISSUE_REQUIRED The user must use a UI to resolve the issue. Call XUserResolveIssueWithUiAsync to display the UI to the user.
E_ABORT The user canceled the operation.


XUserAddAsync starts an asynchronous operation to add a user to the game. Use XUserAddResult to retrieve the results of the operation.

XUserAddAsync always shows an account picker UI unless you pass XUserAddOptions::AddDefaultUserSilently to the options parameter.

If you use XUserAddOptions::AddDefaultUserSilently, XUserAddAsync does not show a UI. The user that XUserAddOptions::AddDefaultUserSilently returns continues to return until the user signs out. If a default user is not available, XUserAddResult returns E_GAMEUSER_NO_DEFAULT_USER. This indicates that you must call XUserAddAsync without XUserAddOptions::AddDefaultUserSilently to select a user.

If a user is banned from Xbox Live, the game will not be able to get an XUserHandle for that user. If XUserAddOptions::AddDefaultUserSilently is used and the game was launched by a banned user, XUserAddResult will retrun E_GAMEUSER_NO_DEFAULT_USER. Otherwise, if UI is shown, either a non-banned user will need to sign-in, or the user will need to canncel out of the UI and XUserAddResult will return E_ABORT.

You cannot use XUserAddOptions::AllowGuests with XUserAddOptions::AddDefaultUserSilently. A guest cannot be the default user. You can use XUserAddOptions::AllowGuests safely regardless of whether the current platform supports guests.

You must close each XUserHandle handle that you retrieve from an XUsers API once by calling XUserCloseHandle.

The following example demonstrates how to asynchronously add a user to a game session.

HRESULT AddUserComplete(XAsyncBlock* ab)
    unique_user_handle user;
    RETURN_IF_FAILED(XUserAddResult(ab, &user));

    XUserLocalId userLocalId;
    XUserGetLocalId(user.get(), &userLocalId);

    auto iter = std::find_if(
        [&userLocalId](const User& candidate)
        XUserLocalId candidateUserLocalId;
        XUserGetLocalId(candidate.Handle(), &candidateUserLocalId);
        return candidateUserLocalId == userLocalId;

    // User already known
    if (iter != _users.end())
        appLog.AddLog("User already in list\n");
        return S_OK;


    return S_OK;

HRESULT AddUser(bool allowGuests, bool silent)
    auto asyncBlock = std::make_unique<XAsyncBlock>();
    ZeroMemory(asyncBlock.get(), sizeof(*asyncBlock));
    asyncBlock->queue = _queue;
    asyncBlock->context = this;
    asyncBlock->callback = [](XAsyncBlock* ab)
        auto asyncBlock = std::unique_ptr<XAsyncBlock>(ab);

    XUserAddOptions options = XUserAddOptions::None;

    if (allowGuests)
        WI_SET_FLAG(options, XUserAddOptions::AllowGuests);

    if (silent)
        WI_SET_FLAG(options, XUserAddOptions::AddDefaultUserSilently);

    if (SUCCEEDED_LOG(XUserAddAsync(
        // The call succeeded, so release the std::unique_ptr ownership of XAsyncBlock* since the callback will take over ownership.
        // If the call fails, the std::unique_ptr will keep ownership and delete the XAsyncBlock*

    return S_OK;


Header: XUser.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also



