Hello @Anonymous ,
Thanks for the question and using MS Q&A platform.
With managed virtual network, you can create the Azure integration runtime as part of a managed virtual network and use private endpoints to securely connect to supported data stores.
A private endpoint uses a private IP address in the managed virtual network to effectively bring the service into it. Private endpoints are mapped to a specific resource in Azure and not the entire service.
Note: Managed private endpoint is available only in Azure integration runtime as part of a managed virtual network
which has Interactive auhtoring enabled
The communications to Data Factory go through Private Link and help provide secure private connectivity.
Enabling Private Link for each of the preceding communication channels offers the following functionality:
- You can author and monitor in the Data Factory portal from your virtual network, even if you block all outbound communications. If you create a private endpoint for the portal, others can still access the Data Factory portal through the public network.
- The command communications between the self-hosted IR and Data Factory can be performed securely in a private network environment. The traffic between the self-hosted IR and Data Factory goes through Private Link.
Not currently supported:
- Interactive authoring that uses a self-hosted IR, such as test connection, browse folder list and table list, get schema, and preview data, goes through Private Link.
- The new version of the self-hosted IR that can be automatically downloaded from Microsoft Download Center if you enable auto-update isn't supported at this time.
For more details, refer to Azure Data Factory managed virtual network, Azure Private Link for Azure Data Factory and Copy data securely from Azure Blob storage to a SQL database by using private endpoints.
Hope this will help. Please let us know if any further queries.
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