@Vinay Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Forum, Thank you for posting your query here!
- May I know what kind of permission , have you assigned?
- Are you getting any error message? If so, can you please share the screenshot of the error? How are you trying to connect?
- How are you trying to connect?
- Are you trying to connect to Azure Blob Storage or File Share?
- What kind of authentication are you using?
Check the firewall settings: Make sure that the firewall on your Windows Server VM is not blocking outbound traffic to the Azure Blob Storage File Share. You can check this by temporarily disabling the firewall and testing the connection. If the connection works with the firewall disabled, then you need to add an outbound rule to allow traffic to the Azure Blob Storage File Share.
Check the network settings: Make sure that the network settings on your Windows Server VM are configured correctly. Specifically, make sure that the DNS settings are correct and that the VM can resolve the hostname of the Azure Blob Storage File Share. You can test this by pinging the hostname from the VM.
Check the storage account settings: Make sure that the storage account that contains the Azure Blob Storage File Share is configured correctly. Specifically, make sure that the access tier is set to "Hot" and that the firewall settings are configured to allow traffic from your VM's IP address.
Check the permissions: Make sure that the users who need access to the Azure Blob Storage File Share have been granted the appropriate permissions. Specifically, make sure that they have been granted "Storage Blob Data Contributor" or "Storage Blob Data Owner" role assignments in the storage account.
Check the connection string: Make sure that the connection string that you are using to connect to the Azure Blob Storage File Share is correct. Specifically, make sure that the account name and account key are correct.
Check the SMB version: Make sure that the SMB version that your Windows Server VM is using is supported by the Azure Blob Storage File Share. Specifically, make sure that your VM is using SMB 3.0 or later.
If you have checked all of these settings and are still having trouble connecting to the Azure Blob Storage File Share, you can try using the Azure Storage Explorer tool to connect to the file share and verify that it is accessible.
Create an SMB Azure file share and connect it to a Windows VM using the Azure portal
Accessing Blob Storage through AzCopy or Azure Storage Explorer. You can also consider using SFTP for blob storage.
This is article contains complete details for mounting Azure File Share: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/files/storage-files-quick-create-use-windows
Mount SMB Azure file share on Windows : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/files/storage-how-to-use-files-windows ( This article provides information and details which OS is supported and Mounting option on Windows)
There is video which provide detailed steps for mounting Azure File Share :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmRZi9iGsK0
Please let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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