Poland REGON number
9-digit or 14-digit number
nine digit or 14-digit number:
- nine digits or
- nine digits
- hyphen
- five digits
When keyword highlighting is supported in the contextual summary for a sensitive information type or a trainable classifier, in the Contextual Summary view of activity explorer, the keywords in a document that were matched to a policy are highlighted.
A DLP policy has high confidence that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
- The function
finds content that matches the pattern. - A keyword from
is found.
A DLP policy has low confidence that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
- The function
finds content that matches the pattern.
<!-- Polish REGON Number -->
<Entity id="fc87b421-f437-4f8b-b739-29a735ead0d9" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_polish_regon_number" />
<Match idRef="Keywords_polish_regon_number" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="65">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_polish_regon_number" />
- regon id
- statistical number
- statistical id
- statistical no
- regon number
- regonid#
- regonno#
- company id
- companyid#
- companyidno#
- numer statystyczny
- numeru regon
- numerstatystyczny#
- numeruregon#