ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportColumn Value Set - Reporting

Defines the attributes and performance statistics columns that you can include in the ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest.

The report will include data only for search terms that resulted in a significant number of clicks in the last 30 days.

The attribute columns that you include in a report can affect how the statistics are aggregated. In other words the number of rows increase by a factor of the unique attributes. For more information, see Columns that Group the Data.

For a list of columns that you must include, please see the Required Columns section below.

To see how far back hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and summary aggregated data can be retrieved for a report, see Report Data Retention Time Periods.


<xs:simpleType name="ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportColumn" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:enumeration value="TimePeriod" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AccountId" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AccountNumber" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AccountName" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AdId" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AdGroupId" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AdGroupName" />
    <xs:enumeration value="CampaignId" />
    <xs:enumeration value="CampaignName" />
    <xs:enumeration value="DestinationUrl" />
    <xs:enumeration value="DeviceType" />
    <xs:enumeration value="DeviceOS" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Language" />
    <xs:enumeration value="SearchQuery" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Network" />
    <xs:enumeration value="MerchantProductId" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Title" />
    <xs:enumeration value="ClickTypeId" />
    <xs:enumeration value="TotalClicksOnAdElements" />
    <xs:enumeration value="ClickType" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AdGroupCriterionId" />
    <xs:enumeration value="ProductGroup" />
    <xs:enumeration value="PartitionType" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Impressions" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Clicks" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Ctr" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AverageCpc" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Spend" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Conversions" />
    <xs:enumeration value="ConversionRate" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Assists" />
    <xs:enumeration value="CostPerAssist" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Revenue" />
    <xs:enumeration value="CostPerConversion" />
    <xs:enumeration value="RevenuePerConversion" />
    <xs:enumeration value="RevenuePerAssist" />
    <xs:enumeration value="CustomerId" />
    <xs:enumeration value="CustomerName" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AssistedImpressions" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AssistedClicks" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AssistedConversions" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AllConversions" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AllRevenue" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AllConversionRate" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AllCostPerConversion" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AllRevenuePerConversion" />
    <xs:enumeration value="Goal" />
    <xs:enumeration value="GoalType" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AbsoluteTopImpressionRatePercent" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AverageCpm" />
    <xs:enumeration value="ConversionsQualified" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AssistedConversionsQualified" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AllConversionsQualified" />
    <xs:enumeration value="CampaignType" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AssetGroupId" />
    <xs:enumeration value="AssetGroupName" />


The ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportColumn value set has the following values: AbsoluteTopImpressionRatePercent, AccountId, AccountName, AccountNumber, AdGroupCriterionId, AdGroupId, AdGroupName, AdId, AllConversionRate, AllConversions, AllConversionsQualified, AllCostPerConversion, AllRevenue, AllRevenuePerConversion, AssetGroupId, AssetGroupName, AssistedClicks, AssistedConversions, AssistedConversionsQualified, AssistedImpressions, Assists, AverageCpc, AverageCpm, CampaignId, CampaignName, CampaignType, Clicks, ClickType, ClickTypeId, ConversionRate, Conversions, ConversionsQualified, CostPerAssist, CostPerConversion, Ctr, CustomerId, CustomerName, DestinationUrl, DeviceOS, DeviceType, Goal, GoalType, Impressions, Language, MerchantProductId, Network, PartitionType, ProductGroup, Revenue, RevenuePerAssist, RevenuePerConversion, SearchQuery, Spend, TimePeriod, Title, TotalClicksOnAdElements.

Value Description
AbsoluteTopImpressionRatePercent How often your ad was in the first position of all results, as a percentage of your total impressions.

A higher number indicates your ad is frequently showing in the best ad position.

The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. Neither Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation are supported. If you include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will not return an error and you should ignore any performance data returned for this column.
AccountId The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an account.
AccountName The account name.
AccountNumber The Microsoft Advertising assigned number of an account.
AdGroupCriterionId The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an ad group criterion.

Note: In Performance max campaigns, this is ListingGroupId.
AdGroupId The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an ad group.
AdGroupName The ad group name.
AdId The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an ad.
AllConversionRate The conversion rate as a percentage.

The number of conversions, divided by the total number of clicks. For example, if the ads in your campaign got 300 clicks and four conversions, the conversion rate is 1.33 (%).

The formula for calculating the conversion rate is (Conversions / Clicks) x 100.

Data will be excluded from the ConversionRate report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversionRate column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
AllConversions The number of conversions.

A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product, registering for your webinar, joining an organization, or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad's success.

Conversions are measured by adding a small bit of code to your website pages so that a visitor's progress through your site can be tracked.

Data will be excluded from the Conversions report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversions column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.

This column is deprecated as of 2022, so you should use the AllConversionsQualified column instead. Going forward, performance reports will return "0" (zero) in this column. Historical data for time periods prior to the deprecation date will still be available according to the published data retention period.
AllConversionsQualified The number of conversions.

A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product, registering for your webinar, joining an organization, or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad's success.

Conversions are measured by adding a small bit of code to your website pages so that a visitor's progress through your site can be tracked.

Data will be excluded from the Conversions report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversions column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.

You should expect the data type as double whether or not there are partial externally attributed offline conversions.

Not everyone has this feature yet. If you don't, don't worry - it's coming soon!
AllCostPerConversion The cost per conversion.

The formula for calculating the cost per conversion is (Spend / Conversions). Only ads in campaigns that enable conversion tracking contribute to the conversion number, so unless all campaigns in the account enable conversion tracking, the number will not be accurate.

Data will be excluded from the CostPerConversion report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllCostPerConversion column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
AllRevenue The revenue optionally reported by the advertiser as a result of conversions.

Data will be excluded from the Revenue report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllRevenue column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
AllRevenuePerConversion The revenue per conversion.

The formula for calculating the revenue per conversion is (Revenue / Conversions).

Data will be excluded from the RevenuePerConversion report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllRevenuePerConversion column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
AssetGroupId The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an asset group.
AssetGroupName The asset group name.
AssistedClicks Clicks on your ads that have received co-bids from your manufacturer partners. Clicks are what you pay for.

Clicks typically include a customer clicking an ad on a search results page or on a website on the search network. Clicks can also come from other sources (for example, spiders, robots, and test servers).

This performance statistic is only available for Sponsored Products in Microsoft Shopping Campaigns.
AssistedConversions The number of conversions.

A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product, registering for your webinar, joining an organization, or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad's success.

Conversions are measured by adding a small bit of code to your website pages so that a visitor's progress through your site can be tracked.

Data will be excluded from the Conversions report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversions column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
AssistedConversionsQualified Reserved for future use.
AssistedImpressions The number of times an ad that is being co-bid by your manufacturer partners has been displayed on search results pages or other sites on the Microsoft Advertising Network.

This performance statistic is only available for Sponsored Products in Microsoft Shopping Campaigns.
Assists The number of conversions from other ads within the same account that were preceded by one or more clicks from this ad. An ad is considered to have assisted the conversion if it was clicked before the most recently clicked ad that was credited with the conversion. Additionally, the click corresponding to the assist must occur within the conversion period of the goal.
AverageCpc The average cost per click (CPC). The total cost of all clicks on an ad divided by the number of clicks. This is the average amount you're actually charged each time your ad is clicked. For example, if you paid a total of 48.35 for 300 clicks, your average CPC is 0.16. The formula for calculating the average CPC is (Spend /Clicks).
AverageCpm The total advertising cost divided by the number of impressions (in thousands).<br/
In Latin, mille means a thousand. Also, sometimes called average cost per thousand (CPT).

This is a standard advertising industry performance metric that we calculate based on your spend and number of impressions.

The goal of CPM-based ad budgeting is to build awareness of your brand to large audiences. CPM tells you how much it costs to get an ad to the type of users you're targeting.
CampaignId The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of a campaign.
CampaignName The campaign name.
CampaignType The campaign type.

Possible values include Audience, Dynamic search, Performance max, Search & content, and Shopping.
Clicks Clicks are what you pay for. Clicks typically include a customer clicking an ad on a search results page or on a website on the search network. Clicks can also come from other sources (for example, spiders, robots, and test servers). For more information, see Microsoft Advertising click measurement: description of methodology.
ClickType Click type refers to each component of an ad that a customer can click. The possible click types are ad title, image, phone number, driving directions, sitelink, and review.
ClickTypeId The click type ID.
ConversionRate The conversion rate as a percentage.

The number of conversions, divided by the total number of clicks. For example, if the ads in your campaign got 300 clicks and four conversions, the conversion rate is 1.33 (%).

The formula for calculating the conversion rate is (Conversions / Clicks) x 100.

Data will be excluded from the ConversionRate report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversionRate column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Conversions The number of conversions.

A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product, registering for your webinar, joining an organization, or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad's success.

Conversions are measured by adding a small bit of code to your website pages so that a visitor's progress through your site can be tracked.

Data will be excluded from the Conversions report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversions column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.

This column is deprecated as of 2022, so you should use the ConversionsQualified column instead. Going forward, performance reports will return "0" (zero) in this column. Historical data for time periods prior to the deprecation date will still be available according to the published data retention period.
ConversionsQualified The number of conversions.

A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product, registering for your webinar, joining an organization, or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad's success.

Conversions are measured by adding a small bit of code to your website pages so that a visitor's progress through your site can be tracked.

Data will be excluded from the Conversions report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversions column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.

You should expect the data type as double whether or not there are partial externally attributed offline conversions.

Not everyone has this feature yet. If you don't, don't worry - it's coming soon!
CostPerAssist The cost per assist. The formula for calculating the cost per assist is (Spend / Assists).
CostPerConversion The cost per conversion.

The formula for calculating the cost per conversion is (Spend / Conversions). Only ads in campaigns that enable conversion tracking contribute to the conversion number, so unless all campaigns in the account enable conversion tracking, the number will not be accurate.

Data will be excluded from the CostPerConversion report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllCostPerConversion column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Ctr The click-through rate (CTR) is the number of times an ad was clicked, divided by the number of times the ad was shown (impressions). For example, if your ads got 50 clicks given 2,348 impressions, your CTR is 2.13 (%). The formula for calculating CTR is (Clicks / Impressions) x 100.
CustomerId The Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of a customer.
CustomerName The customer name.
DestinationUrl The destination URL attribute of the ad, keyword, or ad group criterion. If the destination URL contains dynamic text substitution parameters (for example, {param1}), the report will contain the URL after substitution occurs.
DeviceOS The operating system of the device reported in the DeviceType column. The possible values include Android, Blackberry, iOS, Other, Unknown, and Windows. If the operating system of the device cannot be determined or is not one of the operating systems that you can target, the value in this column will be Unknown.
DeviceType The device name attribute of a device OS target bid. The type of device which showed ads. The possible values include Computer, Smartphone, Tablet, and Unknown.
Goal The name of the goal you set for the conversions you want, meaning actions customers take after clicking your ad.
GoalType The type of conversion goal.
Possible values include AppInstall, Duration, Event, InStoreTransaction, OfflineConversion, PagesViewedPerVisit, and Url.
Impressions The number of times an ad has been displayed on search results pages. Without impressions there are no clicks or conversions.
Language The language of the publisher where the ad was shown.

For possible values, see the Language column of Ad Languages. The language display name will be provided in the report e.g. English.
MerchantProductId The unique identifier provided by a merchant for each product offer.
Network The entire Microsoft Advertising Network made up of Microsoft sites and select traffic, cross-network traffic, and only partner traffic (this network type is deprecated as of July 2024). Use this data to make the best decision on network selection for your ad groups. The possible values include AOL search, Audience, Microsoft sites and select traffic, Content, and Syndicated search partners.

Note: Not everyone can use the value Microsoft sites and select traffic yet. If you can't, don't worry - it's coming soon!
PartitionType The product partition type.
ProductGroup The backward slash delimited list of product conditions, reported as Operand = Attribute. The attribute values are surrounded by "" (double quotes). Here is an example: * / Category="Animals & Pet Supplies" / Category="Pet Supplies" / Category="Bird Supplies". The "*" (single asterisk) refers to a product group that matches everything else besides the other filters for the product group.

Note: In Performance max campaigns, this is ListingGroup.
Revenue The revenue optionally reported by the advertiser as a result of conversions.

Data will be excluded from the Revenue report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllRevenue column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
RevenuePerAssist The revenue per assist. The formula for calculating the revenue per assist is (Revenue / Assists).
RevenuePerConversion The revenue per conversion.

The formula for calculating the revenue per conversion is (Revenue / Conversions).

Data will be excluded from the RevenuePerConversion report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllRevenuePerConversion column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.

Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information, see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
SearchQuery The search term used by your potential audience.
Spend The cost per click (CPC) summed for each click.
TimePeriod The time period of each report row. You may not include this column if the Aggregation element of the request object is set to Summary. For more information, see Time Period Column.
Title The product item name. For example the title of a book, DVD, or game.
TotalClicksOnAdElements The number of clicks when this ad element was present in the ad copy, whether this or another ad element was clicked on.


Required Columns

The report must include the following columns at a minimum. As a general rule, each report must include at least one attribute column and at least one non-impression share performance statistics column. For more information, see Report Attributes and Performance Statistics.


The TimePeriod column is expected for all aggregation types except Summary. It is important to note that if you do not include TimePeriod, the aggregation you chose will be ignored and Summary aggregation will be used regardless.



Service: ReportingService.svc v13

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