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Reference: Gateway log schema

APPLIES TO: All API Management tiers

This article provides a schema reference for the Azure API Management GatewayLogs resource log. Log entries also include fields in the top-level common schema.

To enable collection of the resource log in API Management, see Monitor published APIs.

GatewayLogs schema

The following properties are logged for each API request.

Property Type Description
ApiId string API entity identifier for current request
ApimSubscriptionId string Subscription entity identifier for current request
ApiRevision string API revision for current request
BackendId string Backend entity identifier for current request
BackendMethod string HTTP method of the request sent to a backend
BackendProtocol string HTTP protocol version of the request sent to a backend
BackendRequestBody string Backend request body
BackendRequestHeaders dynamic Collection of HTTP headers sent to a backend
BackendResponseBody string Backend response body
BackendResponseCode int Code of the HTTP response received from a backend
BackendResponseHeaders dynamic Collection of HTTP headers received from a backend
BackendTime long Number of milliseconds spent on overall backend I/O (connecting, sending, and receiving bytes)
BackendUrl string URL of the request sent to a backend
Cache string Status of API Management cache involvement in request processing (hit, miss, none)
CacheTime long Number of milliseconds spent on overall API Management cache IO (connecting, sending and receiving bytes)
ClientProtocol string HTTP protocol version of the incoming request
ClientTime long Number of milliseconds spent on overall client I/O (connecting, sending, and receiving bytes)
ClientTlsVersion string TLS version used by client sending request
Errors dynamic Collection of error occurred during request processing
IsRequestSuccess bool HTTP request completed with response status code within 2xx or 3xx range
LastErrorElapsed long Number of milliseconds elapsed since gateway received request until the error occurred
LastErrorMessage string Error message
LastErrorReason string Error reason
LastErrorScope string Scope of the policy document containing policy caused the error
LastErrorSection string Section of the policy document containing policy caused the error
LastErrorSource string Naming of the policy or processing internal handler caused the error
Method string HTTP method of the incoming request
OperationId string Operation entity identifier for current request
ProductId string Product entity identifier for current request
RequestBody string Client request body
RequestHeaders dynamic Collection of HTTP headers sent by a client
RequestSize int Number of bytes received from a client during request processing
ResponseBody string Gateway response body
ResponseCode int Status code of the HTTP response sent to a client
ResponseHeaders dynamic Collection of HTTP headers sent to a client
ResponseSize int Number of bytes sent to a client during request processing
TotalTime long Number of milliseconds spent on overall HTTP request (from first byte received by API Management to last byte a client received back)
TraceRecords dynamic Records emitted by trace policies
Url string URL of the incoming request
UserId string User entity identifier for current request