334 questions with .NET CLI-related tags

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0 answers

how to fix dotnet core build issue on new jenkins windows agent server

Hi Team, I'm building new jenkins agent on windows 2019 server for dotnet core build . the dotnet SDKs installed are same as old server which is working fine . but on new server the post build package microsoft.extensions.dependency.model.dll is…

A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services.
4,501 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
asked 2023-11-14T12:11:20.6166667+00:00
Raju, Ilaiyaraja 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2023-11-14T12:13:54.0266667+00:00
Raju, Ilaiyaraja 0 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Requested security protocol is not supported - at System.Net.ServicePointManager.ValidateSecurityProtocol(SecurityProtocolType value)

Hi, I am working on a project where I am using a .NET library in native C++ via C++/Clr. I can execute the code and the dialog from the .NET library starts correctly (https://www.bimcollab.com/en/resources/developers/developer-sdk/). But it seems that…

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
3,776 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
3,681 questions
asked 2023-11-06T12:58:43.22+00:00
Michael Brunner 40 Reputation points
accepted 2023-11-06T19:57:08.31+00:00
Michael Brunner 40 Reputation points
0 answers

RTSP streams that use Media Foundation stop loading.

I'm writing an application that uses Media Foundation to read and parse RTSP streams. The stream will be in H.264 codec at 25 fps. I can get images using Media Foundation's SourceReader, but it stops at ReadSample() after about 1-2 minute. There's no…

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
3,776 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
3,681 questions
asked 2023-10-31T07:00:03.3066667+00:00
MASAHIROTANAKA-1764 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-11-02T12:04:43.54+00:00
MASAHIROTANAKA-1764 0 Reputation points
4 answers

Unable to start the Cloud Shell. not able to connect Cloud Shell. on azure portal

Not able to start Azure CLI ,not working on azure portal , please advise. this is the below error message Unable to start the Cloud Shell. Take a look at the troubleshooting guide.

Azure Cloud Services
Azure Cloud Services
An Azure platform as a service offer that is used to deploy web and cloud applications.
689 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
asked 2022-03-22T12:47:59.207+00:00
Dipak Tripathi 1 Reputation point
commented 2023-10-25T01:55:00.59+00:00
Bhargav Sudhir 0 Reputation points
2 answers

How to find backup vaults for an Azure blob container and file share using AZ CLI?

I'm working on an automation project where I need to find the backup vaults configured for blob container and file share. I searched Microsoft documents but couldn't find anything to achieve my goal. Could anyone please help? Thanks.

Azure Files
Azure Files
An Azure service that offers file shares in the cloud.
1,269 questions
Azure Storage Accounts
Azure Storage Accounts
Globally unique resources that provide access to data management services and serve as the parent namespace for the services.
3,082 questions
Azure Blob Storage
Azure Blob Storage
An Azure service that stores unstructured data in the cloud as blobs.
2,775 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
asked 2023-10-12T03:38:14.4566667+00:00
ThePowershellFan 1 Reputation point
answered 2023-10-20T17:01:48.2533333+00:00
ThePowershellFan 1 Reputation point
3 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Which tool can I use to see which DLLs a DLL contains?

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/listdlls Like this C:\Test\App\InterfaceSolutionCppWrapper\Debug>listdlls -v mfcclient Works not. Which tool can I use to see which third DLL contains which other DLLs and which version? How…

A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
10,815 questions
asked 2023-10-14T16:46:43.1466667+00:00
Markus Freitag 3,786 Reputation points
accepted 2023-10-17T17:24:15.8366667+00:00
Markus Freitag 3,786 Reputation points
1 answer

the outputData has some unrecognized text?

var processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "cmd.exe", Arguments = "", UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardInput = true, RedirectStandardInput = true, …

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
3,776 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
10,815 questions
.NET Runtime
.NET Runtime
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Runtime: An environment required to run apps that aren't compiled to machine language.
1,151 questions
asked 2023-10-08T06:56:21.13+00:00
mc 4,376 Reputation points
commented 2023-10-09T03:05:30.83+00:00
Jiale Xue - MSFT 44,066 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
7 answers

Console StdOut ans StdErr redirection is only partial. Why and how to redirect full Console output to memory (stream, TextWriter, ...) ?

The problem occur in a WPF application. Console StdOut and StdErr redirection does not works for C++ library, it only works for C# code. This is code used to redirect in my WPF app: Outputter = new StreamWriter(@"C:\temp\test.txt"); …

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
3,776 questions
Windows Presentation Foundation
Windows Presentation Foundation
A part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for building line-of-business desktop applications on Windows.
2,755 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
10,815 questions
asked 2022-11-01T20:37:55.42+00:00
Eric Ouellet 41 Reputation points
answered 2023-09-06T10:19:42.6833333+00:00
Simon Rozman 1 Reputation point
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Side by Side MAUI possible?

I am getting increasingly aggravated and defeated by this new distribution method.  Basically from what I can tell, every release of the .NET SDK brings with it a new version of maui workloads that need to be installed via dotnet maui install / update /…

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
3,363 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
asked 2023-08-25T00:26:19.8533333+00:00
Jim Borden 20 Reputation points
commented 2023-08-30T15:54:31.7966667+00:00
Bruce (SqlWork.com) 63,501 Reputation points
1 answer

DSQuery OpenQueryWindow with parameter

Hi, how to open DSquery openquerywindow find to printers or computer from command prompt what is process used when we click Add printer from Microsoft office like excel and its open with custom find printer option

A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
Office Development
Office Development
Office: A suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, email, presentations, and data management and analysis.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
3,830 questions
asked 2022-08-12T04:10:02.363+00:00
Mohammed Ilyas 1 Reputation point
answered 2023-08-14T19:35:35.6233333+00:00
Vahid Ghafarpour 21,080 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

C++/CLI How to add Text and Value to Combobox ?

Hello how to add Text and Value to Combobox ? here my code: //ComboboxItem.h namespace I2CProg { using namespace System; public ref class ComboboxItem { String^ _text = ""; Object^ _value; public: property String^ Text { …

A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
3,681 questions
asked 2022-05-31T11:44:09.617+00:00
Σωτηρης Σωτηρης 21 Reputation points
commented 2023-08-14T15:34:12.24+00:00
Fabrice SAUNIER 0 Reputation points
0 answers

dotnet tools - SDK and runtime on Linux; deployment issues

I recently did a deploy of dotnet tools 6, SDK and runtime on my Linux Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. I could not get it to work at first. It appeared that everything was installed correctly and env var's were set. I finally tracked down that the issue was that…

A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
.NET Runtime
.NET Runtime
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Runtime: An environment required to run apps that aren't compiled to machine language.
1,151 questions
asked 2023-08-02T18:02:04.7733333+00:00
John Aschenbrenner 1 Reputation point
commented 2023-08-04T06:45:16.1166667+00:00
Jiachen Li-MSFT 30,851 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
0 answers

Cannot install System.Data.SqlClient from NuGet or Dotnet cli

Hi everyone I have tried searching how and low for a response to this but to no avail. I am trying to install System.Data.SqlClient for a backend server. When I open Visual Studio (Community Edition) and follow the regular workflow to install NuGet…

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
3,776 questions
A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services.
3,449 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
asked 2023-07-25T14:11:53.16+00:00
Damian Young 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-07-25T14:14:35.7533333+00:00
Damian Young 0 Reputation points
1 answer

"HTTPSConnectionPool Max retries exceeded with url error" when deploying azure function app.

I am trying to deploy functionapp using the CLI by running the command az functionapp deployment source config-zip -g Development -n <function-name> --src <output-directory.zip> but keep getting this error…

Azure Functions
Azure Functions
An Azure service that provides an event-driven serverless compute platform.
4,854 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
asked 2023-07-03T03:37:46.24+00:00
Mustafa Hussain 0 Reputation points
answered 2023-07-21T05:24:31.4566667+00:00
晓月 陈 0 Reputation points
1 answer

XamlCompiler.exe fails with code -1073741515 on GitLab CI

I am trying to set up CI on GitLab for my MAUI Project. My setup uses a Windows Runner with a Docker Container that uses the following .gitlab-ci.yml ` image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0 stages: - build build_job: stage:…

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
3,363 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
10,815 questions
asked 2022-12-12T17:46:42.843+00:00
Lucas 6 Reputation points
edited an answer 2023-07-08T19:50:39.39+00:00
Bruce (SqlWork.com) 63,501 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

.NET MAUI on Windows without Visual Studio - How to make it work?

The macOS install example works perfectly, but when I try the same thing on Windows... no dice! First I tried dotnet build -f net6.0-windows on the raw template project and got NETSDK1135: SupportedOSPlatformVersion 10.0.17763.0 cannot be higher than…

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
3,363 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
asked 2022-05-07T09:28:56.063+00:00
geronimus 41 Reputation points
edited an answer 2023-06-27T11:59:00.04+00:00
David Baker 0 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How to identify SSL certificate of about to expire which used in Web Application OR Service fabric explorer which stored on KeyVault as well

How we can Identify SSL certificate is about to expire, which used in Web Application OR Service Fabric Explorer which stored on KeyVault as well.. We faced some issue every year we are using SSL certificate on web application and when it's expired…

Azure Key Vault
Azure Key Vault
An Azure service that is used to manage and protect cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud apps and services.
1,249 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
7,624 questions
asked 2022-02-13T13:42:19.797+00:00
Jignesh Vala 61 Reputation points
commented 2023-06-06T18:59:19.21+00:00
Rajesh S 31 Reputation points
0 answers

Skip project build multiple times in referenced projects

We want to reduce build time by skipping execution of referenced projects multiple times during compilation. Example: We have 10 projects for compilation. Each project has referenced with multiple projects. like project1 has referenced with 3,5,6,7 …

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
3,776 questions
A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services.
3,449 questions
A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
10,815 questions
Not Monitored
Not Monitored
Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
38,514 questions
asked 2023-05-04T10:57:45.05+00:00
Sambasiva Rao Vankayalapati 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-06-02T08:12:53.81+00:00
Tianyu Sun-MSFT 30,236 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2 answers

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol incorrect when called over COM?

The default value for ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol, in a .NET 4.7.2 app, is supposed to be "SystemDefault", which is supposed to include tls 1.2 as far as I understand it. If I make a simple NET 4.7.2 console app and look at the…

A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
asked 2022-08-24T16:29:37.487+00:00
R P 6 Reputation points
answered 2023-06-02T05:59:11.7766667+00:00
Ben Graham 0 Reputation points
1 answer

How to do this in Visual Studio Testing Explorer?

I know I can do this when I run test via command line : dotnet test myproject.csproj /p:IsTest=true What if I want to pass that /p:IsTest=true when I run test via Visual studio's Test Explorer? How can I do this? The Goal: What I want to do is,…

A cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications.
334 questions
Visual Studio Testing
Visual Studio Testing
Visual Studio: A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices.Testing: The act or process of applying tests as a means of analysis or diagnosis.
345 questions
asked 2023-05-23T07:31:38.3033333+00:00
Wasenshi Winkung 0 Reputation points
answered 2023-05-24T19:16:15.0766667+00:00
Wasenshi Winkung 0 Reputation points