Import a custom insights model into Dataverse (preview)


This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.

Because seller insights are generated from your custom insights model, you must import that model into Dataverse. However, before you import the model, map your custom attributes with the attributes in the msdyn_salessuggestion entity in Dataverse.

License and role requirements

Requirement type You must have
License Dynamics 365 Sales Premium or Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise
More information: Dynamics 365 Sales pricing
Security roles System Administrator
More information: Predefined security roles for Sales

Import the data model into Dataverse

The following diagram illustrates the process of importing the custom model into Dataverse.

Flow diagram of the process of importing the custom data model into Dataverse.

To import and map the attributes, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you understand the msdyn_salessuggestion entity.
  2. Map the attributes from your custom model with attributes in the msdyn_salessuggestion entity. You can use various methods to map the custom attributes, such as Web APIs, comma-separated values (.csv) files, or XML Spreadsheet 2003 (.xml) files.
  3. Import your mapped attribute schema into Dataverse, so that Dynamics 365 Sales can access your data and display the insights. For more information, go to the Map the schema and import it into Dataverse section.

Understand the msdyn_salessuggestion entity

The msdyn_salessuggestion entity helps you import your custom insights data into Dynamics 365 Sales. The custom attributes in your data might vary, based on the data. To help ensure that the insights are surfaced in the correct place and with the correct actions, map your custom attributes to the attributes in the msdyn_salessuggestion entity.

Use the following table to get a detailed understanding of the msdyn_salessuggestion entity attributes.

Attribute Logical or schema name Attribute type Description
Related record msdyn_relatedrecord Lookup

This attribute stores the parent record for the insight and is customized for other entities that support one-to-many (1:N) relationships.

By default, the relationship is provided through the account entity.

Name msdyn_name Primary field The name of the suggestion.
Sales motion msdyn_salesmotion Optionset The type of insight, such as New, Relationship Management, or True Up.
Solution area msdyn_solutionarea Optionset The broad category of the product or stockkeeping unit (SKU).
Sales play msdyn_salesplay Optionset The narrow category of the product, SKU, or sales strategy.
Suggestion reason msdyn_suggestionreason String The rationale or justification behind a specific insight that is provided.
Suggestion insights msdyn_insight Multiline string

A list of insights. The multiline text is separated by Windows or Unix newline characters (\r\n or \n). For example, Line1\nLine2\nLine3 is displayed in the widget as:

  • Line1
  • Line2
  • Line3
Potential revenue msdyn_potentialrevenue Currency The estimated revenue that the insight can bring.
Owner ownerid User/team lookup The owner's name on the record.

The customizable state and status of the insight. The out-of-box values are:

  • Open (shown in the work list)
  • Completed (positive disposition)
  • Declined (negative disposition)
  • Qualified (converted to an opportunity or engagement)
Expiry date msdyn_expirydate DateTime The expiry date of the insight.
Suggested date msdyn_suggesteddate DateTime The due date of the insight.
Feedback reason msdyn_feedbackreason String The capture reason that the seller gave for positive or negative feedback when the feedback is Others.

Map the schema and import it into Dataverse

Use methods such as Web APIs, comma-separated values (.csv) files, or XML Spreadsheet 2003 (.xml) files to map custom attributes and create the schema. After you map the custom attributes with the msdyn_salessuggestion entity, you must import the schema into Dataverse. The insights can then be displayed in the records in Dynamics 365 Sales.

To learn more about how to import data into Dataverse, go to:

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