Hello @Hexamail Support and thanks for reaching out. There's no API to discover the home tenant for an Azure AD app registration but you can iterate trough all the tenants for an account and get all applications or applications that match selected app Ids. Use the following scripts as basis for doing so. You need to install the Az PowerShell module.
To list all app registrations for all tenants
$tenants|foreach { Connect-AzAccount -AccountId $account.Id -Tenant $_; Get-AzADApplication }
To list all app registrations for all tenants that match selected app Ids
$appIds = ("id1","id",...) # Replace with known app Ids
$tenants|foreach { Connect-AzAccount -AccountId $account.Id -Tenant $_; foreach($id in $appIds) { Get-AzADApplication -filter "appId eq '$id'" } }
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