[Migrated from MSDN Exchange Dev]Exchange 2019 does not search forwarded message with attachment

Lucas Liu-MSFT 6,161 Reputation points

[Note] This thread was originally posted on MSDN. As the MSDN Exchange Dev forum mainly focuses on developing issues and the TechNet Exchange forums for general questions have been locked down, we manually migrated this one to Microsoft Q&A platform to continue the troubleshooting.

Hi everyone.

We encountered a very strange bug with exchange search.


Outlook working in on-line mode (running on terminal servers, so we can`t chnage it to cached mode due high IO)

When user get message with any attached file AND forward it, the message disappears from the search results. Outlook search showing forwarded message from "SENT" folder, but do not showing original message in "INBOX"

There is an example on sreenshot

as you can see, search showing only 3 results, while we have 4 messages (2 in inbox, 2 in sent).

OWA have same issue.

Users do not use Conversation View, as some correspondence may contain dozens of messages that are difficult to view in this form.

This problem appear after upgrading to Exchange 2019 (CU3) from 2016. Now we installed CU8, but this bug still here...

Has anyone encountered a similar bug?

Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server: A family of Microsoft client/server messaging and collaboration software.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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  1. Alex Shell 1 Reputation point

    We have the same problem: Outlook (online mode) does not see forwarded messages with an attachment in the search (in the Outlook Inbox).
    Our environment:
    Windows Server 2019 (all latest updates as of 08.11.2021)
    Exchnage Server 2019 (CU 11 + CU11 Oct21SU)

    The results of running the troubleshoot-mordernsearch.ps1 utility are in the attachment (csv in txt files):
    frist_message.txt - Log with the first message, where:
    InternetMessageId: 9f7468530b984debb75ad1cf92cbd891@mathieu.company .ru
    BigFunnelCorrelationId: 5aef897a-7433-4753-8ceb-7abe257e87ae
    IndexStatus: Indexed

    forwarded_message.txt - Log with forwarded email, where:
    The original message in the Inbox (which stopped being looked for)
    InternetMessageId: 9f7468530b984debb75ad1cf92cbd891@mathieu.company .ru
    BigFunnelCorrelationId: NULL
    IndexStatus: ShouldNotBeIndexed
    And we see the forwarded message in Sent (which shows up in the search):
    InternetMessageId: 51c4d0a647714432afea1660ae112805@mathieu.company .ru
    BigFunnelCorrelationId: 432bcff7-3c6c-4df9-8013-3329bba3e092
    IndexStatus: Indexed

    I don't have this problem with forwarding via OWA or mobile outlook.

    Why does the email get Status: ShouldNotBeIndexed in my Inbox and why is BigFunnelCorrelationId missing?
    And how to fix this problem?