"Error 'Resource provider not registered' when deploying model in Azure ML Tutorial (Free Trial)"
I'm following the Microsoft Learn tutorial "Create a classification model with Azure Machine Learning designer" (https://microsoftlearning.github.io/mslearn-ai-fundamentals/Instructions/Labs/01-machine-learning.html) with an Azure Free Trial subscription.
The model training was successful, but when trying to deploy the model, I encountered the following error:
Resource provider [N/A] isn't registered with Subscription [N/A]. Please see troubleshooting guide, available here: https://aka.ms/register-resource-provider (Code: SubscriptionNotRegistered)
Here's what I've tried:
- Reduced the instance count from 3 to 1
- Tried different VM sizes
- Checked quota limits in Azure portal
- Confirmed all visible resource providers are registered
Deployment details:
- Compute type: Azure ML compute instance
- VM Size: Standard_E4s_v3
- Instance count: 1 (reduced from 3)
- New endpoint
Can someone help me understand:
- Is this deployment possible with a Free Trial subscription?
- If yes, what steps should I take to resolve this error?
- If no, what are the minimum subscription requirements for this tutorial?
Thank you in advance for your help.