Room Finder Missing/Changed

Emile Topalian 91 Reputation points


It's been a few weeks now that my room finder has disappeared on Outlook 365. And when I turn it on, it doesn't look like before. I don't see the month with shades of blue, only a list of available rooms. See below images.

What can I do to get the room finder as it used to look before?


Outlook Management
Outlook Management
Outlook: A family of Microsoft email and calendar products.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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  1. Noneya B 66 Reputation points

    In case my comment was missed...

    I agree with this post. As someone who schedules meetings all day long, my job has just become more difficult/time-consuming. The monthly calendar view is extremely helpful and I don't understand why it was removed. I don't have the option to downgrade to the previous version as this is a work computer. I hope that Microsoft reconsiders removing the tool. The new tool is only helpful for booking a room, you can no longer view participant availability easily.

    This update is a MAJOR DOWNGRADE.

    In combination with the updated room finder, it would be great, but I'd rather have the old version back without the new room finder if I had the choice--finding a room is not a major issue. Working in a global org trying to find availability is the issue and always has been.

    I would hope they beta-tested this software update with folks who schedule meetings for a living versus casual or infrequent users. Perhaps I am overlooking something and it's an improvement. If so, I'm all ears--please share your tips.


    5 people found this answer helpful.

  2. Emile Topalian 91 Reputation points

    Hi @Jade Liang-MSFT ,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Version I'm using is 2103 - Build 13901.20400.

    Reverting back to a previous version/build will help, but I'm afraid it will only be a temporary solution until a new update is released - that I could simply dismiss, or one important enough for security and/or stability reasons that I'll have no choice to do.

    I'm not entirely sure why it's a better experience as I don't have the attendees' availabilities that I can see throughout a given month with the shades of blue (white = Good, light blue = Fair, blue = Poor) and forces me to scroll to see who is available and when. It's not a user-friendly experience anymore.

    I don't know if I'm the only one that has asked about that, but I really liked better the previous UX as it's simpler & faster, and the new version doesn't offer an alternative anymore. It's not that I'm being picky on the new display, it's the fact that it's not there at all anymore.

    Thanks again.



    2 people found this answer helpful.

  3. Jade Liang-MSFT 9,961 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @Emile Topalian ,

    Welcome to our forum.

    What's the version of your Outlook 365(File>Office account>About Outlook)? According to my research and tests, the room finder experience has been updated since the Version 2012 (Build 13530.20316) on January 05, for more information about new room finder and update information, please refer to these articles:

    It is by design and aims to provide users with a better experience when working with Outlook room finder, if you still don't like it, as a workaround, you could try to revert your office to an earlier version, such as Version 2012 (Build 13530.20316) or earlier. Based on my tests, we could revert our office like below:

    • Run command prompt as administrator
    • type "cd %programfiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\", enter
    • type "OfficeC2RClient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.13426.20404", enter, then it would download Office
      (16.0.13426.20404 means you would revert your Office to Version 2012 (Build 13530.20316), you could also choose other version number for your need )

    Hope that would be helpful to you.

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  4. Christine Schmidutz 21 Reputation points

    This was such an efficient and useful tool - I could quickly assess what the open time slots were, determine how many attendees might have conflicts- see who had a conflict and potentially contact them to see if they could reschedule ( depending on importance ) all this while not having to toggle to a different tab. The look was clean and scheduling assistant is not. Please bring this back

  5. Administrator 1 Reputation point

    I have two Outlook (for Windows) clients with the exact same version, which is version 2110 Build 16.0.14527.20168.

    However, one client shows the new room finder experience, the other does not. I've checked, that the registry key to show the old experience is not present. Any suggestions?

    Edit: I want the NEW experience to be shown.