Windows server 16 with a website

Tia Rojas 1 Reputation point

My windows server 16 has: IIS, DNS and active director

My local server is obama.local and I host a website call

The external clients can access the website without any problem

The internal clients can't access the website

I will need to configure DNS Forward Lookup zone but don't the details.
I configures the lookup zone with the following:
Name = cpanel
Type= Host(a)
Data = <The external IP address>

This is all I have and is not working.
Can you please help me or give me a web page with information as what to do?

Internet Information Services
Windows Server
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  1. Dave Patrick 426.4K Reputation points MVP

    Sounds like you may need a split brain deployment.

    also note install active directory domain services and IIS together is risky and conflicting. A better option may be to install the hyper-v roles (as only role) on host, then stand up two virtual machines, one for IIS application and other as active directory domain controller.

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  2. Candy Luo 12,686 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi ,

    DNS entries just used to resolve domain name to an IP address. First make sure you can access the website by IP address in the LAN. If you are not able to access the website by IP, then this issue is not related with DNS resolution.

    Best Regards,


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  3. Dave Patrick 426.4K Reputation points MVP

    Just checking if there's any progress or updates?

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  4. Tia Rojas 1 Reputation point

    @Candy Luo that is very interesting. I opened a browser in my intranet and enter:

    • internal IP address, I get error: HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.
    • external IP address, I got this error: This site can’t be reached ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

    My host file has
    "external IP" ""

    If I enter the "internal IP" "" I am able to access the intranet website on that computer only but, I can't be updating all the iphones and ipads host files for all users.
    I need to find a solution in my server, I was under the impression that DNS Split can fix the problem?

  5. Dave Patrick 426.4K Reputation points MVP

    , I was under the impression that DNS Split can fix the problem?

    You can follow along here to setup a split brain.

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