Windows server 16 with a website

Tia Rojas 1 Reputation point

My windows server 16 has: IIS, DNS and active director

My local server is obama.local and I host a website call

The external clients can access the website without any problem

The internal clients can't access the website

I will need to configure DNS Forward Lookup zone but don't the details.
I configures the lookup zone with the following:
Name = cpanel
Type= Host(a)
Data = <The external IP address>

This is all I have and is not working.
Can you please help me or give me a web page with information as what to do?

Internet Information Services
Windows Server
Windows Server
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  1. Tia Rojas 1 Reputation point

    @MotoX80 the problem is not that complicated to understand

    This is part of my Windows server 2016:
    IP <-- is my intranet IP address and the hostname is obama.local (I don't have a certificate or a website on obama.local, Port 80 is not open to the internet)
    IP <-- is my external IP address and and has a certificate for website I have port 443 open to the internet

    The internet can access without any problems
    If I try to access or in the intranet I get an error: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (This is the problem that I need to fix)

    @ CandyLuo-MSFT told me "DNS entries just used to resolve domain name to an IP address. First make sure you can access the website by IP address in the LAN. If you are not able to access the website by IP, then this issue is not related with DNS resolution."

    I need to resolve the LAN before I work with DNS.

    Your suggestion of having 2 certificates. One assign to IP and the other certificate assign to IP may work?

  2. Tia Rojas 1 Reputation point

    @MotoX80 yes that is correct. and the IP address is not the one I use.
    I am still fixing TLS 1.1 problems so I don't want to expose my server.

  3. Tia Rojas 1 Reputation point

    I am getting errors on the 2 logs. This is a problem that I need to look close. This machine has one NIC and looks like I may need to configure for 2 NICs

    Test-NetConnection -Port 443
    WARNING: TCP connect to failed

    ComputerName :
    RemoteAddress :
    RemotePort : 443
    InterfaceAlias : Ethernet 2
    SourceAddress :
    PingSucceeded : True
    PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 0 ms
    TcpTestSucceeded : False

    is not working and I am getting errors in the logs
    the HTTERR log:

    Software: Microsoft HTTP API 2.0

    Version: 1.0

    Date: 2021-05-07 09:13:15

    Fields: date time c-ip c-port s-ip s-port cs-version cs-method cs-uri streamid sc-status s-siteid s-reason s-queuename

    2021-05-07 09:13:15 55256 443 HTTP/1.1 GET / - 404 - NotFound -

  4. Hypatia 1 Reputation point

    @MotoX80 I only have on NIC on my server. I am looking at the IIS to understand what is going on

  5. Hypatia 1 Reputation point

    I was able to fix this problem.

    My C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\Host file has the intranet IP and the domain name:
    IIS binds the internet port 443 to port 80

    The problem was in the FortiGate router. I was not pointing to the correct certificate.

    One I fixed FortiGate my intranet and internet and working with the correct ports.

    Thank you for your help.

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