Azure AD Authentication with OWIN for ASP.NET WEB Forms Applicaiton - How to logout user after configurable inactive time

Padmasekhar Pottepalem 1 Reputation point

We have an application which is build using ASP.NET WEB Forms (.NET Framework 4.6.2). Previously, we were using Windows authentication to authenticate user. Now, we want to change it to Azure AD authentication with MFA with OWIN (Open Id Connect) framework. I was able to do a POC till Azure AD authentication and MFA. However, we have another requirement that, Application should ask user for username and password to re-authenticate after 15 min in active time. I am unable to do this. Even, I am not sure whether it is possible with OpenId connect and Azure because I am new to Azure and SSO. Can someone please help me how I can achieve this? This is really important to us.

I have set Cookie expire time as well but, when cookie is expired it is internally re-authenticating user without asking username and password.

I have attached my Startup class.

using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect;
using Microsoft.Owin;
using Microsoft.Owin.Extensions;
using Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security.Notifications;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect;
using Owin;
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Claims;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace AzureADWebForms
    public partial class Startup
        private static string clientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:ClientId"];
        private static string aadInstance = EnsureTrailingSlash(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:AADInstance"]);
        //private static string tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Tenant"];
        private static string tenantId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:TenantId"];
        private static string postLogoutRedirectUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:PostLogoutUri"];
        private static string redirectUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:redirectUri"];
        //private string authority = aadInstance + tenantId;
        private string authority = string.Empty;
        public Startup()
            authority = Path.Combine(aadInstance, tenantId);
            //authority = String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, aadInstance, tenant);

        public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)

            app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions()
                ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2),
                //SlidingExpiration = true,
                Provider = new CookieAuthenticationProvider
                    OnResponseSignIn = OnCustomResponseSignIn,
                    OnValidateIdentity = OnMyCustomValidateIdentity

            new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
                ClientId = clientId,
                Authority = authority,
                RedirectUri = redirectUri,
                PostLogoutRedirectUri = postLogoutRedirectUri,
                Scope = OpenIdConnectScope.OpenIdProfile,
                //ResponseType = OpenIdConnectResponseType.IdToken,
                ResponseType = OpenIdConnectResponseType.CodeIdToken,
                UseTokenLifetime = false,
                Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications()
                    AuthenticationFailed = OnAuthenticationFailed,
                    RedirectToIdentityProvider = OnRedirectToIdentityProvider,
                    SecurityTokenValidated = OnSecurityTokenValidated 


            // This makes any middleware defined above this line run before the Authorization rule is applied in web.config

        private void OnCustomResponseSignIn(CookieResponseSignInContext context)
            //context.Properties.AllowRefresh = true;
            //context.Properties.ExpiresUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2);

            var ticks = context.Options.SystemClock.UtcNow.AddHours(10).UtcTicks;
            context.Properties.Dictionary.Add("absolute", ticks.ToString());

        private Task OnMyCustomValidateIdentity(CookieValidateIdentityContext context)
            bool reject = true;
            string value;
            if (context.Properties.Dictionary.TryGetValue("absolute", out value))
                long ticks;
                if (Int64.TryParse(value, out ticks))
                    reject = context.Options.SystemClock.UtcNow.UtcTicks > ticks;
            if (reject)
                // optionally clear cookie

            return Task.FromResult(0);

        private Task OnRedirectToIdentityProvider(RedirectToIdentityProviderNotification
Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
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  1. Shweta Mathur 29,731 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @Padmasekhar Pottepalem ,

    Thanks for reaching out. core provides ExpireTimespan which controls how much time the authentication ticket stored in the cookie will remain valid from the point it is created.

      .Services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(options =>  
            options.SlidingExpiration = false;  
            options.ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15);  

    CookieAuthenticationOptions.ExpireTimespan is the option that allows you to set how long the issued cookie is valid for. As mentioned, the cookie is valid for 15 minutes from the time of creation. Once those 15 minutes are up the user will have to sign back in because the SlidingExpiration is set to false and it will not re-issued any request in halfway through ExpireTimespan.

    Also, a cookie-based authentication provider without ASP.NET Core Identity can also be used using absolute expiration time which can be set with ExpiresUtc.

    new AuthenticationProperties  
            IsPersistent = true,  
            ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(20)  

    You can try either of ExpireTimeSpan or ExprireUtc , However, when ExpiresUtc is set, it overrides the value of the ExpireTimeSpan option of CookieAuthenticationOptions,if set.

    Reference : Absolute Cookie Expiration



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  2. Paul, Prakash 1 Reputation point

    I also need some tips How to avoid silent authentication?

    var properties = new AuthenticationProperties()
                                        RedirectUri = SuccessRedirect,
                                        AllowRefresh = false,
                                        ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(20)
                                    properties.Dictionary.Add("login_hint", txtUserID.Text + "");
                                    HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication.Challenge(properties, OpenIdConnectAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationType);

    I want every time user try to login, insted of silent auth, passward screen must prompt.
    any help will be appriciated

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  3. Tushar Kamble 1 Reputation point

    Hi @Padmasekhar Pottepalem ,

    There is a requirement in my project to impliement Azure AD SSO.

    My project is a ASP.NET WEB Forms Applicaiton, can you please share some links or sample code for this.

    I am trying but got stuck, On login page I am getting 302 found error but in the response I can see the id_token received from azure.

    It will be very helpful if you share some sample code or any inks where I can get code for SSO in ASP.NET WEB Forms Applicaiton.

    Also in my application on login page there is local login and sing with microsoft login functionality.

    Thanks in advance.

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  4. Ramu Choudhary 1 Reputation point

    Hi @Tushar Kamble

    Have you got any sample impliement Azure AD SSO with ASP.NET WEB Forms .

    If yes please share with me i have also same requirement.


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  5. Rajan Kumar 0 Reputation points

    hi @Ramu Choudhary

    I will provide you this saturday.

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