Unable some users are unable to open "shared contacts" in outlook

Kevinski 6 Reputation points


So some users no longer able to open "shared contacts" in outlook.

They have a permission error ("you do not have permission to view this contacts folder. Do you want to ask XXX to share his or her Contacts folder with you?"), but the permission for "Default" is reviewer (cf screenshot).


It will fail for about 50% of new users (users who didn't need it before).

It works for a lot of users (~70) but not for several others (more and more every day). If it starts to fail for someone, adding them nominatively in the contacts folder's permissions will sometimes work.

The account used for the contacts folder sharing is a shared mailbox which is used only for that. We have ~4-5 users which are "editors" and are able to update/create contacts there and ~75 which are supposed to have access to those contacts.

My question is : why doesn't it work with the "default" permission anymore, and what can I do about it without having to add every 75 of them nominatively and hope for the best.

Thanks in advance !

Outlook Management
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Outlook: A family of Microsoft email and calendar products.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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Microsoft Exchange Online Management
Microsoft Exchange Online: A Microsoft email and calendaring hosted service.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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  1. Steven Lemus 1 Reputation point

    We are experiencing the issue. We have a client that wants to share their personal business contacts list to to another business account. They are both in the same organization, but when we try to share it state "error while preparing to send sharing message" we have added privileges to the other mailbox but that doesn't work. Does any have any tips?