@bala autade see a related thread answered by @rbrundritt : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/737930/plot-vector-tile-on-bing-map-from-arcgis.html
Quote from the similar thread:
Vector tiles are a completely different beast from traditional map tiles/tile layers.
Traditional map tiles/tile layers are images that have been cut up into smaller images.
Vector tiles consist of geometry data that has been cropped to the area of a tile, encoded, then compressed. It's not an image and requires a completely different set of tools to render.
Bing Maps does not support vector tiles (pbf), however, Azure Maps does (and actually uses it natively for the base maps). Here are details on how to use vector tiles with Azure Maps:
Docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-maps/create-data-source-web-sdk#vector-tile-source