String split insert into columns in MS SQL

Ayyappan CNN 61 Reputation points


ref. my Ms SQL script.

If(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#StudProfileReviewer') Is Not Null)  
    Drop Table #StudProfileReviewer  
create table #StudProfileReviewer  
    StudID [INT],   
    StudName Varchar(50),   
    StudProfileRemarks Varchar(Max),   
    RemarksDate DatetIme,   
    RemarksSplit_NameMistakes Varchar(100),  
	RemarksSplit_MobilePhoneMistakes Varchar(100),  
	RemarksSplit_DOBMistakes Varchar(100),  
	RemarksSplit_AddressMistakes Varchar(100),  
	RemarksSplit_OtherMistakes Varchar(100),  
	RemarksCount INT  
Insert into [#StudProfileReviewer] (StudID,StudName,StudProfileRemarks,RemarksDate)  Values(1001,'SriRaman','Mobile Phone No length mistake | AddressMistake', '2022/05/03')   
Insert into [#StudProfileReviewer] (StudID,StudName,StudProfileRemarks,RemarksDate)  Values(1007,'Janani','NameMistake | Mobile Phone No length mistake | AddressMistake', '2022/06/12')  
Insert into [#StudProfileReviewer] (StudID,StudName,StudProfileRemarks,RemarksDate)  Values(1003,'Guru','DOB Mistake | Pincode Wrong ', '2022/03/11')  
Insert into [#StudProfileReviewer] (StudID,StudName,StudProfileRemarks,RemarksDate)  Values(1002,'Sankaran','Vehile Reg. No is Wrong ', '2022/03/11')  
Insert into [#StudProfileReviewer] (StudID,StudName,StudProfileRemarks,RemarksDate)  Values(1004,'Zaheer','', '2021/01/08')  
Select * from [#StudProfileReviewer]  

Expected Result:


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A family of Microsoft relational database management and analysis systems for e-commerce, line-of-business, and data warehousing solutions.
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A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
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Accepted answer
  1. Bert Zhou-msft 3,421 Reputation points

    Please try this,the code based on lijingyang:

    with mycte as   
      select StudID,StudName,StudProfileRemarks, RemarksDate,trim(value) StudProfileRemark  
      FROM [#StudProfileReviewer]    
     cross apply openjson('["'+(replace(StudProfileRemarks,'|','","')+'"]'))  
    ),mycte1 AS  
      select  StudID,StudName,StudProfileRemarks, RemarksDate, StudProfileRemark,S.a.value('(/H/r)[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS Remarksplit_item1  
             ,S.a.value('(/H/r)[2]', 'VARCHAR(100)')  AS Remarksplit_item2,S.a.value('(/H/r)[3]', 'VARCHAR(100)')  AS Remarksplit_item3  
       SELECT *,CAST (N'<H><r>' + REPLACE(StudProfileRemarks, '|', '</r><r>')  + '</r></H>' AS XML) AS [vals]  
       FROM mycte   
    ) d   
    CROSS APPLY d.[vals].nodes('/H/r') S(a)   
    Select   StudID, StudName,    StudProfileRemarks,    RemarksDate ,  
       Max(Case when StudProfileRemark = 'NameMistake' then 'NameMistake' else '' end) RemarksSplit_NameMistakes  
       ,Max(Case when StudProfileRemark = 'Mobile Phone No length mistake' then 'Mobile Phone No length mistake' else '' end) RemarksSplit_MobilePhoneMistakes      
        ,Max(Case when StudProfileRemark = 'DOB Mistake' then 'DOB Mistake' else '' end) RemarksSplit_DOBMistakes      
         ,Max(Case when StudProfileRemark = 'AddressMistake' then 'AddressMistake' else '' end) RemarksSplit_AddressMistakes  
          when StudProfileRemark  <> 'NameMistake'  
          and StudProfileRemark <> 'Mobile Phone No length mistake'   
          and StudProfileRemark <> 'DOB Mistake'  
          and StudProfileRemark <> 'AddressMistake'  
          and StudProfileRemark <>''  
          then StudProfileRemark else '' end)      RemarksSplit_OtherMistakes  
          ,  Max(Case when StudProfileRemark = 'NameMistake' then 1 else 0 end)   
       + Max(Case when StudProfileRemark = 'Mobile Phone No length mistake' then 1 else 0 end)       
        + Max(Case when StudProfileRemark = 'DOB Mistake' then 1 else 0 end)       
         + Max(Case when StudProfileRemark = 'AddressMistake' then 1 else 0 end)   
          + Max(Case   
          when StudProfileRemark  <> 'NameMistake'  
          and StudProfileRemark <> 'Mobile Phone No length mistake'   
          and StudProfileRemark <> 'DOB Mistake'  
          and StudProfileRemark <> 'AddressMistake'  
          and StudProfileRemark <>''  
          then 1 else 0 end)  cnt  
     from mycte1 t  
     Group by StudID, StudName, StudProfileRemarks, RemarksDate ,Remarksplit_item1,Remarksplit_item2,Remarksplit_item3  


    Bert Zhou

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  1. Yitzhak Khabinsky 25,211 Reputation points

    Hi @Ayyappan CNN ,

    Please try the following solution.

    It is very easy to produce your second sequential output.


    -- DDL and sample data population, start  
    DECLARE @tbl TABLE  
    	StudName VARCHAR(50),   
    	StudProfileRemarks VARCHAR(MAX),   
    	RemarksDate DATE  
    INSERT @tbl (StudID,StudName,StudProfileRemarks,RemarksDate) VALUES  
    (1001,'SriRaman','Mobile Phone No length mistake | AddressMistake', '2022-05-03'),  
    (1007,'Janani','NameMistake | Mobile Phone No length mistake | AddressMistake', '2022-06-12'),  
    (1003,'Guru','DOB Mistake | Pincode Wrong ', '2022-03-11'),  
    (1002,'Sankaran','Vehile Reg. No is Wrong ', '2022-03-11'),  
    (1004,'Zaheer','', '2021-01-08');  
    -- DDL and sample data population, end  
    DECLARE @separator CHAR(3) = ' | ';  
    SELECT t.* --, c  
    	, Remarksplit_item1 = COALESCE(c.value('(/root/r[1]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)'),'')  
    	, Remarksplit_item2 = COALESCE(c.value('(/root/r[2]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)'),'')  
    	, Remarksplit_item3 = COALESCE(c.value('(/root/r[3]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)'),'')  
    	, Remarksplit_item4 = COALESCE(c.value('(/root/r[4]/text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)'),'')  
    	, RemarksCount = c.value('count(/root/r[text()])', 'INT')  
    FROM @tbl AS t  
    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TRY_CAST('<root><r>' +   
          REPLACE(StudProfileRemarks, @separator, '</r><r>') +   
          '</r></root>' AS XML)) AS t2(c)  
    ORDER BY StudID;  
    0 comments No comments

  2. Jingyang Li 5,891 Reputation points

    Access Denied
    You don't have permission to access "" on this server.
    Reference #18.5cbc7768.1659716063.104c53f3

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