Convert GUID back to string C#
Hello, Using below code I am converting string to GUID. I want to convert back my GUID to string using C#. static void Main(string[] args) { string messageId = "RunBatch"; string supplierId = "HST"; …
C# LINQ Not able to update datatable value
I am trying to find data in xml file using LINQ but my ANY() or WHERE clause found no data. what is the problem in my approach not clear. I have a xml file which which has been created by Dataset WriteXml() function. that file i am querying by LINQ…
rs.exe script to deploy all reports from one folder
Hi What is the simple rss script to upload all the reports in my local folder in one time to SSRS server using RS.exe command? My sql server version is 2012
msbuild deploy command fails with exception
I'm trying to deploy sql server database thought CMD with msbuild (it works fine from VS). This is the command I'm using: msbuild "Database Services\Database Services.sqlproj" /t:deploy /p:TargetConnectionString="TEST05,123;Integrated…
How to get Dependency-Object and -Property for Usercontrol in VB and WPF?
With VB and WPF I build a Usercontrol "ToggleSwitch". Want to bind it's IsChecked-Property to another signal as I did with Checkbox. How to get Dependency-Object and Dependency-Property for that in VB and WPF? Thanks
xamarin.essentials.SmsMessage return value
Hi all! I am writing on an APP, that makes use of SmsMessage.composeasync. My problem is that I need to register if the user has cancelled out, og pressed send in SMS window. Is there any way to do this? Regards, Morten
Creating work items using and JSON.
Hi, I'm working on a desktop application to create work items using Where I find myself stuck is on how to use the JSON document object and it's properties (operations values and elements) Below is my code. Any help is much appreciated. …
Using vscode to connect to SQL Db connection using java kerberos
Hi all, Using vscode, I have managed to connect to sql db using sql authentication. But I’m having trouble using Integrated Java Kerberos in vscode. My db is set up for Java Kerberos in jdbc url. …
Why Visual Studio 2015 IDE switches Editor font from my own choice to its default (Console)
I'm experiencing a strange behavior when Visual Studio (2015) occasionally switches from my own choice of Editor font (Courier New) to its default (Console). Did not find and did not notice a specific scenario when it happens. It just happens, after some…
Delete a storage instance
Hello, I recently moved to Pay-as-you-go account. I have a storage account that I cannot delete it because it is not associate with any resource Group. I have another question: is there any Resource Group or any other instance created by Azure as…
reading excel sheets Dynamically in azure data factory
I am working on one of datafactory pipeline where I need to read all the sheets of excel files dynamically and use them as source in copy activity. For now, I could put all the names in variable and access, but I want to get them dynamically and load.…
My Layout /Views out of position when deploying App on Phone ?
Hi , I made a simple app using different views and placed them with respect to my background highlighting where my buttons are supposed to be I've marked the edges.So when Im positioning them in the xml file they're fine,when I deploy it on my phone all…
Iterate List<T> with Parallel.ForEach
see my code and tell can i use this code in production ? any chances is there in below code that overlapping of data ? private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<Person> persons = GetPerson(); …
How to use xamarin push notification to specific page in the app?
I could not find anything or was outdated on when the app is in the background or not running, the user clicks the notification icon, and will be directed to a specific page inside the app (every time the page might be different), i am not sure where to…
Best Azure Storage Solution
i need recommend on a data storage solution . It needs to meet the following requirements., accessible to application via REST connection. tables hosting with varying size and patterns. automatically replicate data to a secondary region can…
Combobox properties
I want to be able to input an item into a combobox that is data bound. If this is possible. I have a combobox that is bound to a table. I use this combobox to display a set of items from a table, each of which defines a type of document, e.g., SOP,…
[Known Issue] Unexpected results when printing from some apps after installing updates released March 9, 2021 or March 15, 2021
Symptom: Issues might include: Elements of the document might print as solid black/color boxes or might be missing, including barcodes, QR codes, and graphics elements, such as logos. Table lines might be missing. Other alignment or…
C++ unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)"
Hello Everybody. I had error. What must i do to fixing the problem? Thanks for help. #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <mmdeviceapi.h> #include <endpointvolume.h> void Usage() { …
Modbus communication over BLE in Xamarin.forms
Requirements are like that, I need to communicate with Modbus via BLE in xamarin.forms for all platforms. For sending on BLE, I'm searching libraries to create the Modbus packet, etc . So, which library I can use to communicate with Modbus over BLE? …