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Ask a question on Microsoft Q&A

Microsoft Q&A allows users to ask and answer technical questions about Microsoft technologies. The following guide explains how to ask a question on Microsoft Q&A.


You need to be signed in Q&A.


  • We recommend you read the article How to write a quality question to create a better question that might get faster and more accurate answers.
  • If you ask a question from a tag page, Q&A adds the tag automatically to your question.
  • If you navigate away while entering your question, you can resume later as Q&A saves you a draft.

Ask a question

Start asking a question by selecting the "Ask a question" button at the top right of any Q&A page. Asking a question requires three parts:

  1. A title that summarizes the problem.
  2. A tag that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tag makes it easier for others to find and answer the question.
  3. A body where you add all the details of your question.


Provide a title that summarizes your question, scenario, and the technologies involved. Including these details can enhance the likelihood of receiving a response.


Use the provided dropdowns to select a tag that best categorizes your question. The new tagging system uses a hierarchy to help route your question to the most appropriate experts. You can only select 1 hierarchical tag.

An example of using the hierarchical dropdowns to select a tag.


Use the rich-web editor to enter the details of your question. To make your question effective, include the following information:

  • Service: Mention the technologies involved in your scenario or the ones you intend to use, such as Azure WebApps, Python, code snippet, etc.
  • Scenario: Describe your scenario and what you're trying to achieve by highlighting the what and how of your question.
  • Result: Provide the outcome of your scenario, including error codes, stack traces, and controls.
  • Environment: Specify any specific requirements, system information, operating system or application version, and network details related to your scenario.
  • Troubleshooting efforts: Mention any documentation you have referred to and the steps you have taken to resolve the issue.
  • Supporting materials: If possible, include a screenshot, video, code snippets, or logs to help other users understand your issue better.
  • Give reproducible steps: If applicable, provide a clear outline of the steps required to reproduce the scenario, along with any relevant documentation. For programming-related questions, provide a minimal test case that demonstrates the issue. Share enough code to allow others to recreate the scenario and offer informed recommendations.

Avoid including:

  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Any posts found with PII will either be edited or deleted to protect that data.
  • Multiple questions in the same thread: Create separate threads for each of your questions. This approach ensures that the community can focus on each topic and provide the best possible responses.
  • Images from the web: Q&A blocks certain domains, which may result in images not being available. Use attachments instead.

Post your question

Once you're ready, select the "Post your question" button.