Unable to purchase Roblox Premium through Microsoft.
Hello microsoft support team, For the past two or so days, I have been unable to purchase Roblox Premium through Microsoft. I have also seen other posts regarding this same issue, with some being more than a week old. However, I am yet to receive an…
.NetCore 9.0 webAPI published and deployed to IIS gives HTTP Error 404 upon browsing -
Hello, I need some pointers reg. this scenario I am about to describe. I created a .NetCore 9.0 WebAPI and published it to my IIS. My installed IIS version is 10 (v10.0.19041.1). I created separate Application Pool setting the CLR Version to 'No…

How can i copy files from phone without changing timestaps
I want to copy my jepg file and files from my phone to laptop, i tried using robocopy but failed show that the source path doesn't exists, help me with it, how can i copy files from phone to laptop without change the time staps

Devices Not getting Windows Update from Configured Update Ring
We are currently working on moving our Endpoint Management from SCCM to Intune in my organization. We are in a situation that less than 15% of our targeted devices got the January update so far. The workload for Windows update and office clickToRun was…
disk2vhd to upgrade corrupted server2016 on current hardware
i would like to know the steps if possible to save my current server2016 installation w/o moving to new hardware can i move my current OS to a VHD, install Server2016 from USB into new SSD, will it detect the VHD instance and allow me no move the roles…
Microsoft Visual FoxPro
I upgraded to Windows 11. I have some programs that I am trying to run but get a message that it cannot locate the Microsoft Visual FoxPro support library. Is there a way to get these programs to run on Windows 11. I was previously running these programs…
Microsoft Store Blocked Code : 0x800704EC
Hello, Getting below error from May 16, 2023 . is it because of https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/evolving-the-microsoft-store-for-business-and-education/ba-p/2569423 There are no changes in existing GPO applying to the…
How do I get an old work one drive to stop asking me to log in when I go to my one drive?
I used to use my laptop at work so I did log into my work one drive previously. I no longer do that. However, when I go to log into my personal one drive the first log in that pops up is the old work one. How to I get rid of that? I am no longer able…
change default printer in rdp users in windows server 2019
i am use windows server 2019 and rdp network and 15 users in a lan. my problem is 5 printers connected in different 5 computers in network and shares printers. and one printer set default to each two computers. but after restarting my server default…
Windows Installer Patch files (:msp) back from 2020. Are they REALLY necessary?
My c: disk is struggling with space which is being heavily consumed by MS patch files (*.msp) located in the Windows Installer Folder. Files from 2018 (which are a tiny number of the total files) take 1GB! What can I do to make my space management more…
Sound issues (Windows 11 24H2 Enterprise)
Hi, having upgraded Windows 10 22H2 Enterprise to Windows 11 24H2 Enterprise I am experiencing sound issues in both Chrome/Edge - simply volume is lower than it was on Windows 10 (same volume percentage set of course). Today I noticed something happening…
Issue Report: HDR Activation Caused Screen to Go Black on Windows 10
Hello Microsoft Staff, I'm writing to report an issue that I've encountered with Windows 10 LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel) on my system. After enabling Windows HD Color in the display settings, my computer is now unable to boot properly. I'm sharing…

Query on NFS-Client
Hi All, I have a storage account created in Azure, and under Data Storage, I have NFS file shares. Is it possible to mount these NFS file shares on Windows Servers? On one of my Windows servers, I have enabled the NFS client using the following command,…
Key Management Services (KMS)
Hi All, I have a KMS Host VM running on Windows Server 2016. This VM is hosted on Azure. However, I am unable to activate Windows Server 2022 servers using this KMS host. Windows Server 2019 and 2016 are activating successfully with this KMS host. When I…
Not able to build MS-MICE connection after updating OpenSSL
A device that is able to build up a Miracast-MICE connection to Windows with OpenSSL 3.1.4 is not able to do so anymore after updating OpenSSL to 3.3.1 and above (tested with 3.3.1 and 3.4.0 with the same results). The transactions have been analyzed…
Not able to build MS-MICE connection after updating OpenSSL
A device that is able to build up a Miracast-MICE connection to Windows with OpenSSL 3.1.4 is not able to do so anymore after updating OpenSSL to 3.3.1 and above (tested with 3.3.1 and 3.4.0 with the same results). The transactions have been analyzed…
WIFI keeps disconnecting on my windows 11 PC
every time I log onto my pc, My internet connection is always off. and when I use the network trouble-shooter, it says There is something wrong with the Wi-Fi access point and my ethernet isn't plugged in. then my internet finally connected. But during…
How to solve problem Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server cannot be found
Overall summary: Final result: Failed: see details below Exit code (Decimal): -2068052310 Start time: 2021-05-06 08:17:41 End time: 2021-05-06 08:22:57 Requested…
Sharing and integrating folders over the Internet.
Hello, I have a C# application in which the data is saved in XML files using sequentialized object collections. This is multi-user capable in the home network. This means that several users can work with the data at the same time. The central data…