July 2008
Data Services: Develop Robust and Scalable Apps with SQL Server Data Services
Here the author introduces SQL Server Data Services, which exposes its functionality over standard Web service interfaces. David Robinson
ADO.NET: Achieve Flexible Data Modeling with the Entity Framework
Here the author answers questions regarding the Entity Framework and provides an understanding of how and why it was developed. Elisa Flasko
Data and WPF: Customize Data Display with Data Binding and WPF
Here we present techniques for programmatic and declarative data binding and display with Windows Presentation Foundation. Josh Smith
Transactions: Build Scalable Systems That Handle Failure Without Losing Data
Systems that handle failure without losing data are elusive. Learn how to achieve systems that are both scalable and robust. Udi Dahan
WCF P2P: How To Design State Sharing in a Peer Network
Learn how you can peer-enable business applications by allowing them to share state in a serverless peer network. Kevin Hoffman
Filling in for Editor-in-Chief Howard Dierking, Ted Neward lends some insight into the state of data collection and manipulation.Ted Neward
Toolbox: Easy Wiki Hosting, Scott Hanselman’s blog, and Snagging Screens
Host a wiki the easy way, get the screen shots you need and mark them up, and read about LINQ this month in Toolbox.Scott Mitchell
CLR Inside Out: Extend Windows Forms Apps Using System.AddIn
See how Windows Forms applications can be adapted to use the new .NET Add-in framework (System.AddIn) this month.Mueez Siddiqui
Data Points: The Entity Framework in Layered Architectures
Here we build a solution that fits the Entity Framework into an n-tier architecture that uses WCF and WPF and the MVP pattern.John Papa
Advanced Basics: The LINQ Enumerable Class, Part 1.
Presented here is the LINQ Enumerable class, which allows you to manipulate data in any class that implements IEnumerable(Of T).Ken Getz
Office Space: Automated SharePoint Site Branding
Here's a custom branding solution for SharePoint sites that integrates Master Pages and CSS files at the level of the site collection.Ted Pattison
Cutting Edge: The HTML Message Pattern
In this installment, the author provides an enhanced implementation of the BST pattern and compares it to HTM solutions.Dino Esposito
Test Run: Introduction to WCF Testing
This month James McCaffrey builds a test harness for WCF applications that really puts them through the paces.Dr. James McCaffrey
Security Briefs: Reinvigorate your Threat Modeling Process
In this column the author outlines some approaches to threat modeling that can be employed by development teams of any size.Adam Shostack
Foundations: Adding Code Access Security to WCF, Part 2
This month's column continues the discussion around code access security in WCF and partially trusted services.Juval Lowy
.NET Matters: Asynchronous I/O with WebClient
In this month’s installment of .NET Matters, columnist Stephen Toub answers reader questions concerning asynchronous I/O .Stephen Toub
{ End Bracket }: Customize Windows Home Server
Chris Gray discusses custom applications he’s developed for Windows Home Server and explores applications for energy savings.Chris Gray