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Microsoft Developer Newsletter - Volume 22, Number 10: May 17, 2018

Top News Worldwide

Introducing AI-assisted development with Visual Studio IntelliCode

Azure Confidential Computing: Mark Russinovich details Microsoft’s confidential cloud vision

Announcing: New releases for Visual Studio, Visual Studio for Mac, .NET Core, and Xamarin.Forms

Build 2018: Winners of this year’s Windows Developer Awards

How to: Detect and respond to rooted Android Devices from Xamarin apps
Xamarin.Android apps need to detect and respond to rooted devices in many ways. Joe Sewell explains how Visual Studio can now give your Xamarin.Android apps this capability, without you needing to write your own detection code.

Azure AI Platform announcements: New innovations for developers
Get an overview of the latest and most exciting innovations in the Azure AI Platform announced at Microsoft Build 2018. Read about the new unified speech service, Cognitive Search, enhanced edge AI capabilities, and more.

New: A single C++ library manager for Linux, macOS, and Windows
vcpkg is now available on Linux and MacOS, delivering access to the vcpkg catalog of C++ libraries on two new platforms, with the same simple steps you are familiar with on Windows and UWP today.

What’s new with Azure IoT Edge?
Azure IoT Edge will be generally available in the next couple months. It includes many new features and services, all of which can be packaged from the cloud and deployed to the edge. Read about the key innovations you will find when Azure IoT Edge is generally available.

First look at .NET Core 3 and support for Windows Desktop Applications
Microsoft Build featured a first look at Microsoft’s plans for .NET Core 3. A major highlight, it will support Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Framework (WPF), and UWP XAML. Here’s what you should know.

Why developers should enable Azure Security Center’s Just-in-Time VM Access
Find out how Azure Security Center’s Just-in-Time VM Access can help you secure the virtual machines that are running your applications and code.

Open source machine learning in Azure
At the Build conference, David Smith discussed “Migrating Existing Open Source Machine Learning to Azure.” He looked at how you can transition the open source tools and workflows you already use to Azure. Read an overview, get his presentation slides, and watch the session on demand.

Text sentiment analysis
Sentiment analysis is the process of computationally classifying and categorizing opinions expressed in text to determine if they possess a positive, negative, or neutral tone. Frank La Vigne shows how machine learning can be used to analyze large flows of real-time content from Twitter.

Introducing ML.NET: A cross-platform, proven, and open source machine learning framework
Microsoft announced the preview of ML.NET ? a cross-platform, open source machine learning framework. ML.NET will allow .NET developers to create their own models and infuse custom machine learning into their applications without prior expertise in developing or tuning machine learning models.

Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension: IntelliSense configuration just got much easier
Read about the May 2018 update of the C/C++ extension for Visual Studio Code. It significantly reduces the amount of configuration you have do to gain a great IntelliSense experience, and also adds a few new features to help boost your productivity. Find out what’s new.

Azure DevOps Projects: Any language, any platform
Azure DevOps Projects enable developers to support a continuous integration and continuous delivery pipeline on any language and any platform. Learn how your teams can deliver value and react to feedback quickly and continuously using Azure DevOps Projects and VSTS.


Webinar: DevOps with VSTS for any language 
May 17, 2018
Register for this Visual Studio webinar to hear about the latest features in Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and how VSTS can help your organization streamline development and deployment while fostering collaboration between team members.

Announcing the Microsoft Business Applications Summit 
July 22‒24, 2018, Seattle, WA
Register to attend an all-new event designed for analysts, power users, solution architects, and other IT pros. This summit will provide hands-on workshops and breakout sessions for varied levels of experience as well as direct access to the experts behind Microsoft’s top tools.


Logic and computational thinking 
This self-paced course from edX explores algorithms, inductive and deductive arguments, categorical logic, syllogisms, and more. While not a traditional programming course, it examines critical skills and concepts you need to think like a developer, work faster, and make better code.

Extend your application with REST services 
If you’re tasked with modernizing your legacy WinForms apps and connecting them to the cloud, this course is for you. Learn how to move an older app to new tools and make it more secure, more scalable, and more portable with Azure Services, including Azure Active Directory and Azure SQL Database.


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Code editing tools for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications

Microsoft Docs for developers and IT professionals

See previous issues of the Microsoft Developer Newsletter in the archive. 

See the archived version of this issue, which contains additional topics.