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Microsoft Developer Newsletter - Volume 22, Number 12: June 15, 2018

Top News Worldwide

What’s new in the May 2018 release of Visual Studio Code

Announcing: Download .NET Core 2.1 for better performance and new APIs

Satya Nadella on what the GitHub acquisition means for developers

A step-by-step guide to replacing bulky APIs with Azure Functions

An intro to creating blockchain applications using Azure Blockchain Workbench
Learn how to streamline development of complex blockchain applications with Azure Blockchain Workbench so you can focus less on scaffolding and more on logic and smart contracts.

Reactive programming: What it is and why you would use it
Angular now has explicit support for reactive programming, which takes a different approach to the flow of information within a web application. This overview explores the benefits of reactive programming and when you might use this approach in your web apps.

GitHub and its impact on Visual Studio Team Services
The acquisition of GitHub will bring changes to Microsoft’s lineup of DevOps and source control tools. Find out how the addition of GitHub will affect Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server, delivering greater flexibility and deeper integrations.

Azure IoT: An interactive developer guide
Start developing IoT solutions quickly using skills you already have. This online guide to development with Azure IoT provides tutorials, documentation, and an overview of patterns and products to help you start building a functioning IoT solution.

ASP.NET Core 2.1.0 is now available
ASP.NET Core is an open-source and cross-platform web framework for .NET. The latest update includes a host of updates, including SignalR for real-time web capabilities, updated Angular and React templates, and Razor class libraries.

Why C# tuples break the guidelines
Value types are supposed to be immutable and fields encapsulated by properties, but the C# 7.0 tuple type was explicitly and intentionally designed not to follow the guidelines. Here’s why.

Use Boost.Hana via vcpkg with the latest Microsoft Visual C++ compiler
Some source workarounds have been applied in vcpkg so you can now use Boost.Hana with Visual Studio 2017 15.7. Get details on how to get this update.

Microsoft Speech services now in preview
A variety of new and improved Speech tools and services are now in preview. Learn more about the preview releases for Speech to Text with custom speech, Text to Speech with custom voice, Speech Translation, and the Speech SDK.

Be more productive with macro expansions in Quick Info tooltips
To make macros easier to work with in C++, the Quick Info tooltips feature provides additional info when you hover over a macro. This is now available in the Visual Studio 15.8 preview.


OpenHack Machine Learning 
June 19–21, 2018 Los Angeles, CA
Attend this in-person event to sharpen your machine learning skills. Participate in three days of hands-on, challenge-based hacking and solve practical problems in the computer vision field.

Learn Microsoft Azure from the experts 
Through June 20, nationwide
Get started with Azure at an advanced hands-on training session led by cloud experts. Microsoft Cloud Workshops are offered across the United States and cover a variety of topics, such as Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL, DevOps, and CosmosDB.

Windows Server Summit 
June 26, 2018
Find out what’s new in the application platform on Windows Server 2019 and get tips on how to modernize existing applications and build new ones using containers and micro-services.

Insider Dev Tour 
Through June 30, 2018, worldwide
Register for an in-person event to learn about the latest development tools and technologies. Build native Win32/XAML apps and progressive web apps, explore Windows 10 capabilities, learn how to add artificial intelligence to your projects, and find out how to augment your experiences with mixed reality.


ASP.NET Core for beginners 
Expert instructors provide an in-depth look at ASP.NET Core starting with the basics. Take this on-demand course and learn how to build web applications, work with Razor Pages, and add logging to your apps.


Downloads and tools for Windows 10

Get started with app development

Create your Azure free account today

Microsoft Virtual Academy – new training

Testing tools for web developers

Free Microsoft Press eBooks

TechNet Flash

Get the latest information from Channel 9

Microsoft for Startups

Code editing tools for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications

Microsoft Docs for developers and IT professionals

See previous issues of the Microsoft Developer Newsletter in the archive. 

See the archived version of this issue, which contains an additional featured content item.