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Microsoft Developer Newsletter - Volume 22, Number 13: June 28, 2018

Top News Worldwide

Improve productivity and security with updates for Azure development in Visual Studio

Get started with Python developer tools in Azure, Visual Studio, and Visual Studio Code

Azure Databricks: Monitor and analyze jobs with Application Insights

What’s next for Visual Studio

Debug and deploy existing apps in containers on Service Fabric
The latest version of the Service Fabric tools in Visual Studio 2017 includes a new container tooling feature. Find out how this feature makes it easier to debug and deploy existing applications in containers on Service Fabric.

How to get started with U-SQL
Azure Data Lake Analytics combines declarative and imperative concepts in the form of a new language called U-SQL. If you’re familiar with C# or Java, U-SQL should be easy to learn. Follow these steps to get started quickly.

Take the C++ migration survey
Take a moment and share your experiences – positive or not so positive – and help shape the future of Visual C++. And if you have not migrated your projects to Visual Studio 2017, tell us why.

Embed Python in a C++ project with Visual Studio
If you have a native application that has frequently changing logic, move that logic from C or C++ into Python, where you can make updates without recompiling or restarting your application. Learn how you can script a C++ application with Python using CPython, PyBind11, and Visual Studio 2017.

Use C++/WinRT and coroutines to handle async in your apps
Take an in-depth look at the Windows Runtime async pattern and how coroutines are used to call and produce async methods. This article explores how you can work with C++/WinRT to handle async in your applications.

Virtual caddie: How artificial intelligence is helping golfers improve their game
Arccos, a golf performance tracking startup, used Microsoft cloud and machine learning technologies to create an app that helps golfers make better decisions on the course. Get an in-depth look at how this solution was built.

Connect to Azure IoT in minutes with STMicroelectronics starter kits
Create your proofs of concept and move to production faster using STMicroelectronics starter kits for Azure IoT. Watch the video to learn more about these starter kits, which provide IoT hardware and integrated software to get you started quickly.

Use the CNTK library to create a neural network regression model
The goal of a regression problem is to make a single numeric value prediction. Learn how to create a neural network regression model, which is more complex than the linear regression technique, but usually offers more accurate results.

New: Create automated UI tests with WinAppDriver UI Recorder
Windows Application Driver (WinAppDriver) is a UI automation service for testing your applications. The new UI Recorder offers an easy way to create automated UI tests.


Microsoft Business Applications Summit 
July 22‒24, 2018, Seattle, WA
Register to attend an all-new event designed for IT pros, analysts, power users, and solution architects. Connect with peers, learn from industry experts, and attend a special guest keynote delivered by Malcolm Gladwell.

Microsoft Ignite 
September 24‒28, 2018, Orlando, FL
Explore the latest in cloud technologies, data, business intelligence, teamwork, and productivity. Attend Microsoft Ignite to connect with the experts who build the tech you use every day and leave with valuable insights on the tools and concepts shaping today’s tech environment.


Make your applications location-aware with Azure Maps 
Add search, routing, geocoding, mapping, traffic, and time zone services to your Azure applications. Watch the Channel 9 video series, beginning with Azure Maps Intro for Developers, for demos and walkthroughs to get started.


Downloads and tools for Windows 10

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Microsoft Virtual Academy – new training

Testing tools for web developers

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TechNet Flash

Get the latest information from Channel 9

Microsoft for Startups

Code editing tools for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications

Microsoft Docs for developers and IT professionals

See previous issues of the Microsoft Developer Newsletter in the archive. 

See the archived version of this issue, which contains an additional featured content item.