Migrate Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow API

This article explains how to migrate the Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow API to Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch API. Azure Maps Geocoding Batch API is used to get latitude and longitude coordinates of a street address or name of a place in batch mode with a single API call. Azure Maps Geocoding Batch API is an HTTP POST request that sends batches of queries to the Azure Maps Geocoding API in a single request. Azure Maps Reverse Geocoding Batch API is used to translate latitude and longitude coordinates into a human understandable street address. Azure Maps Reverse Geocoding Batch API is an HTTP POST request that sends batches of queries to the Azure Maps Get Reverse Geocoding API in a single request.


Notable differences

  • Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow API supports forward and reverse batch geocoding within the same API. Azure Maps has separate API for forward and reverse geocoding.
  • Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow API requires uploading your location data as an XML or text (csv, pipe, or tab delimited) data file. Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch API don’t use a data file upload approach, but rather an HTTP POST request with location data in GeoJSON format in the body of the request.
  • Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow API supports up to 200,000 entities per upload. The Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch API supports up to 100 batched queries in a synchronous request, and up to 200,000 in an asynchronous request.
  • Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow API requires a series of API calls following the initial data upload to get the status and download results. The Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch API synchronous request don’t require additional API calls. The asynchronous request does require additional calls to get the batch process status and download results.
  • Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow coordinates are in latitude/longitude format. Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch API coordinates are in longitude/latitude format (due to being in GeoJSON format).
  • Unlike Bing Maps for Enterprise, Azure Maps is a global service that supports specifying a geographic scope, which allows you to limit data residency to the European (EU) or United States (US) geographic areas (geos). All requests (including input data) are processed exclusively in the specified geographic area. For more information, see Azure Maps service geographic scope.

Security and authentication

Bing Maps for Enterprise only supports API key authentication. Azure Maps supports multiple ways to authenticate your API calls, such as a subscription key, Microsoft Entra ID, or Shared Access Signature (SAS) Token. For more information on security and authentication in Azure Maps, See Authentication with Azure Maps and the Security section in the Azure Maps Geocoding Batch documentation.

Request parameters

The following table lists the Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow request parameters and the Azure Maps equivalent:

Bing Maps Parameter Azure Maps Parameter Description
dataLocation  Not needed 
input  Not needed  Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow API supports XML and Text (csv, tab, and pipe delimited) format for the batch geocoding input data file. Azure Maps supports JSON format for the batch geocoding input data in the HTTP POST request.
output  Not needed  Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow API supports JSON and XML for the batch geocode output data. Azure Maps supports JSON format for the batch geocoding output data.

For more information about the Azure Maps URI parameters and request body, see the Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch documentation.

Bing Maps Data Schema 2.0 input and output comparison to Azure Maps Geocode Batch and Reverse Geocode Batch API:

Bing Maps Field  Bing Maps Operation  Azure Maps Field  Azure Maps data type  Description
Address.AddressLine  Geocode Request
Geocode Response 
addressLine  string 
Address.AdminDistrict  Geocode Request
Geocode Response 
adminDistrict  string
Address.CountryRegion  Geocode Request
Geocode Response 
countryRegion  string
Address.District  Geocode Request  adminDistrict2  string
Address.FormattedAddress  Geocode Response 
Address.Landmark  Geocode Response  Not supported  Not supported 
Address.Locality  Geocode Request
Geocode Response  
locality  string 
Address.Neighborhood  Geocode Response  neighborhood  string 
Address.PostalCode  Geocode Request
Geocode Response 
postalCode  string 
Address.PostalTown  Geocode Request  adminDistrict3 
BoundingBox.SouthLatitude, BoundingBox.EastLongitude, BoundingBox.NorthLatitude, BoundingBox.EastLongitude  Geocode Response  bbox  number[]  Azure Maps projection used is EPSG:3857. For more information, see RFC 7946.
Confidence  Geocode Response  confidence  ConfidenceEnum  For more information, see the Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch API documentation. 
ConfidenceFilter.MinimumConfidence  Geocode Request
Reverse Geocode Request
Not supported  Not supported 
Culture  Geocode Request
Reverse Geocode Request
Request Header: Accept-Language  string  For more information, see Azure Maps Supported Languages.
EntityType  Geocode Response  type  string  For more information, see the Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch API documentation. 
FaultReason  Geocode Response  Not supported  Not supported
GeocodeEntity  XML container  Not needed  Not needed 
GeocodeFeed  XML container  Not needed  Not needed 
GeocodePoint  Geocode Response  geocodePoints  GeocodePoints[]  For more information, see the Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch API documentation. 
GeocodeRequest  XML container  Not needed  Not needed  Azure Maps has separate APIs for forward geocoding and reverse geocoding.
Id  Geocode Request  Not needed  Not needed 
IncludeEntityTypes  Geocode Request
Reverse Geocode Request 
Not supported  Not supported 
IncludeNeighborhood  Geocode Request
Reverse Geocode Request 
Not needed  Not needed  In Azure Maps, neighborhood info is returned in the response by default when available. 
IncludeQueryParse Geocode Request  Not supported  Not supported  
Reverse Geocode Request  coordinates  number[]  Required as input if using Azure Maps Reverse Geocoding Batch API to do reverse geocoding.
MatchCodes  Geocode Response  matchCodes  MatchCodesEnum  For more information, see the Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch API documentation. 
MaxResults  Geocode Request
Reverse Geocode Request 
top  integer
In Azure Maps, the maximum number of responses that are returned. Default is 5, minimum is 1, and maximum is 20. 
Name  Geocode Response  Not supported  Not supported 
Point.Latitude, Point.Longitude  Geocode Response  coordinates  number[]  Bing Maps returns the coordinates in latitude/longitude format. Azure Maps returns coordinates in longitude/latitude format (due to being in GeoJSON format).
Query  Geocode Request  query  string  
QueryParseValue  Geocode Response Not supported  Not supported
ReverseGeocodeRequest  XML container  Not needed  Not needed  Azure Maps has separate APIs for forward geocoding and reverse geocoding.
StatusCode  Geocode Response  Not supported  Not supported 
StrictMatch  Geocode Request  Not supported  Not supported 
TraceId  Geocode Response  Not supported  Not supported 
Version  Not needed  Not needed 

For more information about the Azure Maps Geocoding Batch response fields, see the response Definitions.

Request examples

Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow API request:


For examples that show sample input and output data for version 2.0 of the Geocode Dataflow, see Geocode Dataflow Sample Input and Output Data Version 2.0.

Azure Maps Geocoding Batch API request:

POST https://atlas.microsoft.com/geocode:batch?api-version=2023-06-01&subscription-key={Your-Azure-Maps-Subscription-key}

To send the geocoding queries, use an HTTP POST request where the body of the request contains the batchItems array in JSON format and the Content-Type header set to application/json.

The following JSON shows a sample request containing two geocoding queries, with one location in unstructured format and one location in structured format:

  "batchItems": [ 
      "addressLine": "One, Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052", 
      "top": 2 
      "addressLine": "Pike Pl", 
      "adminDistrict": "WA", 
      "locality": "Seattle", 
      "top": 3 

Sample Azure Maps Reverse Geocoding Batch API request:

POST https://atlas.microsoft.com/reverseGeocode:batch?api-version=2023-06-01&subscription-key={Your-Azure-Maps-Subscription-key}

To send the reverse geocoding queries, use an HTTP POST request where the body of the request contains a batchItems array in JSON format and the Content-Type header is set to application/json.

The following JSON shows a sample request containing two reverse geocoding queries:

  "batchItems": [ 
      "coordinates": [ 
      "resultTypes": [ 
      "optionalId": "4C3681A6C8AA4AC3441412763A2A25C81444DC8B" 
      "coordinates": [ 
      "optionalId": "6M9W39P12SNHGAIZ4JQ7F57NWJLV2BRYEQRD7OH7" 

Response examples

A URL to download the geocode job results is provided when the Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow batch job processes successfully, as shown by the completed job status. For an example of a successful Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow output, see Geocode Dataflow Sample Input and Output Data Version 2.0 in the Bing Maps documentation.

The following sample shows what is returned in the body of the HTTP response when executing an Azure Maps Geocoding Batch API request:

  "summary": { 
    "successfulRequests": 1, 
    "totalRequests": 2 
  "batchItems": [ 
      "type": "FeatureCollection", 
      "features": [ 
          "type": "Feature", 
          "properties": { 
            "type": "Address", 
            "confidence": "High", 
            "matchCodes": [ 
            "address": { 
              "locality": "Redmond", 
              "adminDistricts": [ 
                  "shortName": "WA" 
                  "shortName": "King" 
              "countryRegion": { 
                "ISO": "US", 
                "name": "United States" 
              "postalCode": "98052", 
              "formattedAddress": "1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052", 
              "addressLine": "1 Microsoft Way" 
            "geocodePoints": [ 
                "geometry": { 
                  "type": "Point", 
                  "coordinates": [ 
                "calculationMethod": "Rooftop", 
                "usageTypes": [ 
                "geometry": { 
                  "type": "Point", 
                  "coordinates": [ 
                "calculationMethod": "Rooftop", 
                "usageTypes": [ 
          "geometry": { 
            "type": "Point", 
            "coordinates": [ 
          "bbox": [ 
      "error": {
        "code": "Conflicting Parameters",
        "message": "When 'query' is present, only the following parameters are valid: 'bbox, location, view, top'. 'addressLine' was passed"

The following sample shows what is returned in the body of the HTTP response when executing an Azure Maps Reverse Geocoding Batch API request:

    "batchItems": [ 
            "type": "FeatureCollection", 
            "features": [ 
                    "type": "Feature", 
                    "geometry": { 
                        "type": "Point", 
                        "coordinates": [ 
                    "properties": { 
                        "geocodePoints": [ 
                                "geometry": { 
                                    "type": "Point", 
                                    "coordinates": [ 
                                "calculationMethod": "Rooftop", 
                                "usageTypes": [ 
                        "address": { 
                            "addressLine": "15770 NE 31st St", 
                            "adminDistricts": [ 
                                    "shortName": "WA" 
                                    "shortName": "King Co." 
                            "countryRegion": { 
                                "name": "United States", 
                                "iso": "US" 
                            "locality": "Redmond", 
                            "neighborhood": "Overlake", 
                            "postalCode": "98052", 
                            "formattedAddress": "15770 NE 31st St, Redmond, WA 98052, United States" 
                        "confidence": "High", 
                        "matchCodes": [ 
                        "type": "Address" 
                    "bbox": [ 
            "type": "FeatureCollection", 
            "features": [ 
                    "type": "Feature", 
                    "geometry": { 
                        "type": "Point", 
                        "coordinates": [ 
                    "properties": { 
                        "geocodePoints": [ 
                                "geometry": { 
                                    "type": "Point", 
                                    "coordinates": [ 
                                "calculationMethod": "Interpolation", 
                                "usageTypes": [ 
                        "address": { 
                            "addressLine": "1736 Pike Pl", 
                            "adminDistricts": [ 
                                    "shortName": "WA"
                                    "shortName": "King Co." 
                            "countryRegion": { 
                                "name": "United States", 
                                "iso": "US" 
                            "intersection": { 
                                "baseStreet": "Pike Pl", 
                                "displayName": "Pike Pl and Stewart St", 
                                "intersectionType": "Near", 
                                "secondaryStreet1": "Stewart St", 
                                "secondaryStreet2": null 
                            "locality": "Seattle", 
                            "neighborhood": "Downtown Seattle", 
                            "postalCode": "98101", 
                            "formattedAddress": "1736 Pike Pl, Seattle, WA 98101, United States" 
                        "confidence": "Medium", 
                        "matchCodes": [ 
                        "type": "Address" 
                    "bbox": [ 
    "summary": { 
        "successfulRequests": 2, 
        "totalRequests": 2 

Transactions usage

Similar to Bing Maps Geocode Dataflow API, Azure Maps Geocoding Batch and Reverse Geocoding Batch APIs log one billable transaction per geocoded item. For example, 100 locations geocoded in the batch request results in 100 billable transactions. For more information on Azure Maps transactions, see Understanding Azure Maps Transactions.

Additional information

More Azure Maps Geocoding APIs

  • Get Geocoding: Use to get latitude and longitude coordinates of a street address or name of a place.
  • Get Reverse Geocoding: Use to get a street address and location info from latitude and longitude coordinates.
