This article describes how to implement Microsoft Teams breakout rooms with Azure Communication Services. This capability enables Azure Communication Services users in Teams meetings to participate in breakout rooms. Teams administrators control the availability of breakout rooms in Teams meeting with Teams meeting policy. You can find additional information about breakout rooms in Teams documentation.
Only Microsoft 365 Users with Organizer, Co-Organizer, or Breakout Room manager roles can manage the breakout rooms.
The following tables define support of breakout rooms in Azure Communication Services.
Identities and call types
The following table shows support in breakout rooms for specific call type and identity.
Teams meeting
1:1 call
Group call
1:1 Teams interop call
Group Teams interop call
Communication Services user
Microsoft 365 user
The following table show support for individual APIs in the calling SDK related to individual identity types.
Communication Services user
Microsoft 365 user
Get assigned breakout room
Get all breakout rooms
Join breakout room
Manage breakout rooms
Participate in breakout room chat
Get breakout room settings
[1] Only Microsoft 365 user with role organizer, co-organizer, or breakout room manager.
[2] Microsoft 365 users can use Graph API to participate in breakout room chat. The thread ID of the chat is provided in the assigned breakout room object.
The following tables show support for the breakout rooms feature in individual Azure Communication Services SDKs.
Support status
Web UI
Android UI
Is Supported
Install the SDK
Use the npm install command to install the Azure Communication Services Common and Calling SDK for JavaScript:
A CallClient instance is required for most call operations. When you create a new CallClient instance, you can configure it with custom options like a Logger instance.
With the CallClient instance, you can create a CallAgent instance by calling the createCallAgent. This method asynchronously returns a CallAgent instance object.
The createCallAgent method uses CommunicationTokenCredential as an argument. It accepts a user access token.
You can use the getDeviceManager method on the CallClient instance to access deviceManager.
const { CallClient } = require('@azure/communication-calling');
const { AzureCommunicationTokenCredential} = require('@azure/communication-common');
const { AzureLogger, setLogLevel } = require("@azure/logger");
// Set the logger's log level
// Redirect log output to console, file, buffer, REST API, or whatever location you want
AzureLogger.log = (...args) => {
console.log(...args); // Redirect log output to console
const userToken = '<USER_TOKEN>';
callClient = new CallClient(options);
const tokenCredential = new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential(userToken);
const callAgent = await callClient.createCallAgent(tokenCredential, {displayName: 'optional Azure Communication Services user name'});
const deviceManager = await callClient.getDeviceManager()
How to best manage SDK connectivity to Microsoft infrastructure
The Call Agent instance helps you manage calls (to join or start calls). In order to work your calling SDK needs to connect to Microsoft infrastructure to get notifications of incoming calls and coordinate other call details. Your Call Agent has two possible states:
Connected - A Call Agent connectionStatue value of Connected means the client SDK is connected and capable of receiving notifications from Microsoft infrastructure.
Disconnected - A Call Agent connectionStatue value of Disconnected states there's an issue that is preventing the SDK it from properly connecting. Call Agent should be re-created.
invalidToken: If a token is expired or is invalid Call Agent instance disconnects with this error.
connectionIssue: If there's an issue with the client connecting to Microsoft infrascture, after many retries Call Agent exposes the connectionIssue error.
You can check if your local Call Agent is connected to Microsoft infrastructure by inspecting the current value of connectionState property. During an active call you can listen to the connectionStateChanged event to determine if Call Agent changes from Connected to Disconnected state.
const connectionState = callAgentInstance.connectionState;
console.log(connectionState); // it may return either of 'Connected' | 'Disconnected'const connectionStateCallback = (args) => {
console.log(args); // it will return an object with oldState and newState, each of having a value of either of 'Connected' | 'Disconnected'// it will also return reason, either of 'invalidToken' | 'connectionIssue'
callAgentInstance.on('connectionStateChanged', connectionStateCallback);
Implement breakout rooms
BreakoutRooms is a feature of the class Call. First you need to import package Features from the Calling SDK:
The BreakoutRooms API allows you to subscribe to BreakoutRooms events. A breakoutRoomsUpdated event comes from a BreakoutRoomsCallFeature instance and contains information about the created, updated, and assigned breakout rooms.
To receive breakout room details, subscribe to the breakoutRoomsUpdated event.
Event breakoutRoomsUpdated provides an instance of one of the following classes as an input parameter. You can use property type to distinguish between individual event types.
Class BreakoutRoomsEvent: This event is triggered when a user with the role organizer, co-organizer, or breakout room manager creates or updates the breakout rooms. Microsoft 365 users with role organizer, co-organizer, or breakout room manager can receive this type of event. Developers can use the breakout rooms in property data to render details about all breakout rooms. This class has property type equal to "breakoutRooms".
export interface BreakoutRoomsEvent {
* Breakout room event type
type: "breakoutRooms",
* list of Breakout rooms
data: BreakoutRoom[] | undefined;
Class BreakoutRoomsSettingsEvent: When a user with a role organizer, co-organizer, or breakout room manager updates the breakout room's settings, it triggers this event. Developers can use this information to render the time when breakout room ends or decide whether to render a button to join main room. This class has property type equal to "breakoutRoomSettings".
Class AssignedBreakoutRoomsEvent: This event is triggered when user is assigned to a breakout room, or assigned breakout room is updated. Users can join the breakout room when property state is set to open, leave the breakout room when property state is set to closed, or render details of the breakout room. This class has property type equal to "assignedBreakoutRoom".
Class JoinBreakoutRoomsEvent: This event is triggered when the participant is joining a breakout room call. This event can happen when a user is automatically moved to breakout room (that is, if assignedBreakoutRoom has property state set to open and autoMoveParticipantToBreakoutRoom is set to true) or when a user explicitly joins a breakout room (that is, calls method join on the instance assignedBreakoutRoom when autoMoveParticipantToBreakoutRoom is set to false). Property data contains the breakout room call instance, that developers can use to control breakout room call. This class has property type equal to "join".
If the assignedBreakoutRoom has property autoMoveParticipantToBreakoutRoom set to true, then the user is automatically moved to the breakout room when the property state is set to open. If autoMoveParticipantToBreakoutRoom is set to false, then use the following code to join breakout room.
This triggers breakoutRoomsUpdated event with class JoinBreakoutRoomsEvent that has property type set as join. You can use the instance of a class call in property data to manage breakout room call.
When the user is in a breakout room and the organizer assigns a new breakout room to the user, the user gets breakoutRoomsUpdated event with the type assignedBreakoutRooms. This event contains the latest breakout room details. The user has to hangUp() previous breakout room call. If autoMoveParticipantToBreakoutRoom is set to true, the user is automatically moved, otherwise the user has to call the join method explicitly on the new breakout room.
Microsoft 365 user with role organizer, co-organizer, or breakout room manager get the list of breakout rooms created by the breakout room manager or organizer of the main meeting. In this case, the behavior is slightly different. This user has to explicitly call join() method to join the breakout room. The user is kept on hold in the main meeting initially and eventually removed from the main meeting. The user has to initialize the breakoutRooms Feature for the breakoutRoomCall inorder to receive updates on the breakout room.
If the user wants to join any of the breakout rooms , then the user explicitly calls the join method.
To exit a breakout room, users should execute the hangUp() function on the breakout room call. The user would be calling ReturnToMainMeeting to resume the main meeting call.
When the breakout room state is closed, user is informed about the end of breakout room by receiving event breakoutRoomsUpdated with class AssignedBreakoutRoomsEvent and property type equal to assignedBreakoutRooms that indicates that assignedBreakoutRoom has property state set to closed. User leaves the breakout room automatically and can return to the main meeting by calling returnToMainMeeting() as shown above.
If the user wants to leave the breakout room even before the room is closed and the breakout room settings breakoutRoomsFeature.breakoutRoomsSettings have property disableReturnToMainMeeting set to false then user can return to the main meeting call with the following code:
The following sample code efficiently displays all breakout room properties. It is not intended to be reused as shown. In practice you only use the properties needed for your breakout room scenario.
Name of the breakout room. This property is read-only.
Use the chat thread ID to join chat of the breakout room. This property is read-only.
State of the breakout room. It can be either open or closed. Users would be able to join the breakout room only when the state is open. This property is read-only.
Boolean value indicating whether the users are moved to breakout rooms automatically when the state of assignedBreakoutRoom is set to open. This property is read-only. In the Teams UI settings for breakout rooms, the organizer, co-organizer, or breakout room manager can adjust this specific setting. By setting this option to true, participants are automatically transferred to their designated breakout room. Conversely, if you set this property to false, then you must manually call the join method to move participants into the breakout room.
Breakout room call object. This object is returned when the user joins the breakout room call automatically or by calling the join method on assignedBreakoutRoom object. This property is read-only.
The list of invitees who are assigned to the breakout room. This property is read-only.
Breakout room settings
Breakout rooms share setting that has the following properties:
Disable participants to return to the main meeting from the breakout room call. This property is read-only. In the Teams UI settings for breakout rooms, the organizer, co-organizer, or breakout room manager can adjust this specific setting to control when the participant of breakout rooms can return to the main meeting.
Breakout room end time set by the Microsoft 365 user with role organizer, co-organizer, or breakout room manager of the main meeting. This property is read-only.
Error code
Result Category
Breakout Rooms feature is only available in Teams meetings.
Implement your own breakout room mechanism or use Teams meetings.
Azure Communication Services currently disabled this feature.
Try the APIs in a couple of days.
Unable to join breakout room due to an unexpected error.
Ensure that the state of assignedBreakoutRoom is open and call breakoutRoomsFeature.assignedBreakoutRoom.join() method explicitly. If the issue persists, gather browser console logs and contact Azure Communication Services support.
Unable to hold main meeting.
Ensure that the state of assignedBreakoutRoom is open and call breakoutRoomsFeature.assignedBreakoutRoom.join() method explicitly. If the issue persists, gather browser console logs and contact Azure Communication Services support.
Unable to join Breakout Room as the room is closed.
Ensure that the state of assignedBreakoutRoom is open and call breakoutRoomsFeature.assignedBreakoutRoom.join() method explicitly.
Unable to resume main meeting.
Follow the instructions defined in the section Leave breakout room for manual leaving of breakout room. If the issue persists, gather browser console logs and contact Azure Communication Services support.
Unable to read breakout room details.
Gather browser console logs and contact Azure Communication Services support.
Could not hang up the Breakout room call.
Follow the instructions defined in the section Leave breakout room for manual leaving of breakout room.
Cannot join Breakout Room as it is not yet assigned.
Ensure that the breakoutRoomsFeature.assignedBreakoutRoom is having the details of the assigned breakout room. Ensure that the state of assignedBreakoutRoom is open and call breakoutRoomsFeature.assignedBreakoutRoom.join() method explicitly.
Unable to join the main meeting.
Please try again by calling the breakoutRoomsFeature.assignedBreakoutRoom.returnToMainMeeting() method. If the issue persists, gather browser console logs and contact Azure Communication Services support.
Already in the main meeting.
Please call this method only when the participant is in breakout room and removed from the main meeting.
Existing breakout room call hangup failed.
Try to call hangup() method again to hangup the call. Call join() method to join the breakout room again.
Learn the meetings and calling features in Microsoft Teams, including managing meetings experiences, managing Microsoft Teams devices, managing calling features with Calling Plans and Microsoft Teams, and the basic troubleshooting tool for Teams issue.