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Control participant access to media

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Functionality described in this article is currently in public preview. This preview version is provided without a service-level agreement, and we don't recommend it for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.


Functionality described in this article is currently in public preview. This preview version is provided without a service-level agreement, and we don't recommend it for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.


Functionality described in this article is currently in public preview. This preview version is provided without a service-level agreement, and we don't recommend it for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

This article describes how you can enable organizers, co-organizers, or presenters to prevent attendees from unmuting themselves or turning on their video during Microsoft Teams meetings or group calls. Implement this feature to enable selected roles to control the ability of other attendees to send audio and video. You can't control media access for other roles. This article also describes how to determine if your audio or video is enabled or disabled. This includes providing attendees with the ability to check the media access status of other participants.



The following tables define support for media access in Azure Communication Services.

Identities and call types

The following table shows media access support for specific call types and identities.

Identities Teams meeting Room 1:1 call Group call 1:1 Teams interop call Group Teams interop call
Communication Services user ✔️ ✔️
Microsoft 365 user ✔️ ✔️


The following table shows support for individual APIs in the Calling SDK related to individual identity types. The media access feature only supports these operations in Teams meetings.

Operations Communication Services user Microsoft 365 user Equivalent Teams UI action
Permit audio ✔️ [1] ✔️ [1] Enable mic
Forbid audio ✔️ [1] ✔️ [1] Disable mic
Permit video ✔️ [1] ✔️ [1] Enable camera
Forbid video ✔️ [1] ✔️ [1] Disable camera
Permit audio of all attendees ✔️[1] [2] ✔️[1] [2] Meeting option: Enable mic for all attendees
Forbid audio of all attendees ✔️[1] [2] ✔️ [1] [2] Meeting option: Disable mic for all attendees
Permit video of all attendees ✔️[1] [2] ✔️[1] [2] Meeting option: Enable camera for all attendees
Forbid video of all attendees ✔️[1] [2] ✔️[1] [2] Meeting option: Disable camera for all attendees
Get media access of other participants ✔️ ✔️
Get media access of Teams meeting ✔️[2] ✔️[2]
Get notification that media access changed ✔️ ✔️
Get notification that Teams meeting's media access changed ✔️[2] ✔️[2]

[1] Only user with role organizer, co-organizer, or presenter.

[2] This operation is only supported in Microsoft Teams meetings.


The following tables show support for the media access feature in individual Azure Communication Services SDKs.

Support status Web Web UI iOS iOS UI Android Android UI Windows
Is Supported ✔️

Install the SDK

Use the npm install command to install the Azure Communication Services Common and Calling SDK for JavaScript:

npm install @azure/communication-common --save
npm install @azure/communication-calling --save

Initialize required objects

A CallClient instance is required for most call operations. When you create a new CallClient instance, you can configure it with custom options like a Logger instance.

With the CallClient instance, you can create a CallAgent instance by calling the createCallAgent. This method asynchronously returns a CallAgent instance object.

The createCallAgent method uses CommunicationTokenCredential as an argument. It accepts a user access token.

You can use the getDeviceManager method on the CallClient instance to access deviceManager.

const { CallClient } = require('@azure/communication-calling');
const { AzureCommunicationTokenCredential} = require('@azure/communication-common');
const { AzureLogger, setLogLevel } = require("@azure/logger");

// Set the logger's log level

// Redirect log output to console, file, buffer, REST API, or whatever location you want
AzureLogger.log = (...args) => {
    console.log(...args); // Redirect log output to console

const userToken = '<USER_TOKEN>';
callClient = new CallClient(options);
const tokenCredential = new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential(userToken);
const callAgent = await callClient.createCallAgent(tokenCredential, {displayName: 'optional Azure Communication Services user name'});
const deviceManager = await callClient.getDeviceManager()

How to best manage SDK connectivity to Microsoft infrastructure

The Call Agent instance helps you manage calls (to join or start calls). In order to work your calling SDK needs to connect to Microsoft infrastructure to get notifications of incoming calls and coordinate other call details. Your Call Agent has two possible states:

Connected - A Call Agent connectionStatue value of Connected means the client SDK is connected and capable of receiving notifications from Microsoft infrastructure.

Disconnected - A Call Agent connectionStatue value of Disconnected states there's an issue that is preventing the SDK it from properly connecting. Call Agent should be re-created.

  • invalidToken: If a token is expired or is invalid Call Agent instance disconnects with this error.
  • connectionIssue: If there's an issue with the client connecting to Microsoft infrascture, after many retries Call Agent exposes the connectionIssue error.

You can check if your local Call Agent is connected to Microsoft infrastructure by inspecting the current value of connectionState property. During an active call you can listen to the connectionStateChanged event to determine if Call Agent changes from Connected to Disconnected state.

const connectionState = callAgentInstance.connectionState;
console.log(connectionState); // it may return either of 'Connected' | 'Disconnected'

const connectionStateCallback = (args) => {
    console.log(args); // it will return an object with oldState and newState, each of having a value of either of 'Connected' | 'Disconnected'
    // it will also return reason, either of 'invalidToken' | 'connectionIssue'
callAgentInstance.on('connectionStateChanged', connectionStateCallback);

Implement media access

MediaAccess is a feature of the class Call. You first need to import package Features from the Calling SDK:

import { Features} from "@azure/communication-calling";

Then you can get the instance of MediaAccess API from the call instance:

const mediaAccessFeature = call.feature(Features.MediaAccess);

Control access to send audio or video of individual attendees

Use the permitAudio() method to enable selected attendees to unmute. Use the permitVideo() method to enable selected attendees to turn on video. These actions don't automatically unmute or turn on video. They only enable attendees to perform these actions.

Use the forbidAudio() method to enable organizers to mute selected attendees and deny them the ability to unmute. Use the forbidVideo() method to enable organizers to turn off video for selected attendees and deny them the ability to turn on video.

// Define list of attendees
const acsUser = new CommunicationUserIdentifier('<USER_ID>');
const teamsUser = new MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifier('<USER_ID>');
const participants = [acsUser, teamsUser];

// Allow selected attendees to unmute

// Deny selected attendees to unmute

// Allow selected attendees to turn on video

// Deny selected attendees to turn on video

List media access state for all remote participants

Use the getAllOthersMediaAccess API to get information about all remote participant media access states for current call. An example of how to use the getAllOthersMediaAccess API:

let remoteParticipantsMediaAccess = mediaAccessHandFeature.getAllOthersMediaAccess()

remoteParticipantsMediaAccess.forEach((mediaAccess) => {
       console.log(`Identifier: ${mediaAccess.participant } can unmute: ${mediaAccess.isAudioPermitted } and can turn on video: ${mediaAccess.isVideoPermitted }`);  

Get notification that media access changed

Subscribe to the mediaAccessChanged events from MediaAccess API to receive array of MediaAccess instances. Use the array to see the media access state for all remote participants if they're currently enabled or denied the ability to send audio or video. By default, all participants other than the attendee role can send audio and video. The mediaAccessChanged events are triggered when a participant with an appropriate role changes media access for selected attendees or all attendees.

const mediaAccessChangedHandler = (event) => {
    console.log(`Attendees that changed media access states:`);
    event.mediaAccesses.forEach( (mediaAccess) => {
       console.log(`Identifier: ${mediaAccess.participant } can unmute: ${mediaAccess.isAudioPermitted } and can turn on video: ${mediaAccess.isVideoPermitted }`);  
mediaAccessFeature.on('mediaAccessChanged', mediaAccessChangedHandler )

Stop receiving media access events

Use the following code to stop receiving media access events.

mediaAccessFeature.off('mediaAccessChanged', mediaAccessChangedHandler)

Media Access properties

Class MediaAccess has the following properties:

Properties Description
participant Identifier of the participant whose media access changed.
isAudioPermitted Boolean value indicating whether ability to send audio is allowed for this participant.
isVideoPermitted Boolean value indicating whether ability to send video is allowed for this participant.

Control access to send audio or video for all attendees

Microsoft Teams meetings support APIs that enable organizers, co-organizers, and presenters to change the meeting options Allow mic for attendees or Allow camera for attendees. You can use those APIs to change the value of the meeting options, which enable organizers to enable or denying all attendees sending audio or video.

You can use the permitOthersAudio() method to set meeting option Allow mic for attendees to true and enable all attendees to unmute. You can also use the permitOthersVideo() method to set meeting option Allow camera for attendees to true and enable all attendees to turn on video. These actions don't automatically unmute or turn on video. They only enable attendees to perform these actions.

Use the forbidOthersAudio() method to set meeting option Allow mic for attendees to false, which organizers can use to mute all attendees and deny them the ability to unmute. You can also use the forbidOthersVideo() method to set meeting option Allow mic for attendees to false, which organizers can use to turn of video for all attendees and deny them the ability to turn on video.

Participants with appropriate roles can override methods permitOthersAudio ,permitOthersVideo, forbidOthersAudio ,forbidOthersVideo with methods forbidAudio and forbidVideo or permitAudio and permitVideo. Change of media access for all attendees triggers mediaAccessChanged event for all participants that are impacted.

// Allow all attendees to unmute

// Deny all attendees to unmute

// Allow all attendees to turn on video

// Deny all attendees to turn on video

Get Teams meeting media access setting

You can use the getMeetingMediaAccess API to get values of Allow mic for attendees or Allow camera for attendees Teams meeting options. The fact that meeting options are set to true or false don't guarantee that all attendees have permitted or forbid audio or video, because those calls can be overridden with methods forbidAudio, forbidVideo, permitAudio and permitVideo. Here's an example of how to use the getMeetingMediaAccess API:

let meetingMediaAccess = mediaAccessHandFeature.getMeetingMediaAccess()
console.log(`Teams meeting settings - Allow mic for attendees: ${meetingMediaAccess.isAudioPermitted}, Allow camera for attendees: ${meetingMediaAccess.isVideoPermitted}`);  

Get notification that meeting media access changed

You can subscribe to the meetingMediaAccessChanged events from MediaAccess API to receive a MeetingMediaAccess instance when Teams meeting options Allow mic for attendees or Allow camera for attendees are changed.

const meetingMediaAccessChangedHandler = (event) => {
    console.log(`Teams meeting settings - Allow mic for attendees: ${event.meetingMediaAccess.isAudioPermitted}, Allow camera for attendees: ${event.meetingMediaAccess.isVideoPermitted}`);  
mediaAccessFeature.on('meetingMediaAccessChanged', meetingMediaAccessChangedHandler )

Stop receiving meeting media access events

Use the following code to stop receiving meeting media access events.

mediaAccessFeature.off('meetingMediaAccessChanged', meetingMediaAccessChangedHandler)

Meeting media access properties

Class MeetingMediaAccess has the following properties:

Properties Description
isAudioPermitted Boolean value of Teams meeting option Allow mic for attendees.
isVideoPermitted Boolean value of Teams meeting option Allow camera for attendees.


Error code Subcode Result Category Reason Resolution
500 46500 UnexpectedServerError Internal error while updating the audio or video access. Gather browser console logs and contact Azure Communication Services support.
500 46501 UnexpectedClientError Couldn't initialize media access feature. Gather browser console logs and contact Azure Communication Services support.
403 46502 ExpectedError Change media access failed. User doesn't have an organizer, coorganizer, or presenter role. Ensure that the user has one of mentioned roles and try again. If the issue persists, gather browser console logs and contact Azure Communication Services support.
403 46503 UnexpectedServerError Change media access failed. Change media access can only be done in meeting or group call scenarios. Ensure that the feature is initialized only for Teams meeting or group call scenarios. You can check Capability feature to learn about the availability of the feature. If the issue persists, gather browser console logs and contact Azure Communication Services support.
403 46504 ExpectedError Change media access failed. Only able to change media access for attendees. Ensure that the method is called only for participants with role attendees. You can check the property role of class remoteParticipant to understand the role of the participant.
412 46505 ExpectedError Failed to change media access. Use media access APIs only when your instance of Call has property state set to connected.
412 46506 UnexpectedClientError Media access change failed as meeting capabilities are empty. Gather browser console logs and contact Azure Communication Services support.
412 46507 ExpectedError Azure Communication Services currently disabled this feature. Try the APIs in a couple of days.

SDK compatibility

The following table shows the minimum version of SDKs that support individual APIs.

Operations Web Web UI iOS iOS UI Android Android UI Windows
Permit audio 1.31.2,
Forbid audio 1.31.2,
Permit others audio 1.31.2,
Forbid others audio 1.31.2,
Permit video 1.31.2,
Forbid video 1.31.2,
Permit others video 1.31.2,
Forbid others video 1.31.2,

Next steps

For more information about using the media access feature, see Manage attendee audio and video permissions in Microsoft Teams meetings.