Events in Azure Health Data Services allow you to subscribe to and receive notifications of changes to health data in the FHIR® service or the DICOM® service. Events also enable you to trigger services based changes or other actions to health data, such as starting workflows, sending email, text messages, or alerts.
Configurable. Choose which FHIR and DICOM event types trigger event notifications. Use advanced features built into the Azure Event Grid service, such as filters, dead-lettering, and retry policies to tune message delivery options for events.
Extensible. Use events to send FHIR resource and DICOM image change messages to Azure Event Hubs or Azure Functions to trigger downstream automated workflows that enhance operational data, data analysis, and visibility of the incoming data capturing in near real time.
Secure. Events are built on a platform that supports protected health information (PHI) compliance with privacy, safety, and security standards. Use Azure managed identities to provide secure access from the Event Grid system topic to the events message-receiving endpoints of your choice.
Event notifications are sent only when the capability is turned on. The events capability doesn't send messages for past changes or when the capability is turned off.
FHIR® is a registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7.
DICOM® is the registered trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association for its Standards publications relating to digital communications of medical information.
2024 - Stay updated with the latest features and improvements for the FHIR, DICOM, and MedTech services in Azure Health Data Services in 2024. Read the monthly release notes and learn how to get the most out of healthcare data.
Learn how to use Azure Health Data Services to collect, transform, and analyze health data that meets privacy and compliance requirements for the healthcare industry.