Bing Spatial Data Services

The Bing™ Spatial Data Services Application Programming Interface (API) provides a Representational State Transfer (REST) interface that can geocode, store and query spatial data. This simple REST interface accomplishes tasks by setting parameters in a URL and then submitting the URL as an HTTP request. The HTTP response returns the results of the request.

With the Bing Spatial Data Services, you can:

Bing Maps Account Center (alternative): You can also manage data sources and geocode using the Bing Maps Account Center. For more information, see Creating and Managing Data Sources.

Transaction accounting is provided when you use the Bing Spatial Data Services. For more information about billable and non-billable transactions for the Bing Spatial Data Services, see Usage Transactions. There are also some use limits for this API. For more information, see Geocode and Data Source Limits

In this Section

Resource Description
Getting Started Provides information to help you get started with the Bing Spatial Data Services.
Public Data Sources Includes descriptions of public data sources that you can query.
Status Codes and Error Handling Describes the HTTP errors that can occur when you use the Bing Spatial Data Services APIs.
Geocode and Data Source Limits Defines limits on the total number of dataflow and data source jobs, such as the number of jobs that can be in process at the same time.
Get Job List Describes the API that returns a list of all dataflow and data source jobs submitted in the last 15 days.
Geocode Dataflow API Describes the API that geocodes sets of spatial data.
Data Source Management API Describes the API that creates and manages data sources.
Query API Describes the API that queries a data source. You can query for entities in a given area, along a route, or search by entity property or ID.
Geodata API Describes the API that gets one or more polygons that represent a geographical entity such as a country/region, admin division, or postal code.
Developer Resources Provides a set of helpful links and references for the developer.

See Also

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