ViewOptions Object

The following view options that can be used when loading the map or when using the setView function.

Name Type Description
bounds LocationRect The bounding rectangle of the map view. If both bounds and center are specified, bounds takes precedence over center.
center Location The location of the center of the map view. If both bounds and center are specified, bounds takes precedence over center.
centerOffset Point The amount the center is shifted in pixels. This property is ignored if center is not specified.
heading number The directional heading of the map. The heading is represented in geometric degrees with 0 or 360 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, and 270 = West.
labelOverlay LabelOverlay Indicates how the map labels are displayed.
mapTypeId MapTypeId The map type of the view.
padding number The amount of padding in pixels to be added to each side of the bounds of the map view.
pitch number The angle relative to the horizon to tilt a streetside panorama image.
zoom number The zoom level of the map view.