Address Object (Autosuggest Module)

Represents a structured address.

Name Type Description
addressLine string The street line of an address. The addressLine property is the most precise, official line for an address relative to the postal agency servicing the area specified by the locality or postalCode properties.
adminDistrict string The subdivision name within the country or region for an address. This element is also commonly treated as the first order administrative subdivision. An example is a US state, such as “Oregon”.
countryRegion string The country or region name of the address.
countryRegionISO2 string A string specifying the two-letter ISO country code.
district string The second, third, or fourth order subdivision within a country/region, dependency, or region. An example is a US county, such as “King”.
formattedAddress string A nicely formatted address string.
locality string The locality, such as the primary city, that corresponds to an address. An example is “Seattle”.
postalCode string The post code, postal code, or ZIP code of an address. An example is a US ZIP code, such as “98152”.