GeoXmlLayerOptions Object

Options used to customize how a GeoXmlLayer renders.

Name Type Description
allowKmlScreenOverlays boolean Specifies if KML ScreenOverlays should be read or ignored. Default: true
autoUpdateMapView boolean A boolean indicating if the map should automatically update the view when a data set is loaded. Default: true
captureGpxPathWaypoints boolean Specifies whether the individual waypoint data of a GPX Route or Track should be captured. If set to true, the shape will have a metadata.waypoints property that is an array of pushpins that contains the details of each waypoint along the track. Default: false
defaultStyles StylesOptions The default styles to apply to shapes that don't have a defined style in the XML.
error function(msg: string) A callback function that is triggered when an error occurs when reading an XML document.
ignoreVisibility boolean Specifies if shapes visible tags should be used to set the visible property of its equivalent Bing Maps shape. Default: true
infoboxOptions InfoboxOptions Options used to customize how the default infobox renders.
layerName string An optional name to identify the layer by.
maxNetworkLinkDepth number The maximum depth of network links in a KML file. Default: 3 Example: when set to 3 file1 links to file2 which links to file3 but won't open links in file3.
maxNetworkLinks number The maximum number of network links that a single KML file can have. Default: 10
setPushpinTitles boolean Indicates if the pushpin title should be displayed on the map if a valid title or name value exits in the shapes metadata. Default: true
suppressInfoboxes boolean A boolean indicating if infoboxes should automatically appear when shapes clicked. Default: false
visible boolean A boolean indicating if the layer is visible or not. Default: true