
Options used to customize how a Venue file is read and loaded via the VenueMapFactory.

When hosting a venue map at a custom endpoint, the venue map can be loader either using metadataLoader or metadataUrl. Therefore, only one of metadataLoader and metdataUrl should be included in VenueMapOptions.

Specifically, one should pay attention to the case where their data is hosted on a different domain where CORS is not enabled. In this case, the hosting site should create a templated webpage for hosting the data that is triggered by an additional parameter which allows for the file to be downloaded across domains. The parameter name is defined by the hosting website. The value for that parameter should be set to {callback}. See Load Venue Map Using Metadata Url with JSONP for an example of this.


Name Type Description
error function() The callback function invoked after venue map creation fails.
metadataLoader VenueMapMetadataLoader Method called to invoke loading of Venue metadata. If not specified, the data will be feteched from the value of metadataUrl.
metadataUrl string The custom url endpoint that returns a string or a function that returns a string. If the url contains the {callback} placeholder, it will be fetched as JSONP. Otherwise, it will be fetched as JSON using XHR.
showFloorSwitcher boolean If true, the floor switcher control is shown when this venue is visible. This property is false by default.
success function(venueMap: VenueMap ) The callback function invoked after a venue map is successfully created.
venueMapId string The id of the venue map.


The floor switcher is only shown if the navbar is using the square style

VenueMapMetadataLoader Method

Parameter Req? Description
venueMapId The ID of the venue to load
success The callback function invoked when the data for the venue is to be loaded
error The callback function invoked invoked when there's an error loading the data
market Country/region+language code for the current market