Microsoft Entra application proxy and Tableau

Microsoft and Tableau worked together so you can use application proxy to provide remote access for your Tableau deployment.


Enabling application proxy for Tableau

Application proxy supports the OAuth 2.0 Grant Flow, which is required for Tableau to work properly. This means that there are no longer any special steps required to enable this application, other than configuring it by following the publishing steps.

Publish your applications in Microsoft Entra

To publish Tableau, you need to publish an application in the Microsoft Entra admin center.

To publish your app:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra admin center as at least an Application Administrator.
  2. Browse to Identity > Applications > Enterprise applications.
  3. Select New application at the top of the page.
  4. Select On-premises application.
  5. Fill out the required fields with information about the new app.
    • Internal URL: This application should have an internal URL that is the Tableau URL itself. For example,
    • Pre-authentication method: Microsoft Entra ID (recommended but not required).
  6. Select Add at the top of the page. Your application is added, and the quick start menu opens.
  7. In the quick start menu, select Assign a user for testing, and add at least one user to the application. Make sure this test account has access to the on-premises application.
  8. Select Assign to save the test user assignment.
  9. (Optional) On the app management page, select Single sign-on. Choose Integrated Windows Authentication from the drop-down menu, and fill out the required fields based on your Tableau configuration. Select Save.


Your application is now ready to test. Access the external URL you used to publish Tableau, and sign in as a user assigned to both applications.

Next steps