Develop, execute, and manage Microsoft Fabric notebooks

A Microsoft Fabric notebook is a primary code item for developing Apache Spark jobs and machine learning experiments. It's a web-based interactive surface used by data scientists and data engineers to write code benefiting from rich visualizations and Markdown text. This article explains how to develop notebooks with code cell operations and run them.

Develop notebooks

Notebooks consist of cells, which are individual blocks of code or text that can be run independently or as a group.

We provide rich operations to develop notebooks:

Add a cell

There are multiple ways to add a new cell to your notebook.

  1. Hover over the space between two cells and select Code or Markdown.

  2. Use Shortcut keys in command mode. Press A to insert a cell above the current cell. Press B to insert a cell below the current cell.

Set a primary language

Fabric notebooks currently support four Apache Spark languages:

  • PySpark (Python)
  • Spark (Scala)
  • Spark SQL
  • SparkR

You can set the primary language for new added cells from the drop-down list in the top command bar.

Use multiple languages

You can use multiple languages in a notebook by specifying the language magic command at the beginning of a cell. You can also switch the cell language from the language picker. The following table lists the magic commands for switching cell languages.

Screenshot showing an example of the language magic command entered at the beginning of a cell.

Magic command Language Description
%%pyspark Python Execute a Python query against Apache Spark Context.
%%spark Scala Execute a Scala query against Apache Spark Context.
%%sql SparkSQL Execute a SparkSQL query against Apache Spark Context.
%%html Html Execute a HTML query against Apache Spark Context.
%%sparkr R Execute a R query against Apache Spark Context.

IDE-style IntelliSense

Fabric notebooks are integrated with the Monaco editor to bring IDE-style IntelliSense to the cell editor. Syntax highlight, error marker, and automatic code completions help you to quickly write code and identify issues.

The IntelliSense features are at different levels of maturity for different languages. The following table shows what Fabric supports:

Languages Syntax highlight Syntax error marker Syntax code completion Variable code completion System function code completion User function code completion Smart indent Code folding
PySpark (Python) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Spark (Scala) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SparkSQL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
SparkR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


You must have an active Apache Spark session to use IntelliSense code completion.

Code snippets

Fabric notebooks provide code snippets that help you easily write commonly used code patterns, like:

  • Reading data as an Apache Spark DataFrame
  • Drawing charts with Matplotlib

Snippets appear in Shortcut keys of IDE style IntelliSense mixed with other suggestions. The code snippet contents align with the code cell language. You can see available snippets by typing Snippet. You can also type any keyword to see a list of relevant snippets. For example, if you type read, you see the list of snippets to read data from various data sources.

Animated GIF of code snippets.

Drag and drop to insert snippets

Use drag and drop to read data from Lakehouse explorer conveniently. Multiple file types are supported here; you can operate on text files, tables, images, etc. You can either drop to an existing cell or to a new cell. The notebook generates the code snippet accordingly to preview the data.

Animated GIF of drag and drop to insert snippets.

Drag and drop to insert images

Use drag and drop to easily insert images from your browser or local computer to a markdown cell.

Animated GIF of drag and drop to insert images.

Format text cell with toolbar buttons

To complete common markdown actions, use the format buttons in the text cell toolbar.

Screenshot of the text formatting toolbar.

Undo or redo cell operations

Select Undo or Redo, or press Z or Shift+Z to revoke the most recent cell operations. You can undo or redo up to 10 of the latest historical cell operations.

Screenshot showing the undo and redo menu options.

Supported undo cell operations:

  • Insert or delete cell. You can revoke the delete operations by selecting Undo (the text content is kept along with the cell).
  • Reorder cell.
  • Toggle parameter.
  • Convert between code cell and Markdown cell.


In-cell text operations and code cell commenting operations can't be undone. You can undo or redo up to 10 of the latest historical cell operations.

Move a cell

You can drag from the empty part of a cell and drop it to the desired position.

You can also move the selected cell using Move up and Move down on the ribbon.

Screenshot showing the options for moving a cell.

Delete a cell

To delete a cell, select the delete button at the right side of the cell.

You can also use shortcut keys in command mode. Press Shift+D to delete the current cell.

Collapse a cell input

Select the More commands ellipses (...) on the cell toolbar and Hide input to collapse the current cell's input. To expand it again, select Show input when the cell is collapsed.

Collapse a cell output

Select the More commands ellipses (...) on the cell toolbar and Hide output to collapse the current cell's output. To expand it again, select Show output when the cell output is collapsed.

Cell output security

Using OneLake data access roles (preview), users can configure access to only specific folders in a lakehouse during notebook queries. Users without access to a folder or table will see an unauthorized error during query execution.


Security only applies during query execution and any notebook cells containing query results can be viewed by users that are not authorized to run queries against the data directly.

Lock or freeze a cell

The lock and freeze cell operations allow you to make cells read-only or stop code cells from being run on an individual basis.

Animated GIF of lock or freeze a cell.

Merge and split cells

You can use Merge with previous cell or Merge with next cell to merge related cells conveniently.

Selecting Split cell helps you split irrelevant statements to multiple cells. The operation splits the code according to your cursor's line position.

Screenshot showing the entry of merge split cells.

Notebook contents

Selecting Outlines or Table of Contents presents the first markdown header of any markdown cell in a sidebar window for quick navigation. The Outlines sidebar is resizable and collapsible to fit the screen in the best way possible. Select the Contents button on the notebook command bar to open or hide the sidebar.

Screenshot showing where to select the Contents option.

Markdown folding

The markdown folding option allows you to hide cells under a markdown cell that contains a heading. The markdown cell and its hidden cells are treated the same as a set of contiguous multi-selected cells when performing cell operations.

Animated GIF of markdown folding.

Find and replace

The find and replace option can help you match and locate the keywords or expression within your notebook content. You can also easily replace the target string with a new string.

Screenshot showing find and replace pane.

Run notebooks

You can run the code cells in your notebook individually or all at once. The status and progress of each cell is displayed in the notebook.

Run a cell

There are several ways to run the code in a cell.

  • Hover on the cell you want to run and select the Run cell button or press Ctrl+Enter.

  • Use Shortcut keys in command mode. Press Shift+Enter to run the current cell and select the next cell. Press Alt+Enter to run the current cell and insert a new cell.

Run all cells

Select the Run all button to run all the cells in the current notebook in sequence.

Run all cells above or below

Expand the drop-down list from Run all, then select Run cells above to run all the cells above the current in sequence. Select Run cells below to run the current cell and all the cells below the current in sequence.

Screenshot showing the Run all menu options.

Cancel all running cells

Select Cancel all to cancel the running cells or cells waiting in the queue.

Stop session

Stop session cancels the running and waiting cells and stops the current session. You can restart a brand new session by selecting the run option again.

Screenshot showing where to select Cancel all runs and stop a session.

Reference run

Reference run a Notebook

In addition to notebookutils reference run API, you can also use the %run <notebook name> magic command to reference another notebook within current notebook's context. All the variables defined in the reference notebook are available in the current notebook. The %run magic command supports nested calls but doesn't support recursive calls. You receive an exception if the statement depth is larger than five.

Example: %run Notebook1 { "parameterInt": 1, "parameterFloat": 2.5, "parameterBool": true, "parameterString": "abc" }.

Notebook reference works in both interactive mode and pipeline.


  • The %run command currently only supports reference notebooks in the same workspace with the current notebook.
  • The %run command currently only supports up to four parameter value types: int, float, bool, and string. Variable replacement operation is not supported.
  • The %run command doesn't support nested reference with a depth larger than five.

Reference run a script

The %run command also allows you to run Python or SQL files that are stored in the notebook’s built-in resources, so you can execute your source code files in notebook conveniently.

%run [-b/--builtin -c/--current] [] [variables ...]

For options:

  • -b/--builtin: This option indicates that the command will find and run the specified script file from the notebook’s built-in resources.
  • -c/--current: This option ensures that the command always uses the current notebook’s built-in resources, even if the current notebook is referenced by other notebooks.


  • To run from the built-in resources: %run -b

  • To run script_file.sql from the built-in resources: %run -b script_file.sql

  • To run from the built-in resources with specific variables: %run -b { "parameterInt": 1, "parameterFloat": 2.5, "parameterBool": true, "parameterString": "abc" }


If the command does not contain -b/--builtin, it will attempt to find and execute notebook item inside the same workspace rather than the built-in resources.

Usage example for nested run case:

  • Suppose we have two notebooks.
    • Notebook1: Contains in its built-in resources
    • Notebook2: Contains in its built-in resources
  • Let's use Notebook1 work as a root notebook with the content: %run Notebook2.
  • Then in the Notebook2 the usage instruction is:
    • To run in Notebook1(the root Notebook) the code would be: %run -b
    • To run in Notebook2(the current Notebook) the code would be: %run -b -c

Variable explorer

Fabric notebooks provide a built-in variables explorer that displays the list of the variables name, type, length, and value in the current Spark session for PySpark (Python) cells. More variables show up automatically as they're defined in the code cells. Clicking on each column header sorts the variables in the table.

To open or hide the variable explorer, select Variables on the notebook ribbon View.

Screenshot showing where to open variables.


The variable explorer only supports Python.

Cell status indicator

A step-by-step cell execution status is displayed beneath the cell to help you see its current progress. Once the cell run is complete, an execution summary with the total duration and end time appears and is stored there for future reference.

Screenshot showing an example of cell run status details.

Inline Apache Spark job indicator

The Fabric notebook is Apache Spark based. Code cells are executed on the Apache Spark cluster remotely. A Spark job progress indicator is provided with a real-time progress bar that appears to help you understand the job execution status. The number of tasks per each job or stage helps you to identify the parallel level of your Spark job. You can also drill deeper to the Spark UI of a specific job (or stage) via selecting the link on the job (or stage) name.

You can also find the Cell level real-time log next to the progress indicator, and Diagnostics can provide you with useful suggestions to help refine and debug the code.

Screenshot of details of Spark jobs progress.

In More actions, you can easily navigate to the Spark application details page and Spark web UI page.

Screenshot of details of more actions.

Secret redaction

To prevent credentials being accidentally leaked when running notebooks, Fabric notebooks support Secret redaction to replace the secret values that are displayed in cell output with [REDACTED]. Secret redaction is applicable for Python, Scala, and R.

Screenshot of secret redaction.

Magic commands in a notebook

Built-in magic commands

You can use familiar Ipython magic commands in Fabric notebooks. Review the following list of currently available magic commands.


These are the only magic commands supported in Fabric pipeline: %%pyspark, %%spark, %%csharp, %%sql, %%configure.

Available line magic commands: %lsmagic, %time, %timeit, %history, %run, %load, %alias, %alias_magic, %autoawait, %autocall, %automagic, %bookmark, %cd, %colors, %dhist, %dirs, %doctest_mode, %killbgscripts, %load_ext, %logoff, %logon, %logstart, %logstate, %logstop, %magic, %matplotlib, %page, %pastebin, %pdef, %pfile, %pinfo, %pinfo2, %popd, %pprint, %precision, %prun, %psearch, %psource, %pushd, %pwd, %pycat, %quickref, %rehashx, %reload_ext, %reset, %reset_selective, %sx, %system, %tb, %unalias, %unload_ext, %who, %who_ls, %whos, %xdel, %xmode.

Fabric notebook also supports the improved library management commands %pip and %conda. For more information about usage, see Manage Apache Spark libraries in Microsoft Fabric.

Available cell magic commands: %%time, %%timeit, %%capture, %%writefile, %%sql, %%pyspark, %%spark, %%csharp, %%configure, %%html, %%bash, %%markdown, %%perl, %%script, %%sh.

Custom magic commands

You can also build out more custom magic commands to meet your specific needs. Here's an example:

  1. Create a notebook with name "MyLakehouseModule".

    Screenshot of define a custom magic.

  2. In another notebook, reference the "MyLakehouseModule" and its magic commands. This process is how you can conveniently organize your project with notebooks that use different languages.

    Screenshot of use custom magic.

IPython Widgets

IPython Widgets are eventful Python objects that have a representation in the browser. You can use IPython Widgets as low-code controls (for example, slider or text box) in your notebook, just like the Jupyter notebook. Currently it only works in a Python context.

To use IPython Widgets

  1. Import the ipywidgets module first to use the Jupyter Widget framework.

    import ipywidgets as widgets
  2. Use the top-level display function to render a widget, or leave an expression of widget type at the last line of the code cell.

    slider = widgets.IntSlider()
  3. Run the cell. The widget displays in the output area.

    slider = widgets.IntSlider()

    Screenshot of widget displayed in the output area.

  4. Use multiple display() calls to render the same widget instance multiple times. They remain in sync with each other.

    slider = widgets.IntSlider()

    Screenshot showing multiple times of one widget.

  5. To render two widgets independent of each other, create two widget instances:

    slider1 = widgets.IntSlider()
    slider2 = widgets.IntSlider()

    Screenshot showing multiple instances of widgets.

Supported widgets

Widgets type Widgets
Numeric widgets IntSlider, FloatSlider, FloatLogSlider, IntRangeSlider, FloatRangeSlider, IntProgress, FloatProgress, BoundedIntText, BoundedFloatText, IntText, FloatText
Boolean widgets ToggleButton, Checkbox, Valid
Selection widgets Dropdown, RadioButtons, Select, SelectionSlider, SelectionRangeSlider, ToggleButtons, SelectMultiple
String widgets Text, Text area, Combobox, Password, Label, HTML, HTML Math, Image, Button
Play (animation) widgets Date picker, Color picker, Controller
Container or layout widgets Box, HBox, VBox, GridBox, Accordion, Tabs, Stacked

Known limitations

  • The following widgets aren't supported yet. The following workarounds are available:

    Functionality Workaround
    Output widget You can use print() function instead to write text into stdout.
    widgets.jslink() You can use function to link two similar widgets.
    FileUpload widget Not supported yet.
  • The Fabric global display function doesn't support displaying multiple widgets in one call (for example, display(a, b)). This behavior is different from the IPython display function.

  • If you close a notebook that contains an IPython widget, you can't see or interact with it until you execute the corresponding cell again.

  • The interact function (ipywidgets.interact) is not supported.

Integrate a notebook

Designate a parameters cell

To parameterize your notebook, select the ellipses (...) to access the More commands at the cell toolbar. Then select Toggle parameter cell to designate the cell as the parameters cell.

Screenshot showing where to select the Toggle parameter cell option.

The parameter cell is useful for integrating a notebook in a pipeline. Pipeline activity looks for the parameters cell and treats this cell as the default for the parameters passed in at execution time. The execution engine adds a new cell beneath the parameters cell with input parameters in order to overwrite the default values.

Assign parameters values from a pipeline

After you create a notebook with parameters, you can execute it from a pipeline with the Fabric notebook activity. After you add the activity to your pipeline canvas, you can set the parameters values under the Base parameters section of the Settings tab.

Screenshot showing where to assign parameters values from a pipeline.

When assigning parameter values, you can use the pipeline expression language or functions and variables.

Spark session configuration magic command

You can personalize your Spark session with the magic command %%configure. Fabric notebook supports customized vCores, Memory of the Driver and Executor, Apache Spark properties, mount points, pool, and the default lakehouse of the notebook session. They can be used in both interactive notebook and pipeline notebook activities. We recommend that you run the %%configure command at the beginning of your notebook, or you must restart the Spark session to make the settings take effect.

    // You can get a list of valid parameters to config the session from
    "driverMemory": "28g", // Recommended values: ["28g", "56g", "112g", "224g", "400g", "472g"]
    "driverCores": 4, // Recommended values: [4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 80]
    "executorMemory": "28g",
    "executorCores": 4,
    "jars": ["abfs[s]: //<file_system>@<account_name><path>/myjar.jar", "wasb[s]: //<containername>@<accountname><path>/myjar1.jar"],
        // Example of customized property, you can specify count of lines that Spark SQL returns by configuring "livy.rsc.sql.num-rows".
        "livy.rsc.sql.num-rows": "3000",
        "spark.log.level": "ALL"
    "defaultLakehouse": {  // This overwrites the default lakehouse for current session
        "name": "<lakehouse-name>",
        "id": "<(optional) lakehouse-id>",
        "workspaceId": "<(optional) workspace-id-that-contains-the-lakehouse>" // Add workspace ID if it's from another workspace
    "mountPoints": [
            "mountPoint": "/myMountPoint",
            "source": "abfs[s]://<file_system>@<account_name><path>"
            "mountPoint": "/myMountPoint1",
            "source": "abfs[s]://<file_system>@<account_name><path1>"
    "environment": {
        "id": "<environment-id>",
        "name": "<environment-name>"
    "sessionTimeoutInSeconds": 1200,
    "useStarterPool": false,  // Set to true to force using starter pool
    "useWorkspacePool": "<workspace-pool-name>"


  • We recommend that you set the same value for "DriverMemory" and "ExecutorMemory" in %%configure. The "driverCores" and "executorCores" values should also be the same.
  • The "defaultLakehouse" will overwrite your pinned lakehouse in Lakehouse explorer, but that only works in your current notebook session.
  • You can use %%configure in Fabric pipelines, but if it's not set in the first code cell, the pipeline run will fail due to cannot restart session.
  • The %%configure used in will be ignored but used in %run notebook will continue executing.
  • The standard Spark configuration properties must be used in the "conf" body. Fabric does not support first level reference for the Spark configuration properties.
  • Some special Spark properties, including "spark.driver.cores", "spark.executor.cores", "spark.driver.memory", "spark.executor.memory", and "spark.executor.instances" don't take effect in "conf" body.

Parameterized session configuration from a pipeline

Parameterized session configuration allows you to replace the value in %%configure magic with the pipeline run notebook activity parameters. When preparing %%configure code cell, you can override default values (also configurable, 4 and "2000" in the below example) with an object like this:

      "parameterName": "paramterNameInPipelineNotebookActivity",
      "defaultValue": "defaultValueIfNoParamterFromPipelineNotebookActivity"

        "parameterName": "driverCoresFromNotebookActivity", 
        "defaultValue": 4 
            "parameterName": "rows", 
            "defaultValue": "2000" 

A notebook uses the default value if you run a notebook in interactive mode directly or if the pipeline notebook activity gives no parameter that matches "activityParameterName."

During a pipeline run, you can configure pipeline notebook activity settings as follows:

Screenshot showing where to configure parameterized session.

If you want to change the session configuration, pipeline notebook activity parameters name should be same as parameterName in the notebook. In this example of running a pipeline, driverCores in %%configure are replaced by 8, and livy.rsc.sql.num-rows are replaced by 4000.


  • If a pipeline run fails because you used the %%configure magic command, find more error information by running the %%configure magic cell in the interactive mode of the notebook.
  • Notebook scheduled runs don't support parameterized session configuration.

Python logging in a notebook

You can find Python logs and set different log levels and format like the sample code shown here:

import logging

# Customize the logging format for all loggers
FORMAT = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=FORMAT)
for handler in logging.getLogger().handlers:

# Customize log level for all loggers

# Customize the log level for a specific logger
customizedLogger = logging.getLogger('customized')

# logger that use the default global log level
defaultLogger = logging.getLogger('default')
defaultLogger.debug("default debug message")"default info message")
defaultLogger.warning("default warning message")
defaultLogger.error("default error message")
defaultLogger.critical("default critical message")

# logger that use the customized log level
customizedLogger.debug("customized debug message")"customized info message")
customizedLogger.warning("customized warning message")
customizedLogger.error("customized error message")
customizedLogger.critical("customized critical message")

View the history of input commands

Fabric notebook support magic command %history to print the input command history that executed in the current session, comparing to the standard Jupyter Ipython command the %history works for multiple languages context in notebook.

%history [-n] [range [range ...]]

For options:

  • -n: Print execution number.

Where range can be:

  • N: Print code of Nth executed cell.
  • M-N: Print code from Mth to Nth executed cell.


  • Print input history from 1st to 2nd executed cell: %history -n 1-2

Shortcut keys

Similar to Jupyter Notebooks, Fabric notebooks have a modal user interface. The keyboard does different things depending on which mode the notebook cell is in. Fabric notebooks support the following two modes for a given code cell: Command mode and Edit mode.

  • A cell is in Command mode when there's no text cursor prompting you to type. When a cell is in Command mode, you can edit the notebook as a whole but not type into individual cells. Enter Command mode by pressing ESC or using the mouse to select outside of a cell's editor area.

    Screenshot of a cell in Command mode.

  • Edit mode can be indicated from a text cursor that prompting you to type in the editor area. When a cell is in Edit mode, you can type into the cell. Enter Edit mode by pressing Enter or using the mouse to select a cell's editor area.

    Screenshot of a cell in Edit mode.

Shortcut keys in command mode

Action Notebook shortcuts
Run the current cell and select below Shift+Enter
Run the current cell and insert below Alt+Enter
Run current cell Ctrl+Enter
Select cell above Up
Select cell below Down
Select previous cell K
Select next cell J
Insert cell above A
Insert cell below B
Delete selected cells Shift + D
Switch to edit mode Enter

Shortcut keys in edit mode

Using the following keystroke shortcuts, you can easily navigate and run code in Fabric notebooks when in Edit mode.

Action Notebook shortcuts
Move cursor up Up
Move cursor down Down
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Comment or Uncomment Ctrl + /
Comment: Ctrl + K + C
Uncomment: Ctrl + K + U
Delete word before Ctrl + Backspace
Delete word after Ctrl + Delete
Go to cell start Ctrl + Home
Go to cell end Ctrl + End
Go one word left Ctrl + Left
Go one word right Ctrl + Right
Select all Ctrl + A
Indent Ctrl + ]
Dedent Ctrl + [
Switch to command mode Esc

To find all shortcut keys, select View on the notebook ribbon, and then select Keybindings.