Use prebuilt Text Analytics in Fabric with REST API and SynapseML (preview)


This feature is in preview.

Text Analytics is an Azure AI services that enables you to perform text mining and text analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP) features.

This tutorial demonstrates using text analytics in Fabric with RESTful API to:

  • Detect sentiment labels at the sentence or document level.
  • Identify the language for a given text input.
  • Extract key phases from a text.
  • Identify different entities in text and categorize them into predefined classes or types.


# Get workload endpoints and access token

from import get_mlflow_env_config
import json

mlflow_env_configs = get_mlflow_env_config()
access_token = access_token = mlflow_env_configs.driver_aad_token
prebuilt_AI_base_host = mlflow_env_configs.workload_endpoint + "cognitive/textanalytics/"
print("Workload endpoint for AI service: \n" + prebuilt_AI_base_host)

service_url = prebuilt_AI_base_host + "language/:analyze-text?api-version=2022-05-01"

# Make a RESful request to AI service

post_headers = {
    "Content-Type" : "application/json",
    "Authorization" : "Bearer {}".format(access_token)

def printresponse(response):
    print(f"HTTP {response.status_code}")
    if response.status_code == 200:
            result = response.json()
            print(json.dumps(result, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))
            print(f"pasre error {response.content}")
        print(f"error message: {response.content}")

Sentiment analysis

The Sentiment Analysis feature provides a way for detecting the sentiment labels (such as "negative", "neutral" and "positive") and confidence scores at the sentence and document-level. This feature also returns confidence scores between 0 and 1 for each document and sentences within it for positive, neutral and negative sentiment. See the Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining language support for the list of enabled languages.

import requests
from pprint import pprint
import uuid

post_body = {
    "kind": "SentimentAnalysis",
    "parameters": {
        "modelVersion": "latest",
        "opinionMining": "True"
                "text": "The food and service were unacceptable. The concierge was nice, however."

post_headers["x-ms-workload-resource-moniker"] = str(uuid.uuid1())
response =, json=post_body, headers=post_headers)

# Output all information of the request process


    HTTP 200
      "kind": "SentimentAnalysisResults",
      "results": {
        "documents": [
            "id": "1",
            "sentiment": "mixed",
            "confidenceScores": {
              "positive": 0.43,
              "neutral": 0.04,
              "negative": 0.53
            "sentences": [
                "sentiment": "negative",
                "confidenceScores": {
                  "positive": 0.0,
                  "neutral": 0.01,
                  "negative": 0.99
                "offset": 0,
                "length": 40,
                "text": "The food and service were unacceptable. ",
                "targets": [
                    "sentiment": "negative",
                    "confidenceScores": {
                      "positive": 0.01,
                      "negative": 0.99
                    "offset": 4,
                    "length": 4,
                    "text": "food",
                    "relations": [
                        "relationType": "assessment",
                        "ref": "#/documents/0/sentences/0/assessments/0"
                    "sentiment": "negative",
                    "confidenceScores": {
                      "positive": 0.01,
                      "negative": 0.99
                    "offset": 13,
                    "length": 7,
                    "text": "service",
                    "relations": [
                        "relationType": "assessment",
                        "ref": "#/documents/0/sentences/0/assessments/0"
                "assessments": [
                    "sentiment": "negative",
                    "confidenceScores": {
                      "positive": 0.01,
                      "negative": 0.99
                    "offset": 26,
                    "length": 12,
                    "text": "unacceptable",
                    "isNegated": false
                "sentiment": "positive",
                "confidenceScores": {
                  "positive": 0.86,
                  "neutral": 0.08,
                  "negative": 0.07
                "offset": 40,
                "length": 32,
                "text": "The concierge was nice, however.",
                "targets": [
                    "sentiment": "positive",
                    "confidenceScores": {
                      "positive": 1.0,
                      "negative": 0.0
                    "offset": 44,
                    "length": 9,
                    "text": "concierge",
                    "relations": [
                        "relationType": "assessment",
                        "ref": "#/documents/0/sentences/1/assessments/0"
                "assessments": [
                    "sentiment": "positive",
                    "confidenceScores": {
                      "positive": 1.0,
                      "negative": 0.0
                    "offset": 58,
                    "length": 4,
                    "text": "nice",
                    "isNegated": false
            "warnings": []
        "errors": [],
        "modelVersion": "2022-11-01"

Language detector

The Language Detector evaluates text input for each document and returns language identifiers with a score that indicates the strength of the analysis. This capability is useful for content stores that collect arbitrary text, where language is unknown. See the Supported languages for language detection for the list of enabled languages.

post_body = {
    "kind": "LanguageDetection",
    "parameters": {
        "modelVersion": "latest"
                "text": "This is a document written in English."

post_headers["x-ms-workload-resource-moniker"] = str(uuid.uuid1())
response =, json=post_body, headers=post_headers)

# Output all information of the request process


    HTTP 200
      "kind": "LanguageDetectionResults",
      "results": {
        "documents": [
            "id": "1",
            "detectedLanguage": {
              "name": "English",
              "iso6391Name": "en",
              "confidenceScore": 0.99
            "warnings": []
        "errors": [],
        "modelVersion": "2022-10-01"

Key Phrase Extractor

The Key Phrase Extraction evaluates unstructured text and returns a list of key phrases. This capability is useful if you need to quickly identify the main points in a collection of documents. See the Supported languages for key phrase extraction for the list of enabled languages.

post_body = {
    "kind": "KeyPhraseExtraction",
    "parameters": {
        "modelVersion": "latest"
                "text": "Dr. Smith has a very modern medical office, and she has great staff."

post_headers["x-ms-workload-resource-moniker"] = str(uuid.uuid1())
response =, json=post_body, headers=post_headers)

# Output all information of the request process


    HTTP 200
      "kind": "KeyPhraseExtractionResults",
      "results": {
        "documents": [
            "id": "1",
            "keyPhrases": [
              "modern medical office",
              "Dr. Smith",
              "great staff"
            "warnings": []
        "errors": [],
        "modelVersion": "2022-10-01"

Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the ability to identify different entities in text and categorize them into predefined classes or types such as: person, location, event, product, and organization. See the NER language support for the list of enabled languages.

post_body = {
    "kind": "EntityRecognition",
    "parameters": {
        "modelVersion": "latest"
                "language": "en",
                "text": "I had a wonderful trip to Seattle last week."

post_headers["x-ms-workload-resource-moniker"] = str(uuid.uuid1())
response =, json=post_body, headers=post_headers)

# Output all information of the request process


    HTTP 200
      "kind": "EntityRecognitionResults",
      "results": {
        "documents": [
            "id": "1",
            "entities": [
                "text": "trip",
                "category": "Event",
                "offset": 18,
                "length": 4,
                "confidenceScore": 0.74
                "text": "Seattle",
                "category": "Location",
                "subcategory": "GPE",
                "offset": 26,
                "length": 7,
                "confidenceScore": 1.0
                "text": "last week",
                "category": "DateTime",
                "subcategory": "DateRange",
                "offset": 34,
                "length": 9,
                "confidenceScore": 0.8
            "warnings": []
        "errors": [],
        "modelVersion": "2021-06-01"

Entity linking

No steps for REST API in this section.