taskProcessingResult resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.identityGovernance

Result of a workflow task that was executed for a specific user because the workflow task was part of the lifecycle workflow for which the user fulfilled the execution conditions.

Inherits from entity.


Method Return type Description
Resume None Resumes the taskProcessingResult as part of the Azure Logic App integration.


Property Type Description
completedDateTime DateTimeOffset The date time when taskProcessingResult execution ended. Value is null if task execution is still in progress.

Supports $filter(lt, le, gt, ge, eq, ne) and $orderby.
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset The date time when the taskProcessingResult was created.

Supports $filter(lt, le, gt, ge, eq, ne) and $orderby.
failureReason String Describes why the taskProcessingResult has failed.
id String Identifier used for individually addressing a specific task processing result. Inherited from entity.

Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $orderby.
processingStatus microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.lifecycleWorkflowProcessingStatus Describes the execution status of the taskProcessingResult. The possible values are: queued, inProgress, completed, completedWithErrors, canceled, failed, unknownFutureValue.

Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $orderby.
startedDateTime DateTimeOffset The date time when taskProcessingResult execution started. Value is null if task execution has not yet started.

Supports $filter(lt, le, gt, ge, eq, ne) and $orderby.


Relationship Type Description
subject user The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra user targeted for the task execution.

Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand.
task microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.task The related workflow task

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.taskProcessingResult",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "completedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "failureReason": "String",
  "processingStatus": "String",
  "startedDateTime": "String (timestamp)"