depMacOSEnrollmentProfile resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

The DepMacOSEnrollmentProfile resource represents an Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) enrollment profile specific to macOS configuration. This type of profile must be assigned to Apple DEP serial numbers before the corresponding devices can enroll via DEP.

Inherits from depEnrollmentBaseProfile


Method Return Type Description
List depMacOSEnrollmentProfiles depMacOSEnrollmentProfile collection List properties and relationships of the depMacOSEnrollmentProfile objects.
Get depMacOSEnrollmentProfile depMacOSEnrollmentProfile Read properties and relationships of the depMacOSEnrollmentProfile object.
Create depMacOSEnrollmentProfile depMacOSEnrollmentProfile Create a new depMacOSEnrollmentProfile object.
Delete depMacOSEnrollmentProfile None Deletes a depMacOSEnrollmentProfile.
Update depMacOSEnrollmentProfile depMacOSEnrollmentProfile Update the properties of a depMacOSEnrollmentProfile object.


Property Type Description
id String The GUID for the object Inherited from enrollmentProfile
displayName String Name of the profile Inherited from enrollmentProfile
description String Description of the profile Inherited from enrollmentProfile
requiresUserAuthentication Boolean Indicates if the profile requires user authentication Inherited from enrollmentProfile
configurationEndpointUrl String Configuration endpoint url to use for Enrollment Inherited from enrollmentProfile
enableAuthenticationViaCompanyPortal Boolean Indicates to authenticate with Apple Setup Assistant instead of Company Portal. Inherited from enrollmentProfile
requireCompanyPortalOnSetupAssistantEnrolledDevices Boolean Indicates that Company Portal is required on setup assistant enrolled devices Inherited from enrollmentProfile
isDefault Boolean Indicates if this is the default profile Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
supervisedModeEnabled Boolean Supervised mode, True to enable, false otherwise. See for additional information. Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
supportDepartment String Support department information Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
isMandatory Boolean Indicates if the profile is mandatory Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
locationDisabled Boolean Indicates if Location service setup pane is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
supportPhoneNumber String Support phone number Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
profileRemovalDisabled Boolean Indicates if the profile removal option is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
restoreBlocked Boolean Indicates if Restore setup pane is blocked Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
appleIdDisabled Boolean Indicates if Apple id setup pane is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
termsAndConditionsDisabled Boolean Indicates if 'Terms and Conditions' setup pane is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
touchIdDisabled Boolean Indicates if touch id setup pane is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
applePayDisabled Boolean Indicates if Apple pay setup pane is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
siriDisabled Boolean Indicates if siri setup pane is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
diagnosticsDisabled Boolean Indicates if diagnostics setup pane is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
displayToneSetupDisabled Boolean Indicates if displaytone setup screen is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
privacyPaneDisabled Boolean Indicates if privacy screen is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
screenTimeScreenDisabled Boolean Indicates if screen timeout setup is disabled Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
deviceNameTemplate String Sets a literal or name pattern. Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
configurationWebUrl Boolean URL for setup assistant login Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
enabledSkipKeys String collection enabledSkipKeys contains all the enabled skip keys as strings Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
enrollmentTimeAzureAdGroupIds Guid collection EnrollmentTimeAzureAdGroupIds contains list of enrollment time Azure Group Ids to be associated with profile Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
waitForDeviceConfiguredConfirmation Boolean Indicates if the device will need to wait for configured confirmation Inherited from depEnrollmentBaseProfile
registrationDisabled Boolean Indicates if registration is disabled
fileVaultDisabled Boolean Indicates if file vault is disabled
iCloudDiagnosticsDisabled Boolean Indicates if iCloud Analytics screen is disabled
passCodeDisabled Boolean Indicates if Passcode setup pane is disabled
zoomDisabled Boolean Indicates if zoom setup pane is disabled
iCloudStorageDisabled Boolean Indicates if iCloud Documents and Desktop screen is disabled
chooseYourLockScreenDisabled Boolean Indicates if iCloud Documents and Desktop screen is disabled
accessibilityScreenDisabled Boolean Indicates if Accessibility screen is disabled
autoUnlockWithWatchDisabled Boolean Indicates if UnlockWithWatch screen is disabled
skipPrimarySetupAccountCreation Boolean Indicates whether Setup Assistant will skip the user interface for primary account setup
setPrimarySetupAccountAsRegularUser Boolean Indicates whether Setup Assistant will set the account as a regular user
dontAutoPopulatePrimaryAccountInfo Boolean Indicates whether Setup Assistant will auto populate the primary account information
primaryAccountFullName String Indicates what the full name for the primary account is
primaryAccountUserName String Indicates what the account name for the primary account is
enableRestrictEditing Boolean Indicates whether the user will enable blockediting
adminAccountUserName String Indicates what the user name for the admin account is
adminAccountFullName String Indicates what the full name for the admin account is
adminAccountPassword String Indicates what the password for the admin account is
hideAdminAccount Boolean Indicates whether the admin account should be hidded or not
requestRequiresNetworkTether Boolean Indicates if the device is network-tethered to run the command
autoAdvanceSetupEnabled Boolean Indicates if Setup Assistant will automatically advance through its screen



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.depMacOSEnrollmentProfile",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "displayName": "String",
  "description": "String",
  "requiresUserAuthentication": true,
  "configurationEndpointUrl": "String",
  "enableAuthenticationViaCompanyPortal": true,
  "requireCompanyPortalOnSetupAssistantEnrolledDevices": true,
  "isDefault": true,
  "supervisedModeEnabled": true,
  "supportDepartment": "String",
  "isMandatory": true,
  "locationDisabled": true,
  "supportPhoneNumber": "String",
  "profileRemovalDisabled": true,
  "restoreBlocked": true,
  "appleIdDisabled": true,
  "termsAndConditionsDisabled": true,
  "touchIdDisabled": true,
  "applePayDisabled": true,
  "siriDisabled": true,
  "diagnosticsDisabled": true,
  "displayToneSetupDisabled": true,
  "privacyPaneDisabled": true,
  "screenTimeScreenDisabled": true,
  "deviceNameTemplate": "String",
  "configurationWebUrl": true,
  "enabledSkipKeys": [
  "enrollmentTimeAzureAdGroupIds": [
  "waitForDeviceConfiguredConfirmation": true,
  "registrationDisabled": true,
  "fileVaultDisabled": true,
  "iCloudDiagnosticsDisabled": true,
  "passCodeDisabled": true,
  "zoomDisabled": true,
  "iCloudStorageDisabled": true,
  "chooseYourLockScreenDisabled": true,
  "accessibilityScreenDisabled": true,
  "autoUnlockWithWatchDisabled": true,
  "skipPrimarySetupAccountCreation": true,
  "setPrimarySetupAccountAsRegularUser": true,
  "dontAutoPopulatePrimaryAccountInfo": true,
  "primaryAccountFullName": "String",
  "primaryAccountUserName": "String",
  "enableRestrictEditing": true,
  "adminAccountUserName": "String",
  "adminAccountFullName": "String",
  "adminAccountPassword": "String",
  "hideAdminAccount": true,
  "requestRequiresNetworkTether": true,
  "autoAdvanceSetupEnabled": true