depOnboardingSetting resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
The depOnboardingSetting represents an instance of the Apple DEP service being onboarded to Intune. The onboarded service instance manages an Apple Token used to synchronize data between Apple and Intune.
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | UUID for the object |
appleIdentifier | String | The Apple ID used to obtain the current token. |
tokenExpirationDateTime | DateTimeOffset | When the token will expire. |
lastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | When the service was onboarded. |
lastSuccessfulSyncDateTime | DateTimeOffset | When the service last syned with Intune |
lastSyncTriggeredDateTime | DateTimeOffset | When Intune last requested a sync. |
shareTokenWithSchoolDataSyncService | Boolean | Whether or not the Dep token sharing is enabled with the School Data Sync service. |
lastSyncErrorCode | Int32 | Error code reported by Apple during last dep sync. |
tokenType | depTokenType | Gets or sets the Dep Token Type. Possible values are: none , dep , appleSchoolManager . |
tokenName | String | Friendly Name for Dep Token |
syncedDeviceCount | Int32 | Gets synced device count |
dataSharingConsentGranted | Boolean | Consent granted for data sharing with Apple Dep Service |
roleScopeTagIds | String collection | List of Scope Tags for this Entity instance. |
Relationship | Type | Description |
defaultIosEnrollmentProfile | depIOSEnrollmentProfile | Default iOS Enrollment Profile |
defaultMacOsEnrollmentProfile | depMacOSEnrollmentProfile | Default MacOs Enrollment Profile |
enrollmentProfiles | enrollmentProfile collection | The enrollment profiles. |
importedAppleDeviceIdentities | importedAppleDeviceIdentity collection | The imported Apple device identities. |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.depOnboardingSetting",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"appleIdentifier": "String",
"tokenExpirationDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"lastSuccessfulSyncDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"lastSyncTriggeredDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"shareTokenWithSchoolDataSyncService": true,
"lastSyncErrorCode": 1024,
"tokenType": "String",
"tokenName": "String",
"syncedDeviceCount": 1024,
"dataSharingConsentGranted": true,
"roleScopeTagIds": [